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by kat
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1973971
Continuing adventures of Audreena and Bayleen

Upon arrival at the council chambers the Lords made room for Gnobb, Grecia, Audreena, and Bayleen towards the front of meeting room.  Audreena quivered inside, knowing that her father would address the council terrified her.  As the meeting started Bayleen gently touched her arm to comfort her.

“Take it easy,” he whispered.  “How are your hands?  Are they warm?”

She noticed then the warmth in her hands and clasped them in her lap.  Fear filled her eyes as she looked at him silently imploring him to help her.

“Take a deep breath, Audreena,” Bayleen whispered.  She inhaled slowly, “now let it out slow and easy.”  She did as he said. 

“Now think about something that will relax your mind, something that will help you forget what is going on, if only for a moment,” Bayleen whispered.

Audreena closed her eyes and imagined Billeep playing near the fireplace in the cottage. It worked, the thrum in her hands abated, when she opened her eyes Bayleen was sitting next to her with his hand on her arm like it belonged there.  She was so glad he had come but at the same time she regretted not hiding out at home until she had figured this out.

The council began with the review of old council business.  The re-appropriation of tax revenue was discussed as an option to fund payroll for the guards at the retaining facility in Aelanu.  The leader of the council meeting was deliberate and precise with his words; leading the meeting smoothly through difficult topics.  When they reached the topic of concern to the Lords, all were listening intently.”

“It is time we discuss the most controversial topic; the scab that is constantly picked by many.  The Ablemen of this province have been abusing their advantage over those around them and it is time that this council puts a stop to it.  We have discussed this many times in the past and have come up with a plan of action.  Is there any more discussion on this topic before we vote?” Ranarap asked.  The council members remained seated and Gnobb chose this time to stand.  He stood waiting to be recognized.

“It seems we have a Lord among us who would like to address this council.  Please tell us who wishes to speak,” Ranarap, the leader of the council meeting, seemed annoyed that anyone would address the meeting room.

“I am Gnobb Idaidru Ailira of Hithem Abby.  I travel here with many others who are in agreement with the proposal I am about to present to you.” Gnobb bowed to the council Leader, “Thank you for the opportunity to be the voice of our opinions.”

“Please do tell us what it is that you would like us to hear. You have the floor.”  With a wave of his hand he was seated and Gnobb was invited to the front of the room to present.

As he stood on the podium in the center of the room with the Lords behind him and the council members before him he began, as though he had done this whole life, with a simple story.

“When I was a boy I was traveling on the road with my father and his friend.  We were going to the coast to collect salt and shells for the market.  My father and his friend wanted to catch some fish to share with me.  One night while we were enjoying a meal of grouse and tubers we two men came into our camp.  They were greasy and dirty, I remember that they smelled bad and made me uncomfortable.  We offered to share our meager meal with them but they wanted more.  One of these men grabbed me and held a knife to my throat; my father’s friend saved me.  He used abilities that we did not know he had to take the knife away from the bad man.  In fact he took away all of their knives and told them to go away.  When they did I thought he was magic.  I found out that a man I had known my whole life was an ableman because he saved my life.  I never saw him use them again and I knew him until he died.  He was a good man who did a lot as a Lord to protect those who lived in his residence.  He lived his life with honor and integrity.”  Gnobb paused and took a deep breath then he went on.  “This decree you propose does not protect men like my father’s friend.  There are many who live their lives to serve and do not use their abilities unless they are forced to.  There are some who use their abilities to help others, like a woman in Tifton Village who knits with her mind. While she is doing her daily tasks she creates beautiful things.  But, anything her mind creates she gives to the less fortunate families in the village who cannot afford warm gloves or stockings for their children.  She cannot help that her mind creates these things but she does not profit from her ability.  Does she deserve to live in a camp to help you because she was born with this?”  The council members nodded at one another.  Gnobb gave them time to think about what he had said before he continued.

