Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1961663-Hell
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Gothic · #1961663
Silver awakens

My eyes started to open, my vision was very blurry. Where was I, what was I doing here?

The last thing I remembered was...nothing. I sat up a little too fast only to get a head spin and have to lie down again. Someone in a white coat came over next to me.

"How do you feel?" they said

"Um..dizzy, cold" I replied "trying to shield my eyes from the lights and his little torch"

"Stay still I need to examine you" the stranger said

He shone the torch in my eyes, checked my ears, checked my pulse, all the things any normal doctor would do that I could think of.

"Are you hungry?" he said

"No" I thought for a second "I am very thirsty though"

He taped the IV with his pen

"This will take care of that, now who are you and where are you from?"

"I don't know and I have no idea" I replied trying to remember

"That could be a problem" He said looking at the monitors I could see around the bed "Your neurological signs are all normal, in fact you are the healthiest person we have had in yet, which is very strange as you were frozen the longest"

"I was what?" I asked shocked

"You were frozen; it was a prison for bad vampires who pissed off anyone higher up the food chain than themselves, they could be frozen therefore evading some of the newer stupid laws, like not being able to kill your childe, or your sire. You could just freeze them and send them here"

"So who did I piss off?"

"We don't know, you were not filed or labelled." He said writing stuff on his chart

"So is everyone in this prison filed?"

"Yes" he said matter of faculty

"Except me?"

"I wouldn't have told you otherwise if I didn't mean it" he walked away I lifted my head to see him go over to a desk and pick a phone set.

"Jane Doe is ready to go to her cell" he put the phone down again and came over to me with two black plastic looking things. I watched as he strapped one on to each of my legs. He put his hand on my shin and looked at me.

"If you do anything stupid these bracelets will take off one ankle, if you continue then the other comes off, one you are deemed fit for the arena you will also get one around your neck, and of you decide to disobey your head will be removed and you will indeed be very dead." He turned away from me.

"Can't you do dna test or something to find out who I am?" I asked


"Well wouldn't it be better for us to know?"

"Look I've done my job, I unfroze you and made sure you were ok, I do not care if you are the queen of America or some low life from a sub-Antarctic circle, I have done my job." He said looking at his computer.

"Can you at least tell me why I was unfrozen if you don't know who I am?"

"I unfroze you because that's what my boss told me to do" he said not even looking up "You will be feed and looked after so that you can fight in the arena, if you lose you will be healed and returned, if you win you will get bonus's. If you win enough you get to go in the death fights where you win or you die, I doubt you'll get that far"

"And I am a vampire?" I asked

"All the frozen are vampires, staked and frozen till their release date, well that's how it used to be" he turned to me "Now we unfreeze whoever the boss wants and send them healthy to a cell where they will one by one go up against each other in fights till the strongest kill each other and the winner is freed."

"That doesn't sound right"

"I know but I am just the guy who defrosts your asses and accesses wither you can fight or not, you are good to go." He stood up and motioned for someone behind me

"Wait, can I get a better handle than Jane doe?"

"Not my department sorry, ask your guard he might be nice and ask someone higher up." He waved us away and the bed I was on moved backwards.

I tried sitting up and seeing who was behind me only to have a huge hand push me back down and a gruff voice said "Stay down till I tell you otherwise please"

We went through corridors that looked like a hospital, then through some huge steel doors to a corridor that looked like a prison past cells with all sorts of interesting people and animals, none of them made any noise, they all just watched as I was pushed past. The bed came to a sudden stop.

The Guard took the I.V off the hook on the bed. "When this is done I will get you another" he helped me off the bed and to another bed in my cell, he hooked the IV on a hook above my bed.

"Stay and rest" and he walked out.

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