Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1967566-Fantasy-Novel-Chapter-1---first-edit
by kat
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1967566
New Genre for me Trying my hand at a fantasy novel for young adult/teen readers.
“Hey Audreena,” Zelden called from across the courtyard as he jogged towards her, “Wait up.  I want to ask you something.”

“Zelden, you should be paying mind to Giselle or Atsy, they would like it.  Even Reola would welcome your advances.  I, on the other hand, am not so thrilled to see you just now.”  Audreena spoke as she walked briskly away from him.

“Audreena, those girls are nothing compared to you.”  His tone was almost pleading as he continued.  “I want you to go to GiselIe’s ball with me.  I want to marry you someday Audreena.”  At that she stopped and spun around to face him.

“Zelden, have you not heard a word I have said these past months?  I am not interested in you now.  What makes you think I would want to marry you someday?”  She spat the words at him. Her eyes were alive with anger and frustration as she went on, “I have tried to be courteous.  I have been patient; but no matter how many times I turn you down, you don’t seem to get it.  I am tired of etiquette and formalities; I can hold my tongue no longer!  I want no part of you or your future.”

“Audreena you are a wildcat.  You exhilarate me with your fire.  I want the chance to help you be a lady when you need to be and to enjoy that fiery side of you when you do not.”  His smirk sent her temper out of control. Audreena wanted to slap him so she held her hands clenched at her sides.  She could feel the heat from her hands warming her thighs as she stood motionless glaring at him.

“You are not worth the wasted words.  Leave me alone!”  With that she spun and ran for the kitchen door that was slightly ajar.  She raced inside and kicked the door shut as she fled to her chambers.  Once inside her room she leaned against the door and looked at her hands for the first time.  The light emitted from her palms warmed her face as it faded with her anger.  She was frozen in bewilderment; she had seen something like this once before, but this was not possible.  She stood in wonder staring at her hands willing the light to return; it did not.  Once she had caught her breath and her body was calm she knew deep in her soul that she had to visit Bayleen.

The forest was alive with sound as she walked down the path.  The merabird sang in the dark canopy and she wondered where the nest was.  Merabird eggs were wonderful when eaten with crumb toast, but she didn’t have time to hunt them right now.  She had to talk to Bayleen right away. 

Everyone thought Bayleen was a strange boy but Audreena had always admired him.  He had become her only friend.  As she approached the cottage she slowed her pace just a little.  She didn’t want the neighbors to think that anything was wrong.

“Audreena, what are you doing here?” Bayleen said when he answered the door.  The soft scent of the fire mixed with the remains of breakfast lingered in the air around him.

“I had to talk to you,” she replied.  “Something is wrong with me Bayleen!  My hands…”  She paused and glanced around.  He could tell she didn’t want others to hear what she had to say.

“Come in, mother is in the village.  It is just me and Billeep.”  She entered the cozy cottage and was instantly warmer.  The fire crackled softly on the hearth.

“My hands were glowing!” she said as the door shut.  Billeep toddled over and wrapped his chubby hands around her leg.  Just being here seemed to calm her inside. “I got so angry at Zelden and my hands were clenched at my side.  When I got away from him I was shaking all over and my palms were lit up.”  She gently stroked Billeep's head as she spoke and he could see she was still quivering. 

“Audreena, have you ever seen my hands like that?”  Bayleen asked with wonder.

“Yes, I know you think you hide it well but I saw.  You took your gloves off to help Billeep once and your pa came around the corner; he was angry at you.  You stiffened up and light emitted through your clenched fists.  I noticed but didn’t tell anyone.  What does it mean Bayleen?  My family does not have abilities.  I cannot, I simply cannot!”

“Audreena that is the only explanation.  When I am angry my hands glow.  If I hold my palm towards a person or an object I can throw them backwards without even touching them, or worse.”  Bayleen looked at the ground.  She knew he was ashamed of his abilities but did not understand why.  It was natural for common folk to be ablemen.  But for her world it was unheard of. 

“But how?  I thought it was passed from your parents, it can’t just appear!”  He could tell she was devastated.