“We have met as Lords and have discovered that there may be a better path.  Are the members of this council willing to hear a proposal from the Lords?  We offer choices for this council to consider, not demands for you to meet.”  Gnobb looked directly at Ranarap for approval to go on.

“I am anticipating what you may have to say,” Ranarap said with sincerity, “please continue.”

“It seems that locking all those with abilities in a facility or killing them seems most unjust to those who have served the council and their communities well.  But we all know of those few Rouge Ablemen who are ravishing the countryside taking advantage of those they come across.  Some of us today have experienced injustices from ablemen and would like to see them punished.  Even those who have not had problems with ablemen understand the importance of quelling the problem.”  Audreena felt the impatience in Kelus who was seated near her as her father slowly made his way through the proposal.  “We propose that the council appoint a policing force to enforce the council’s laws and decrees.  This policing force would have to have the authority of the council to arrest those who are not following the decrees set forth in this council.  We as Lords have been entrusted by this council to enforce the decrees and up until recently it has been enough.  But with the few corrupt Lords the problem is growing.  We propose that this policing force be given the authority to police other Lords who may be adding to the problem.  Once arrested the offending individuals would be turned over to the council to be tried and imprisoned as this council sees fit.”

“And who would pay this policing force?” Aelosu, a member of the council asked pointedly.

“That is not my place to decide sir, who would pay for the many housed in the proposed camp?” Gnobb asked wisely.  “It seems to me that a group of Lords traveling the countryside would cost far less than a camp of ablemen that you all would be responsible for.  I cannot speak for all in this room but I would be willing to be a part of this force in exchange for being forgiven some of my tax obligation.  This is something that can be decided later along with the decided punishment for offending ablemen and Lords.”

“Very well,” Aelosu said apologetically, “Please go on.”

“We also think it wise that there be some sort of education about ablemen throughout the land.  We all grow up hearing about it and we form our own opinions of ablemen.  Before I was saved by one that I respected and revered I thought all ablemen were bad people.  It has been brought to my attention that if we educate the young on the proper use and expectations of having abilities, there would be less miss use of abilities.  I feel there should be a stronger education for those known to be at risk for having abilities.  Others feel all should be educated in case there is an ancestor that is unknown causing abilities to be present generations after they are gone.  Either way education is necessary for the safety of all.”

“Is there anything else,” Ranarap asked Gnobb?

“I feel that a monthly meeting of the Lords would be beneficial.  We can accomplish more if there is a planned time for the Lords to voice concerns or report violations.  A council member at these meetings would be helpful as well.  This is just a proposed alternative to destroying the lives of so many.  The proposed testing could still take place if the council deems it necessary but we as Lords feel that the proposed actions would be more effective.  I thank the council for hearing us, and wish you haste in developing a more just decree for all.”

“We will consider what has been said tonight.  You have given us much to consider.  Thank you.” Ranarap seemed relieved to have the attention back on him.  Gnobb nodded and turned to return to his seat.  Then he turned back to face the council and said,

“One last thought I would like to leave you all with.  This man who saved my life as a boy, his grandchildren are of an age now that abilities could present themselves any day.  His children were not affected but it could happen to his grandchildren or great grandchildren.  How many times will you test those who are not suspect?  How long until a distant relative gives their abilities to an unsuspecting child.  How would you choose if it was your child or grandchild who was at risk?  Please take just a moment to ask yourselves that before deciding anything.  Thank You.”  And with that Gnobb left the pulpit at the center of the room and returned to his seat. 

The council called a recess so their members could discuss the proposal.  Audreena and Bayleen went outside to get some fresh air.  The evening was cool but not cold and the air was crisp with the scent of pine strong in the air.

“Bayleen I thought I was done for in there, thank you.” Audreena whispered as they moved away into the darkness.  She leaned into him as if for support but kept her hands buried beneath her cloak.  Everyone thought he was part of the Lordship so this closeness was not questioned by anyone.  Not even Zelden’s parents, who had visited the abbey just before her father had left for Thwarptown where they lived, knew who he was. 

