Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1956405-A-Demons-Designs-2
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #1956405
Parry is discovered while using his new shrunken toy.
(This is the continuation of Demon Designs. In the previous story Parry discovered a small helpless Knock in the gym locker room. To which he submitted to some base urges towards his fellow classmate)

"Well...this is interesting." Stryk's soft and cold voice broke through Parry's moment of bliss. Instantly his hand tightened and he thrust Knock's head into his ball sack. Parry's eyes snapped open to find Stryk standing over him, his arms crossed and a unreadable expression upon his face. The blue haired boy reached up and adjusted his glasses while Parry pressed his legs together over his erection.

Between his legs, Knock screamed. He threw everything he had into trying to make a sound. His lungs burned and his legs tried to kick. Parry's thighs pressed him so tightly though, and his scrotum seemed to absorb the sound of his cries. Parrys lips trembled as he looked up at Stryk.

"I...I..." he stammered. Stryk knelt down beside Parry, causing him to press back against the lockers behind him.

"Shhhhh." Stryk whispered. The soothing word was more command then anything else, and Parry found himself no longer attempting to explain himself. Stryk placed one hand upon Parry's shoulder, holding him in place when he leaned in to press his lips over Parry's own.

The kiss stunned Parry, and he honestly forgot about Knock between his legs. He released Knock, his hand drawing out from between his legs so he could place it on Stryk's chest. Stryk broke the kiss at that moment, and Parry was...well...confused. He opened his lips once more to speak, but a very slight shake of Stryk's head immediately silenced him.

Stryk placed some weight behind his palms, and slowly Parry slid down onto the hard tile floor. Stryk parted his legs and straddled him. Before Parry had a chance to speak a word, Stryk placed his crotch over Parrys own and began to press down. Parry gave a sharp gasp, his elbows pushed against the tile so he could lift himself up. At the same moment Stryk pushed down, effectively pinning Parry to the floor.

Once Parry had taken his hand from his crotch, Knock began to recover his breath. White lights danced before his eyes as he laid still against the hard firm cock he had just spent many minutes being masturbated against. Parry's arousal had left a slimy glaze of precum coating Knocks body, but that was hardly a concern. Knock was about to call out once more, when Parry shifted, and something very heavy pressed down upon him. The weight was far heavier then any pressure Perry had been applying, and immediately he began to squirm.

Parry could clearly feel Knocks struggles, yet Stryk seemed unaware. The larger boy pressed his crotch into Parry and began to thrust against him. "Ooooo." Parry gave a soft groan. The feeling of having Stryk on him and thrusting, coupled with Knocks struggles felt incredible!

Stryk was still smiling as Parry groaned under him. He leaned his head forwards and once more kissed him, effectively silencing the small waifish boy under him. Oh, he felt Knocks struggles certainly enough. His thrusts were very purposeful, as he kept Knock from squirming free by dragging the trapped boy's body back and forth. While Parry shuddered under him, Stryk leaned forwards and whispered something into Parrys ear.

Parry thought Stryk had said 'Give yourself to me.' That is what he had said..wasn't it? Parrys eyes fluttered as he hesitated, then whispered "Yes." If Stryk wanted to have him...oh...by gods did he want Stryk to have him! If he was asking for permission to take him then by all means yes! This was more then he could have ever hoped for! A Prince was going to...well....be his first.

With Parry answering his request, Stryk's lips parted into a wider grin. He leaned in to nuzzle Parry's neck, and the points of hidden fangs began to drop down from his upper lip. As Stryk gyrated on Parry, he pressed his fangs into the edge of his neck, and Parry stiffened under him. A sense of ecstasy flowered through Parry, seemingly paralyzing him as Stryk lightly pierced the flesh on his neck. Twin points of blood beaded up, and Stryk gently licked these away. Out of Parry's sight, Stryk inhaled gently against his neck over the minor pricks. A very faint pinkish white light seemed to filter from the prick holes. So faint...the lines of light sparkled in the brief moment they traversed the air and into Stryk's mouth. Upon taking his first sip...Stryk stopped. His lips snapped shut and formed into a frown. He ceased his gyration on Parry and Knock gave a faint groan between their legs.

Something was...off...on Parry's essence. It wasn't what Stryk had expected of the boy. Which in all actually was perhaps quiet lucky, and damning for him at the same time. Stryk shifted his hips and reached down with his hands. Effortlessly he pushed his own shorts down to his knees, then shifted off Parry to remove them completely.

Parry was still in a minor dazed state from the Sedation bite he had given him, but he was aware enough to cup himself where Knock was making a feeble effort to crawl free. Stryk lightly brushed Parry's hands away then gave Parry's shirt a tug up to reveal his bare chest. He then removed Parry's shorts and underwear with a single fluid motion. Knock tumbled free, landing with a pained whimper on Parrys thigh.

"S-stryk...hel...help..." Knock gasped as he looked up to the passive faced boy.

"Help...of course." Stryk softly spoke with a strange sort of calmness to it. Parrys face flickered with dawning fear as he struggled free of the magic wrapped about his mind.

"Stryk...I...Knock..." he struggled to speak. Stryk carefully lifted the limp Knock from Parrys thigh, then began to pet the red haired boys head.

"Shhhh." he hushed Parry. The pink haired boy looked pained at being discovered...then Absolutely mystified when Stryk took Knock and laid him face down on Parrys cock. Knock gave a wail of betrayal, until it was that Stryk placed a finger on the back of his head and forced it into the swollen head of Parry's cock.

