Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1964421-Thank-you-Lillian-Simons
by ruwth
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Contest Entry · #1964421
God's love shined through His servant, Lillian. I am grateful for that. :-)

November 27, 2013

Dear Lillian,

Happy 91st Birthday!

I just got off the phone with you. I love you and I am so glad you are a part of my life!

You might be wondering why I am writing this letter. Especially since you know I never write -- I always call. And what more do I have to say after just having talked with you for an hour?

I am writing to say, "Thank you!"

I am actually writing this letter for a contest on Writing.Com. Writing.Com is the writing website I've told you about.

It is November and I am participating in NanoWrimo as a Rebel. Remember, I told you I was going to try to write 50,000 words in an assortment of articles and essays this month.

Well, I only have a few more days before the end of that activity. I am behind in my word count and am struggling to write ANYTHING. Last night, I even wrote a smidgeon of fiction in an effort to try and catch up.

Well, there is a contest on Writing.Com called "The Writer's Cramp. I seldom enter it because, usually, it is asking for fiction and, usually, I don't write fiction. (You can also enter a poem but, you know me, I don't write poetry either.)

Well, last night, since I was already writing short blurbs of fiction, I decided to enter "The Writer's Cramp. Imagine my surprise when I read this:

NEW PROMPT:Write a LETTER to someone (1000 words or less - or a poem, 40 lines or less) thanking them for making a difference in your life. You can change the names to keep anonymity, but please make this a real person and a real thank you.

This contest runs daily. Entries have to be in by noon. This thank you letter to someone who has made a difference in your life must be in by noon on YOUR BIRTHDAY!

How perfect! There is NO ONE who has had as much of a positive impact on my life as YOU!

YOU taught me God loves me.

That truth has been with me for as long as I can remember. I believe you taught it to me when I was a tiny tike at the little Methodist church in Allentown. You don't remember. Neither do I.

We have talked about it. You left that church before I was even five years old. When we first talked about it, we decided I was two or three when you left. The one thing we both know is that when you left, you loved Jesus.

You came back into my life when I was twelve. My fondest memories are of your face and your smile as you led Sunday School and Vacation Bible School in singing songs -- songs that told story of a Saviour and His love.

I saw Jesus in YOU!

Thank you, Lillian, for being a faithful servant.

I love you,                    


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