“My mom can move objects with her mind but her hands don’t glow.  She can also read the thoughts of those that are close to her.  Pa could read minds also but he could do other things too.  That is why I tried so hard to stay away from him.  I can read minds, I can move things, and when I get angry my hands light up and I can push people without touching them.  It seems that my powers are stronger than either of my parents; I always thought they developed sooner because my father was always so angry at me and I had to learn to defend myself.  But, enough of all of that!”  He smiled at her.  Her fiery red hair blazed in the sun as it came through the window.  Bayleen watched her as she tried to make sense of what was happening.  Her anguish showed on her impishly beautiful face.

“Audreena, it doesn’t matter why.  You have to harness it and learn to control it or you will never be able to hide it.”  He touched her face and when she looked at him he took her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. “You will get through this.”

“Bayleen, what am I going to do?”

“You are going to start by developing a fetish for gloves!”  He laughed then and she smiled just a little as the little boy hugging her leg smiled up at her.

“Bayleen, I am afraid.  I have never known anyone but you who has any abilities.  I have no idea how to harness or control it.  I don’t even know where to begin.”

“Well we are going to begin by going shopping for a new pair of gloves that can be worn with anything!  Billeep get your boots and your cloak we need to be on our way.”  Bayleen said looking at his little brother.  Billeep toddled over to the mantle and sat down with a plop sliding his chubby feet into his soft wool lined boots.  “If your hands are covered people won’t see their brightness when you get upset.  You will feel the warmth but it won’t be noticed by others.” 

She could still feel her palms where the glare had been.  She was still afraid but Bayleen’s words helped to put a balm over her emotions.  Audreena saw Billeep struggling with his bulky cloak and went to help him.  She swooped the nearly three year old boy into her arms and looked at Bayleen.

“Let’s go find some gloves!” She said with new resolve.

The marketplace was bustling.  The shops spilled out onto the street with their wares.  People wandered aimlessly among the shops with packages carried by servants.  Audreena had brought no money but she knew most places would extend her the credit for a day or two.  The butcher shop emitted a strong odor as they passed.  The spice shop smelled strongly of the herbs they were grinding quietly on the pestle.

Bayleen loved to watch Audreena with Billeep.  He rarely talked but with her he would utter simple words, point, and gesture to things to communicate with her.  Audreena seemed to truly enjoy him and talked to him like he was a special gem.  They had been friends for a very long time and Audreena had been there since before Billeep was born.  For Billeep she had always been a part of his life.

She chose a cozy shop on the corner of the lane not too far into Tifton Village.  This shop was more crowded with wares than most but it was one of Audreena’s favorites because it had the best selection of everything.  She had shopped here often.  They entered the shop and Audreena began to browse through a selection of gloves.  It was fall and the air was cool so the need for gloves was easy to explain.

“Can I help you find something?”  Tyada, the kind shopkeeper asked.

“I am in need of a new pair of gloves, maybe two,” Audreena said as she slipped her hand into a soft woolen glove.  The Alpaca wool was silky smooth and she liked the way it felt.

“That is a nice pair but the fingers are a little short.  Try this pair.” Tyada offered handing Audreena a similar pair.  “See how they hug your hand all the way from your fingers to the wrist.  It’s almost like they were tailor made just for you.” The shop keeper beamed at her selection.  She seemed proud to have known exactly what Audreena needed.

“Well that was easy.  I love the color; the flecks of brightly colored wool mixed in gives them an air of pizazz.” Audreena paused as she admired the gloves.  Then she looked up at the shopkeeper.  “My hands have been very cold as of late, even indoors, and I was wondering if you have a nice pair of lightweight gloves that I could wear about the house?  Something neutral but not white.”

“OH I have the perfect pair for you.”  The plump shopkeeper replied as she hustled back through the door behind the counter.  Tyada emerged with a pair of tan cotton gloves trimmed in peach ruffles.  “These match the dress you bought the other day when you were in here with your mother.  The same trim was used.”  They were exquisitely made and when Audreena slipped her hands into them she noticed that they fit even better than the woolen pair. 

“I’ll take them both but I seem to have left my pocketbook at the Abby.”  Audreena noticed Billeep playing on the floor near the counter with a toy wagon set and she watched the little boy with a smile.