“I am glad you caught it before it was too late. I have found sometimes the only way to make it stop is to use my abilities.  Let’s hope we don’t have that problem on this trip.”  He pushed her slightly with his shoulder making sure his hands remained in his pockets all the while.  “We should get back they will start again soon and we don’t want to find ourselves alone out here in the dark.”

“That is for sure,” she said with a smile as they headed back to the building looming in the darkness.  Audreena could hear others talking around the building but she could not make out most of what was said.  When they approached the doors she heard many praises for her father and was glad he was such a commanding presence.  They reached their seats just as the return of the council members was announced. 

“We have considered your proposal and we feel it is a good one.” Ranarap started once the room had become silent, “There is much to consider but we would like to ask Gnobb if he would be willing to head this policing force and lead the monthly meetings?  We all agree on that much for now.”  Gnobb stood at his seat and looked around the room at the Lords in the room.

“I would be honored if my fellow Lords agree that it should be so.”

“Is there any opposed to this arrangement?” Ranarap asked the room.  When no one spoke he continued, “Then it has been decided and agreed by this council; it shall be so.  Gnobb we would like to meet with you tomorrow to plan where to start if that can be arranged.”

“I will make arrangements,” he agreed. “I would like to ask any who is willing to volunteer to be a part of this force remain as well.  The sooner we can assemble this force lay down guidelines the sooner we can begin to resolve this issue.” 

“That is wise Gnobb,” Ranarap stated.  “We should have a representative from each residence.  If you are from one of the outer residences and do not want to be a part of the force, please stay to give input for those who might.”

At that the council was dismissed as there was nothing new to be considered at this meeting.  Audreena was never so glad to reach a bed and she was thankful that the dressing maid was there to help her into her nightclothes.  She fell asleep with thoughts of Bayleen’s hand on her arm, his curly hair rimming his eyes full of concern next to her.  Tomorrow was going to be a better day.

Gnobb was to return to the council Chambers and Grecia decided that the rest of the family had been too long away from home.  As they ate a simple breakfast, the servants packed their belongings into the caravan of carriages and wagons heading back towards Tifton Village.  Gnobb kept a small escort to help him navigate safely through the forest. The rest of the traveling party, who lived beyond Bluefish Canyon, would travel to Hiathem Abbey with them.  There was more room in the cab of the buggy with Gnobb absent, but Audreena was still near Bayleen.  The trip to the abbey was uneventful and they made it there just past the midday meal.  A runner had been sent ahead and Julibia and Zeppa had laid a feast out for the travelers.   

Audreena was glad to be home and she escaped the crowds in the dining halls by taking her food to the kitchen to eat.  Bayleen followed her through the heavy swinging door and was glad it muffled the hum of the people behind it.

“I am relieved that your father was able to persuade the council to change the proposed decree.  We will all be safe for now.” Bayleen said as he sat picking at a piece of ham.

“I am relieved as well but I feel bad for my father.  He hates being involved in matters of the council but it seems he is now obligated to be at the center of it all.  I think he fears how it will affect our lives.”  Audreena spoke softly as she played with the food on her plate.

“It cannot be worse than what could have been if the decree had passed the way the council had planned.  That would have been bad for all, but for you it would have meant disaster.”  Bayleen was sincere but Audreena knew it would mean her father would be gone more.  Her mother would be left alone to manage the matters of the abbey and the residents of the surrounding countryside would rely on her for help.  Grecia was not comfortable in the role she was about to be thrust into and Audreena knew it.

“We will be forced to get more help, I am not sure my mother can handle the demands of this place on her own.”  He was touched by the concern she showed her mother.  Bayleen did not have a close relationship with his mother but he was glad she was here, not at the inn in Tifton.  Just then the children raced in from outside.  The little one were led by Philleep who smiled from ear to ear.

“Philleep! What are you doing here?”  Audreena was delighted to see the little boy so happy.  Then she noticed what he was wearing.  “Oh my, what would your mother say?”  She surveyed his outfit; breeches that were cut for a common boy, a woolen shirt, and cap.  Then she recognized them.  They were the clothes Julibia used to put her in to keep her from ruining her good clothes.