Parry gave a soft moan, his hips rose a little off the floor. "I am not going to deny you this Parry. You found Knock first, so clearly he is yours." Stryk spoke with such a cool and soothing voice. Parry nodded his head some, while Knock sobbed at the treatment by not one but two of his fellow classmates. Stryk nudged Parry's legs open, then positioned himself between them. With his own hardened and naked cock in hand, Stryk laid it onto Knocks back and pressed him between both penises.

Parry's eyes slipped closed at the warm feeling spreading up from between his legs. Knock's hands pushed against his cock, though the coating of pre made for a slippery surface. So it merely felt like a firm stroking on the little boys part. Stryk's cock felt so hard against him.

Stryk glanced at Knock with his feeble struggles for a moment before he leaned over Parry once more. Just as before, he began to rock his hips. Only now there was no cloth between them. He could feel every small bump on Knocks little body. He could feel the heat of his crotch and Parry's mingled. He could hear the small frightened gasps from the helpless boy. And Parry? Oh! Parry moaned in a way that was simply delightful to Stryk. He leaned forwards and pressed his lips to one of Parry's nipples. Suckling upon it caused the boy under him to arch up against him.

Stryk smiled some at how easy it was to manipulate Parry into submission. It only took him a few moments of stroking him. Sucking on his nipple and grinding Knocks body between his legs, it did not surprise Stryk in the least when Parry's back arched up off the floor. He felt something warm splatter upon his lower belly, and Knock began to make small gagging sounds.

Parry's climax sent electrical surges up his spine. He could feel how little Knock was struggling now. He could feel his cum surging from his cock and falling upon his belly. Above him he heard a soft and strangely cold chuckle from Stryk. As he finished cumming, Parry went limp on the floor. His pale lavender eyes opened to see Stryk straightening his glasses on his face.

Stryk slid off Parry, and though his cock was still quiet hard, he did not attempt to engage Parry to satisfy it. Instead he casually plucked Knock's limp form from where he laid on Parry's cock. Stryk rolled Knock over in his palm and took note that while Knock was already showing signs of bruising. He was still alive and breathing...if A bit sticky. With a cold expression on his face he rubbed his thumb over Knock's face and wiped away the cum coating it.

Parry slowly sat up, his eyes were drawn to Knock immediately. His hand lifted to reach for the unmoving boy, yet Stryk held Knock out of his grasps reach. "Please. Is he...is he okay?" Parry asked with a slight tremble in his voice.

Stryk looked a bit surprised, though it passed rather quickly. He reached over to a nearby bench where a towel had been draped by one of the other boys. With a emotionless expression, he began to clean Knock off. "He is alive. As for 'okay' I should think not. He has just been transformed into a fraction of his normal size, then used without consideration of his wishes as a sexual toy." Stryk glanced up from his efforts to clean Knock off to find Parry looking away in shame.

Knock's eyes fluttered as he felt the rough surface of the towel rubbed over him. He gave a faint mewl of protest, a arm moved in a flustered movement to push the towel away. Though it hardly mattered. Stryk finished his task, then rose to his feet. It was only when Stryk placed Knock in one of the empty lockers and closed the door that Parry was able to look back up at him.

"What...what Are you doing?" He asked as he started to stand. His legs were trembling and his cum began to slide over the smooth white skin. Stryk turned towards Parry and wordlessly stepped closer to the other boy. he lowered the towel and rubbed it over Parry's stomach. The paleness of Parry's skin began to take on a faint pink flush at the unusual treatment.

"I am doing what I was sent to do. The gym teacher wanted me to see what was taking you and Knock so long. Then bring you along before you missed the rest of class." Stryk responded. He rubbed the towel between Parry's legs, cupping his crotch and gently squeezing it in a way that made Parry sway. "Now. Get dressed and finish your class." Stryk's voice was calm and emotionless, yet it carried the strength of expectation.

"But...what About Knock?" Parry asked in a soft whisper. Stryk turned to the locker he had placed the shrunken boy and with one hand opened it. Knock laid inside, curled into a small ball and trembling. Casually Stryk dropped the towel on top of Knock and spoke while peering at the little boy.

"If Knock knows what is good for him he will stay here and remain silent." Stryk spoke and Knock lifted his head up to peer out of the locker. Styke's glasses reflected the light, and Knock froze at the black eyed gaze that pierced him. Stryk closed the locker, and turned. His eyes their natural blue once more. Parry had tugged his shirt down and was in the process of pulling his shorts back in place when Stryk turned to face him.

Parry's face was still a shamed pink, and he kept his eyes averted from the princes. It was only after Stryk had pulled his own shorts back on, taking care to tuck his erection  gently in place, that Parry looked up at him. Stryk reached out to place a hand on Parry's shoulder, causing the smaller pink haired boy to squeak.  "Come on now. Back to class." Styk said firmly. Parry glanced towards the locker where Knock was hidden and slowed his step.

"But..Knock.." He whispered. Stryk arched his brow, then leaned in behind Parry to whisper softly into the smaller boy's ear.

"Go to class Parry. I will take care of Knock and bring him to you at the end of the day. Only if you are good though. Now go tell the teacher I am off looking for Knock and shall rejoin the class as soon as I find him." He whispered. Parry gave a small shiver from the way Stryk's breath tickled over his ear. Parry gave a faint nod of his head, and allowed Stryk to guide him back to the double doors.

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