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Rated: E · Essay · Occult · #1963575
Do kids have an innate psychic ability? is this a talent we all had and then lost?
Psychic Children

The next time you’re with a child and they tell you to watch out, you might want to listen to them. Children seemingly have an innate talent to know when a significant event is about to happen, a fact that is often overlooked due to the fact that the prophets in question are just youngsters with seemingly overactive imaginations. However, what if imagination isn’t the culprit? Many animals are credited with an uncanny ability to sense trouble before it happens, often becoming agitated and uneasy. Is it improbable to think that humans are immune to this talent? Especially when we are supposed to be the most advanced species? Children seem to be more connected and aware of a different plane or spectrum of the universe that is lost to adults. This talent, lost for whatever reason as a child matures, is sometimes seen when “psychics” garner attention for some success. Is it possible that these “psychics” are not channeling anything other than their inner child?

         The similarities in behavior between a psychic and almost any typical child are more than just pure coincidence. Walk into any house that has children in it and what will you see? Drawings everywhere, covering the fridge, walls, tables, and any other surface children can reach. Most of them might be commonplace, a house, a garden, or maybe a family portrait drawn in crayon. However, scattered throughout these innocent pictures, will be some a tad more shocking. These pictures, often portraying haunting figures or disturbing events, will cause the child to be questioned and what is always the answer, “I saw it in my dream.” These rudimentary drawings are the only way that kids know how to portray these visions they are having. Now look at any police case where a psychic was called in to help. What will you see in the records? A rudimentary sketching, something not out of place in a child’s room, of a vision that the psychic had. Perhaps the most famous example of this would be the 1975 missing boy case. Tommy Kennedy went missing in the woods and his frantic parents, along with over 100 volunteers could not find him. The police brought in psychic Phil Jordan who drew a rudimentary map that was followed and led to the discovery and safe return of the 5 year old boy. Although use of these maps and pictures drawn by psychics has been disputed, there is no disputing there choice in medium. They, like children, can only express these visions in certain ways, and making a visual picture seems to be the go to choice.

         Continuing on with the striking resemblance between psychics and children is their reliance on primal emotions and feelings. Picture the last time you were with a child that started crying for no reason, or when they told you they wanted to leave a place because it did not feel right. Children do not have an expansive vocabulary to express what they are experiencing, so they rely on how they feel. Psychic investigators do the same thing, often describing crime scenes (without knowledge of what happened at the place) as feeling off or angry. This goes to show how primal this talent is within our species, that it is so closely linked to our basic emotions. Even adults who would never claim possession of any psychic talents have experienced moments of irrational fear or uneasiness. Why is this? It’s because fear is the emotion that will most readily make us feel small and childish, thusly allowing it to be the easiest one for us to identify as adults, even after losing the other visions. It’s not a gut instinct, it is a feeling and knowledge that our bodies and mind know, when a place is just not at ease.

         Now what about déjà vu? Now what about déjà vu? No you didn’t just experience it, but what exactly does cause this creepy phenomenon? Children have been known to wake up from dreams crying, asking if the family dog is okay and insisting that it is not. Two days later, when Fido is run over, is any thought given to the fact that the child seemingly knew to be worried? Kids seem to have this talent to know when events, especially emotionally charged ones, are going to happen. This seems to be a culmination of the talents and processes already discussed in this paper, whereas children have dreams, draw pictures, or get foreboding feelings, hours, days, or even sometimes several weeks before a traumatic event happens. Is this just coincidence? How can it be? A child’s imagination is not wired to dream that the family dog has been run over, to know it as a certainty, before it has happened. Are children not using these collective senses to somehow see glimpses into the future? It is not just with significant, life altering events either. Children seem to have “lucky” guesses all the time. They know things with a certainty that is disregarded as a childlike innocence and precocious imagination. It would be absurd however to think that this talent is completely lost upon adults. Perhaps it is not the talent, but the openness to the idea of it that is lost, and must be reasoned away. Could déjà vu be nothing more than our attempt as a society to dismiss random glimpses into the future? Adults have had multiple instances of déjà vu where they recall the whole conversation, person, circumstances, and whereabouts that they just experienced, and yet they have no ideas where those experiences came from. No matter how routine your life is, the chances of absolutely repeating a whole conversation perfectly is downright impossible. To lend even more credit to this idea, many people who experience déjà vu say it feels as if they were just in a dream. As human beings, we have adapted a skill that we have slowly lost through the disillusionment of what is possible. Now we are limited to random outbursts, while our children, who are still unrevised by “reality” have free reign to enjoy and experience this extra level of perception.

         In conclusion, do not be so quick to discredit the next eerily realistic dream you have, whether it be a dream of warning or one about a conversation you have in a supermarket. Humans have had far too long, and faced such a multitude of obstacles, that the development of a sixth sense is far from improbable. Just as children know how to smile when they’re happy, cry when they’re upset, they know the realness of what they see and feel. Adults who work successfully as “psychics” have garnered some knowledge of this and portray it as a special gift that they have, where in reality it is a talent that we have all had and for the most part lost. There is no need to go around drawing everything you dream, or dodging every room that has a bad feel to it, but attention should be given and what we deem as reality should be questioned.

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