“She would scold me about being a proper young man; but I can’t wear nice clothes for bird watching.  The branches tear at the silks and snag the woven fabric of my sashes.” Philleep said defending himself.  Audreena laughed at that, what a smart boy.

“Well I think it is time you change into something more appropriate for company before someone sees you,” she said with a smile.  “Come on I will show you the back way upstairs so you can get cleaned up.  Your parents will be here soon to fetch you home.” 

When Audreena returned to the kitchen she looked at Julibia with a smile and said, “Are you trying to encourage him to defy his parents?  You know his mother would not approve.”

“He was so unhappy Audreena.  He reminded me of you when you were very little; moping around here in your pretty dresses that you hated.  I had to lend him the proper clothes to play in.”  Julibia looked at her with a mischievous smile and began to sort out the dry goods for supper later.

“I’m just glad his parents stopped at Creston Manor to check on Giselle and her progress before they came to get Philleep.  That could have been a tough one to explain.”  She laughed and looked at Bayleen who sat quietly at the table.  “You’re awfully quiet.”

“I just don’t understand what the fuss is all about.  If he is comfortable in his clothes what’s the big deal?”  Bayleen was hesitant when he spoke.  He had spent a lot of time in the abbey with her but not much of that time were there other Lords or Lordships present.

“His mother is Sirika Takjah Jahdar.  She was as near as you can get to a princess without being one before she married Gandala.  She does not understand her child’s need to be a child.  She would be appalled that he was allowed to play with the children outside the abbey.  It would not be within her comprehension to imagine why he would be happy to be dressed as a common boy.”  Audreena laughed with Julibia at the thought of Shirika seeing her precious boy in Audreena’s forbidden childhood clothes.

“Still it makes no sense to me.  But I have never understood the need for finer things.”

“That’s ok Bayleen, neither have I?”  She began to clean up her dishes and he looked at her with wonder.  How could such a down to earth amazing girl have been raised with all of these rules and expectations?  She had the ability to fit into either world.

Zeppa came into the kitchen with empty dishes to be refilled and stopped when she saw Bayleen and Audreena together at the kitchen table.  The shock on her face was clear; the reason for it was not so clear to Audreena; at least at first.

“Zeppa you are a great hand,” Julibia said to her taking the empty dishes and replacing them with a platter of cheese to be carried out.  Then she asked, “Would you take this to the far table?” 

“Certainly,” she said as she turned and went back out the door.

“Ok, who was thinking what?  That woman looked as though she had been shot!”  Julibia knelt next to Bayleen and Audreena as she spoke quietly.

“You know?”  Bayleen asked in wonder. Then he noticed Audreena’s eyes; they were as big as saucers and her hand was over her mouth.  “Audreena what is it?”

“I was thinking about the council meeting, you know…at the beginning when you helped me not be so afraid…… I forgot she was here!”  Audreena felt like she had been punched in the gut.  Her whole body thrummed with emotion.  So much for her secret!

“Oh,” Bayleen said exhaling his breath. “Oh, my.  I guess I will be explaining later!” 

Julibia looked lost.  She looked back and forth from one to another.

“Someone had better explain this to me!”

“Not yet, Julibia.  I am not ready to explain just yet.” Audreena got up and went to the back stairwell.  She needed to be alone.  Bayleen followed her and stopped her.

“Audreena we need to go to the waterfall; right now.”  He took her arm and led her out the door.  She had not changed out of her traveling clothes and her cloak was on her arm.  He helped her put it on.

Audreena felt like she was in a fog as Bayleen led her to the clearing and then into the forest to the little waterfall.  He helped her to sit on the boulder near the water and he held her head to his chest.

“Audreena you need to stay with me,” Bayleen said calmly.  The forest spun around her as she braced herself between the rock and Bayleen.