“It’s ok dear.  I’m sure you will be by to pay me on your next visit to the village.  Let me just make a note so we can all remember.”  Tyada took out a paper notepad and wrote Audreena’s name and the amount.  “There we go you are all set.  Anything else I can do for you?”

She looked up from the little one on the floor as she answered.

“Add this wooden wagon set onto the bill please.”  She said picking up the little boy who still held the pieces in his hands.

“Ok,” Tyada said with disapproval.  The look she gave that said she would rather not but she did it anyway.  Nobody in the village liked the quiet little boy any more than they liked his brother.  They all thought there must be something wrong with them both.  Audreena knew he was smart and she knew he was special.  Billeep had always had a special place in her heart.

“Audreena, you don’t have to do that.” Bayleen said in a quiet voice.

“I know, but his birthday is next week.  I think he just picked his birthday present.  And besides I like it.”  Audreena spun the little wheels as she admired it.  The little wagon was carved out of a single block of wood.  The wheels were separate and they really turned.  The horse was carved in such detail that it could have been mistaken for a real horse if it were life-sized.

They exited the shop and headed back down the lane to Bayleen’s cottage.  He was quieter than usual and Audreena began to wonder what was wrong.

“What’s on your mind my friend?” She asked with a nudge.  The crunch of the rocks under their feet seemed intense while she waited for him to respond.

“It amazes me that you remembered his birthday.  Actually it amazes me how you are with him.  No one shows him that kind of love except me.  Not even my mother.  I am beginning to think she did not want him.  I always thought she wanted another child but he does not make her happy.”

“Maybe she doesn’t want to be reminded of his father.  No one can be hurt over and over like that and not become a different person.  I pray often he will not return.  It’s been long enough I don’t think he will.”

“No I don’t think so either.”  He paused then stopping briefly in the lane.  Then he said in a rush of breath, “Audreena I must tell you something…  It cannot wait!  Although I had never planned to tell anyone; now I feel have to tell you.  You have to know what is possible.  Let’s stop by the abandoned caretaker’s cottage for a minute.” 

He led them down the path to the little cottage that offered shelter to those who needed to warm themselves while traveling to the village.  It was warmed by the remnants of a fire that had been left earlier in the day or possibly from the night before.  Bayleen built up the fire and set Billeep to play near the warm fire with his new toy.  He locked the front door and led Audreena to a room away from the little boy and sat on the end of a bed. 

“He will not return,” he said and then he patted the bed next to himself.  “Sit, I must tell you what happened.”  She sat next to him and watched his troubled face. “I did not want anyone to know because it would be very bad if the council found out.”  Audreena studied his face trying to figure out what he was about to tell her.  He seemed defeated and lost; something she rarely saw in him.

“You know my father was mean; even cruel sometimes.  Everyone ignored it, pretended they did not see.  I was just a little boy and I could see on their faces that they knew.  I was eleven and I did not know the possibilities.” It seemed he was rambling from one subject to another, not sure where to start. “I figured out he was using a force in his mind to hurt my mom.  I did not understand how at the time; but when he was in the room she often cried and winced as if he were hitting her.  He was nowhere near her and I was in the room so I did not understand at first where all of her bruises came from.  When I figured it out I asked her about it and she said she wasn’t feeling well and that he wasn’t doing anything.  Usually her bruises were where they could not be seen but our house is small and I would see her putting the poultices on.  One time she had a black eye; when she couldn’t hide it she stayed home and stayed inside.”

“I remember the black eye.  She said she ran into an open cupboard door.”

“She did, but not by herself. He… pushed her with his ability.  I was afraid of him and tried not to anger him; but I often did.  It’s paralyzing to live in fear like that.”  He paused and Audreena started to speak.  He held up his hand to stop her and went on.

