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Rated: ASR · Other · Animal · #1960510
Short Flair For Writing Newsletter about werewolves.
Flair For Writing Newsletter
Editor: Megan Princess Megan Rose 22 Years
Assistant Editor: Angel Angel

Happy Halloween!

Hi! Angel and Megan here. How is everyone? I am recovering from surgery. I was on a breathing tube and sedated for five days after having extensive bowel and hernia surgery. I was in the hospital and rehab for a month. I am walking again and healing and back to work. Angel has been busy but we wanted to do a Halloween newsletter. We are going to do this one about werewolves. As a big "Twilight" and "Vampire Diaries" Fan, I can't get enough of vampires and werewolves. Are you ready? This is what I found out from Goggle.

Werewolf. A human transformed into a wolf temporary. Lycanthropy is the medieval term used for werewolves. There are also werecats, weretigers, wereleopards and werebears but werewolves are the most common.

Belief in werewolves are the early signs of cannabilism. werewolves attacked humans and were known to eat them.Wolves are the most respected hunters in Native American cultures as well as others. Vrkolaka, {transforming into a werewolf} a Greek word derived from the old Slavic word wolf pelt is now applied to a form of vampire. Vampires can turn into bats and wolves. Werewolf is a term meaning shape shifter.

A person who turns into a werewolf anytime is voluntary. Involuntary refers to those who turn into wolves when the moon is full. I love the "Twilight" werewolves. They are big beautiful wolves, not the half man, half wolves who walk like humans. As a lover of wolves, give me the "Twilight" werewolves anytime!

It was believed that saints can transform into werewolves. They didn't attack humans. Sinful women transformed into werewolves as punishment for seven years. A demon bought the wolf skin to the sinful woman and she became a wolf but was a human woman again in the daylight hours. In French literature, the werewolf was a victim of magic and considered romantic.

Many werewolves were said to be victims of witchcraft. It was also said that those afflicted with lycanthropy are pale, with dark and haggard eyes, the tongue is dry and they are very thirsty. People were attacked by wolves and thought they werewolves. Proof of this would be when a wolf was shot with an arrow, he returned to human form with the arrow in his side or wherever the arrow was shot.

It was also believed that gypsies put the werewolf curse on humans who had wronged them.

Werewolves. I first learned about them while watching "Dark Shadows" and Lon Chaney, Junior in "The Wolf Man." I like this one. The modern day version isn't very appealing. I read a lot of werewolf stories and I like good werewolves not evil ones. Why can't vampires and werewolves be friends? I think they are fighting to see who is more powerful. Fantasy and fiction. Don't you just love it? Have a safe Halloween!

We will write a Christmas Newsletter. We are going to write about angels. If you have any items to submit, e-mail Angel or myself.

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Beautiful picture of wolves.
Neat image of Edward, Bella and a wolf image by best friend Angel.
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Angel made the neat Sigs for this newsletter.
© Copyright 2013 Princess Megan Rose 22 Years (tigger at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1960510-FFWriting-Newsletter-Werewolves