Bayleen knew by the look on her face that Audreena was going to be taken by the waves of the universe as they gave her even more to deal with.  The stress from the last few days coupled with his mother’s reading of her thoughts must have set it in motion.  He knew if this happened in the abbey that the presence of Audreena’s abilities would never be able to be concealed.  He held her, soothing her with his thoughts as she endured the waves that racked her body.  Tears rolled down his cheeks as he held her.  This meant that her abilities would be strong; she would eventually have to master all abilities. 

Audreena held onto Bayleen as the waves took her to another dimension.  Her mind went cloudy then cleared to see the Pegasus of the vast Blue Mountains, and the Unicorns from the depths of the great forest.  Next she was wisped through the province to the sage flats where the desert gnomes greeted her spirit.  The fairies were waiting in the shadows of her mind as her spirit drifted over the great forest and through the waterfalls of Astoria.  When her mind started to clear she was not sure what had just happened to her.  Bayleen knew that she would be confused and tired.  She would want to sleep but if sleep claimed her she would not wake for a full day at least.

“Audreena, think about Billeep,” he took her hand as he talked and dipped it in the water. Her eyes focused for a moment and he called to her again, “Audreena you have to come back to me!” 

His face was wet with the tears he cried as he tried to reach her through the fog.  He kissed her cheeks and forehead and said her name over and over.  He was afraid that the waves that consumed her would claim her forever. He had seen this before many times.  It had happened to him, relatives, and friends; but he had never seen it so strong.  He had met a woman once that was lost in the realm of the mystic.  He had been told that once she gained her abilities she had never made it back from her journey.  When Bayleen had been consumed by the mystic the only thing that had drawn him out of the fog was Billeep’s tiny hands touching his face.  Bayleen held Audreena’s face in his hands and talked to her. “Do you remember how to find the Merabird nests Audreena, and climbing the tree near the edge of the dark forest; the one that you can see all the way to Tifton Village when you climb all the way to the top?  You have to come back to me so we can travel the dark forest and the vast Blue Mountains!”  He was nearly sobbing now.  He had not expected her to be swept into this mystic place with no hope of return.  Bayleen heard a rustle in the brush nearby and he peered into the bushes nearby.  He saw the shadow of a boy and he realized that Philleep had followed them into the forest.

“Philleep, I see you, come here.  I am not mad, I need your help.” The little boy came out from behind the bush to reveal that he had not gone and changed like he had been told to do.  “Run back to the abbey and get Julibia; run fast, and tell her to bring Billeep.  Hurry, tell her it is an emergency!”  Philleep looked at Bayleen in confusion and did not move. “Go boy! Go now, Audreena needs help right now.  Tell no one but Julibia!”

And at that Philleep spun and ran through the forest.  Bayleen talked to Audreena about their adventures, he talked to her about the future.  When Julibia arrived with Philleep leading the way and Billeep in her arms, Bayleen noticed that his mother was with her.  He silently moaned inside himself; there was no way to hide this from her now.  He did not want his mother to know that Audreena had abilities.

“What is going on,” Julibia demanded, “Philleep said that Audreena has become ill.”

“That’s because he has never seen one taken by the mystic before.” Bayleen said as he held Audreena’s face in his hands and looked imploringly at Julibia.

“OH, oh my! No not Audreena!”  Julibia scrambled over to where Audreena was leaning against the rock like a rag doll, being supported by Bayleen.

“I saw it coming on at the house after my mother read her mind.  I thought I could bring her out of it but I could not.”  Bayleen looked at Julibia and knew that she had abilities too.  She knew how dangerous this was.  Audreena should have been able to be brought back by now and Bayleen wept in fear that all was lost. “When I was taken by the mystic, Billeep is what brought me back.  I thought maybe since she loved him so he could do the same for her.”

The question in his eyes broke Julibia’s heart.  She had known he loved her for a long time now.  But this match was not acceptable so she let them pretend to be just friends.

“It’s worth a try,” Julibia said and she set the small boy near Audreena.  Bayleen could hold her up no longer and she slipped to the cold ground.  Billeep walked up to her and touched her face.  He stroked gently.