“One day I was down by the river searching for kindling when he came into the woods.  He had been drinking mauge and he was stumbling and muttering swear words.  I had my haversack full of kindling and I was ready to head home; but when I saw him I tried to blend into a nearby tree.  I pressed my body against the tree as close as I could get but it didn’t work.  He saw me.  My haversack was bulging and it didn’t take a genius to find me.  I saw him looking at me and I froze for a second.  Then he screamed “worthless boy!” and started doing it to me.  He was punching me with his mind.  It hurt more than I expected it to.  I put up my hands to block the blows and then I got angry.  He flew against a tree and hit hard.  It was then that I noticed my hands.  They were glowing and warm.  He lay limp beneath the tree with blood coming out of his nose and his mouth.  He wasn’t moving and I wanted to see if he was breathing.  I was afraid when I reached out to check on him.  I didn’t touch him but his body flew into the raging waters of the river.  It was March and the river was flooded with the spring thaw.  I could not get him back out of the water, I tried.” He had tears flowing down his cheeks as he talked, but at that he sobbed.  “It was the first time my abilities showed themselves.  I had no control.  I think it was the fear and the anger that made it so strong.  I wanted you to know so you can avoid making the same mistake.” He watched her closely.  Sometime during the telling she had taken his hand.  She had tears on her cheeks and unshed tears brimming in her eyes when she said,

“Oh, Bayleen you did not have to keep this from me all these years.  I would have kept your secret even if I wasn’t in danger of repeating your mistake.” 

“I know but it is a terrible secret to have to keep.  I was afraid if my mother knew she would hate me like she hated him, so I never told her.  I never use it around her, but I have practiced controlling it.  It is strongest when I think about how he hurt me or when I am angry or frightened.  I can control my emotions better now which helps me control it.  And besides if I am ever found out the council will banish me and they would banish you for knowing and not telling.”

“Well we will just make sure the council never knows.  We will keep this between us.”  She looked at him and felt a closeness that she had never felt before.  His hands were warm in hers and when she glanced down she noticed that both of their ungloved hands were radiating light.  “I think strong emotions of any kind can trigger it.  I am not angry or afraid.”  She gave his hands a squeeze and smiled.

“Neither am I,” he said.  As he held her hands in his, he smiled in return.  “We must go soon.  If anyone finds us here they will talk.”

“You are right,” She said looking deeply into his eyes.  His curly brown hair was a curtain that threatened to cover his eyes.  Holding her hands in his he rose from the bed pulling her up with him.  He pulled her into his arms and held her in what was more of an embrace than a hug.  She returned the gesture.

“I don’t know what I would do without you Audreena.”

“Good thing you don’t have to find out.  I’m not going anywhere.” She took his hand in hers again and led him to the outer room.  There she gathered up Billeep and they prepared to leave.  “We will get through this together Bayleen.  I’m glad I have you in my life.  If you weren’t here I would have no one to turn to; no one I could trust.”

As they left the cottage she walked just ahead of him on the narrow foot path.  She smiled at him over her shoulder. She was carrying his baby brother like he belonged to her and Bayleen realized that he would be devastated if she ever fell in love with someone else.  Until that moment it had never occurred to him that she might.  As bad as it was for her he was glad she was developing secret abilities.  It would make it harder for her to find someone in her own world.  As the foot path opened onto the lane he moved beside her.

“Audreena, you must keep your gloves on.  It won’t stop the ability but it will dull it.  Take time every day to try to develop it.  Go into the forest and try to move downed trees, rocks, anything that is too heavy but won’t be noticed.  I could meet you in the glen by the moor near the abbey if you would like.  It would have to be after my mother gets home from the Inn but I could do it almost every day.”  She lit up and smiled at him.

“I would love that.  I just wish Billeep could come.  I love to have him around.”

“It’s too cold now.  Besides we don’t want him to see.  He may not talk much but he is smart and he listens.  He will know in time what this is but for now I must shield him from it.”  She hugged the little boy tight.

“I know I just miss him when I don’t see him often.”  She said as they approached the door to Bayleen’s cottage.  “I should go.  Your mother will be home soon.  I would rather not have her peeking into my thoughts today.”

“Yeah right, I’m just glad I learned to shield it at such a young age.  Meet me in the Glen in about an hour and a half.”

“Ok,” she said as she handed the little boy to his brother.  “I will see you soon my dear friend.” 

At that she walked away from him.  Her cloak was fluttering in the breeze and her red hair glistened loosely about her shoulders.  He had known her most of his life but he had never seen her like this before.  In just a few hours she had gone from his dearest childhood friend to the girl he could not imagine life without, the girl he could not get enough of.  The thought of her was intoxicating.

© Copyright 2013 kat (katsbooks72 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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