“Audry,” he said the word he used in place of her name.  Her eyes seemed to see him, but only for a moment and then they closed.  He touched her face again, “Audry, come back.”

Bayleen had never heard his brother speak so many words at once and stood in awe.  Audreena’s eyes opened and she reached up for Billeep.  Her eyes seemed to focus on his face and she tried to sit up.  Then just as quickly she slipped into the mystic again.  Bayleen looked at Julibia and started to move towards Audreena again.

“Stop, Bayleen.  She is finding her way to him slowly.  Let her.”  Julibia, Zeppa and Bayleen stood watching, waiting for her to return again.  Philleep stood in horror behind them, forgotten and confused.  Billeep touched her face again and then picked up her limp hand he stroked her hand with one small hand and then touched her face with the other.

“Audry, don’t weave me,” the little boy implored.  Audreena responded again.  She squeezed his hand and looked into his eyes.  This time the focus in her eyes remained longer and she uttered his name.

“Billeep,” it came as a whisper.  She started to drift away and Billeep ran his tiny fingers through her hair.  She looked at him again.  This time she sat up and began to look around.  When she looked up at Bayleen she was suddenly aware of the forest around her.  The Merabird's called in the distance and the Mocking jay returned in a lilted version of their song.

Everyone waited patiently for her to slip again, but she did not.  Bayleen sat next to her on the cold ground.  The rock was hard against his back and his face was wet with tears.  He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to him.  Billeep crawled into her lap and she held him.

“What is going on? I was just in the stairwell feeling dizzy and now you all are here in the forest with me.” Audreena remembered the fog, the images that had entered her mind but she thought she must have fallen asleep and dreamed them.  Julibia and Zeppa looked at each other, they both knew she needed to know, but Philleep was here and he did not.

“You were taken by the mystic.” It was Zeppa who spoke.  Philleep was in shock and he finally spoke up.

“Are you all crazy, she was having seizures? I saw her,” he almost screamed as he spoke.  His voice was quaking and his body quivering as he shouted, “she needs a doctor.”

“Philleep, she is ok.” Julibia took the boy by the shoulders and looked at him. “Miss Audreena is a special girl.  Please do not tell anyone that she is ill, she is fine.  I promise.”  She pulled the boy to her for a hug knowing that this must have been frightening for him.

“We have to tell them, all of them.” Zeppa said to Julibia.  “We should do it now before more happens.”

“Zeppa, it is not right.  Philleep is innocent.  He does not need to be involved in this.” Julibia held the little boy close and he pushed away from her.

“I do need to know what this is about!  She should not be here with you.  Someone should fetch her mother!” The young boy was sure that they meant to keep this a secret and he did not understand how that would be a good thing.

“Philleep, stop!” It was Julibia who reached out and gently took him by the arm. “If you tell anyone they would be filled with worry.  Please let us get her through this and I will tell her parents when it is time.”

The worry in his eyes said he just wanted her to be alright. And Julibia let go of his arm.

“Get me through what?” Audreena asked confused.  She tried to stand but found that she was so weak that she could not get up.  “Would somebody please explain to me what is going on?”

“Philleep come over here by Audreena please,” Zeppa said.  She looked at each of them and took a deep breath and then went on. “There is more to the ablemen than any of you know.  Philleep I am sorry that you have become a part of this; you were not supposed to know.  Ablemen are connected to the mystic, a place beyond any of our comprehension.  Mystic ablemen can see things that are far away; they go places in spirit and report what is happening from across the country.  Not everyone with abilities can do this and those who can are special and have to be strong.  If you are taken by the mystic like Audreena was, there is a chance you won’t come back.  Your spirit has to fight the forces that are whisking you about to come back to the now.  Once you have been taken it will happen again and again until you learn to control it.  The mystic forces want the ableman to know or see something that they did not know before.  Only you, Audreena, will be able to figure that out.  Bayleen, you said this happened to you?  How long ago?”

“Last year in the summer.  Billeep and I were gathering berries and merabird eggs to sell at the market and I was overcome in the meadow.  I don’t know how long I was out, but the sun had moved in the sky and I was sunburned where my face was exposed to the sun.”  He looked away not wanting to tell his mother this but knowing he had no choice, she would search until she found the answer.

“Has it happened since?” Zeppa asked in wonder.

“Only in my dreams,” I have never fallen to the mystic while I was alert and awake.

“You both are strong mystic seekers.  You will be powerful forces someday, but if you are discovered before you are able to develop your abilities the mystic synod will find and destroy you. There have been many before you who have gone down this road and failed.  It has been said that the synod will be destroyed by a mystic seeker who is strong enough to fight all that they send to destroy them.  People of the other world, like Philleep, do not know the synod exists; they are oblivious to the fight going on under their noses.  The council knows about it and pretends it does not exist.” Zeppa was firm when she spoke and seemed to be sure of what she said.

“Your mother’s brother was a mystic seeker,” Julibia said with sadness. “The mystic council sent a sphinx to destroy him.  He was not ready and had no one to guide him.  I discovered too late who it was I was trying to protect. My job has been to find the mystic seekers and protect them since I was a young girl.  My powers are strong and I felt him near, but he was a Lord’s child, I did not suspect him of being the one I was in search of.  By the time I figured it out he had been killed.  I told a story of a forest cat attacking him I did not mention that the beautiful maid he had been courting was the creature who destroyed him.”

“You saw my uncle being killed?”  Audreena asked in wonder.

“I came upon them when he was being attacked.  He died in my arms.  I was lucky she fled into the forest when he took his last breath.  She could have killed me and will come for you if she discovers you are here. If you meet a beautiful girl named Ashral, be kind but don’t let her too close.” Julibia continued. “She said another would come from this line, I always knew it would be you.”

Julibia brushed Audreena’s hair from her face and looked at her tenderly.  She had been waiting for this to happen but she never dreamed it would be like this.  She was glad Zeppa had come to the house to stay; it had given her another to talk to about her lifelong search.  She had started to think that the Sphinx was mistaken and that she was here to protect Bayleen; part of her wished it was so.

“Ashral is more of a threat to Bayleen than to Audreena,” Zeppa said to Julibia, “She has the power to bewitch a young man; Audreena will have more power to resist her.” 

Audreena was overwhelmed.  She had no idea that Julibia had abilities let alone that she was powerful. She shifted and found that she was stronger than before.  Bayleen still had his arm around her and she looked up at him in amazement.  She had always had more in common with these people around her than her family.  But, she had not known about her uncle.

“I fear this boy, who is so like you, might be on the same path.” Julibia pointed to Philleep as she spoke, “You have always been drawn to this forest.  It called to you at a young age. The mythical creatures that are deep within the forest draw your sprit to them.  Merabird eggs cannot be found by a common person.  You did not know that, they are a magical being and can hide their nests with magic from most.  But you were a natural at it, as was Bayleen.  That told me you would have abilities someday.  I was not sure if it would be you or your child who would be the mystic seeker.  I was afraid to tell you because I worried it would frighten you.  I am sorry.”

“Well you have frightened me.  I never knew that this was so big.  I have always known about abilities, and ablemen, but I never suspected that there was something seeking to destroy them.  I have heard of Unicorns and Pegasus but I saw them today where they live.  When I was in the fog I saw more than I ever could have dreamed.  Are you telling me it is real, that my spirit left me and went to those places?  I thought I was just dreaming those things, conjuring up the images from the childhood stories I had heard.”

“You saw a Pegasus?” Philleep said in wonder.

“They are real and if they drew you to them you will meet them someday.  We will help you both navigate this world of the mythic.”  Julibia looked at Zeppa and she nodded.  “I am sure that you are exhausted; but can you walk yet?”

“I don’t know, “Audreena said.  She shifted and was able to get onto her feet just a little. She was unsteady and dizzy but she did not fall. She looked at Julibia, “I can try, maybe with Bayleen’s help.”

Bayleen took her around the waist and Philleep moved to support her on the other side.

“You need to rest so you will be ready when the mystic tries again to take you into its mist.  Let’s get you back to the house.  We can talk on the way.” Julibia paused then looked at Philleep who had moved to help Audreena. “Young master I need you to not share this information with anyone!  I let you hear what is going on in hopes that you would understand the importance of your silence.  The more people who know Audreena and Bayleen are special, the more chance the mystic will know who they are.  You see, they can draw you in with their magic, but they cannot tell which souls they are drawing until they send a messenger to find them.  The messenger can sense the ableman but cannot always identify which soul it is that they feel.  You two must never be alone.”

Philleep seemed calm on the walk back to the abbey.  All of the panic he seemed to feel left with the explanation from Julibia.  In just a few days he had come to trust her as Audreena did. 

“I just don’t understand how this could exist and remain such a secret.  It does not seem possible.” Audreena spoke softly as she walked down the path supported by Bayleen and Philleep.

“It is not a secret to all Audreena,” Bayleen said gently, “I have known most of my life.  Like anyone with abilities I knew the secret needed to be protected to keep the mystic seekers safe.  I did not know what it meant to be a mystic seeker, or that I was one though.”

“I wish you had told me about your journey,” Zeppa said sadly, “I would have helped you.”

“I was afraid you would hate me like you hated my father,” Bayleen said to his mother.  “I didn’t want to remind you of what a horrible life we once had because of his abilities, so I tried to hide them from you.  I did not get swept into the mystic for several years after my abilities started to present themselves.”

“I did not hate your father; I hated what he did with his abilities.  It wasn’t always like that.  Once he found the Mauge he turned into a different man.”  Zeppa looked at Julibia and saw the question in her eyes.  “My husband used to hurt me with his abilities, he did not want me to have another child that he would have to provide for so for many years he would hurt me anytime he thought I might be carrying a child until I would lose the baby.  Then he started doing it all the time, I think he liked to hurt me in the end.  I am glad he disappeared.”

Audreena and Bayleen exchanged glances; she saw the shadow of the secret pass behind his eyes.  Julibia sucked in her breath and shook her head as they walked.  Billeep laid his head on his mother’s shoulders and rubbed her back as though he knew that the telling of it hurt her.  He had never met his father.  The man had died before his mother knew she carried him.  Audreena was glad Bayleen had made the mistake that had killed his father.  She could not imagine the world without little Billeep in it.

“I am sorry; I did not know life was once so hard for you.” Julibia had lost her husband long ago; at least that is what everyone believed.  The two women seemed to have a lot in common.

“Julibia, why do you hide your abilities?  I did not know you had any or I may have come to you.” Audreena said honestly. 

“Because if the sphinx came searching for me I did not want her to be able to identify me.  When your uncle was a young man I was posing as a Lady to court him.  That is the course the fairies said I should take.  When he chose her I changed my story and applied to be a cook in the kitchen because I knew the soul I was seeking was in this house.  I thought I was looking for a commoner.  I expected it to be one of the staff and I thought my chances of discovering them were greater if I was one of them.  When your uncle was killed I figured I was safer if I remained a common cook with no special abilities.  It has worked up till now.”  She smiled at Audreena then added.  “You are going to pretend to be worn out from your travels and claim to need rest.  It is a truth, if not the whole truth.  You will be believed tonight.  Now how to keep the rest of you close?”

“My mother will need more help now that my father is caught up in this business of the council,” Audreena offered. “Maybe Zeppa could move to the cottage behind the abbey since Aluora does not want to live away from you and work full time at the abbey.”

“That is a good thought Audreena.  Your mother raised a smart girl.  I will go to her and make the request if you are agreeable Zeppa.”  Zeppa paused and looked at Bayleen.

“What do you say?  It would mean renting out the cottage.”  Bayleen looked at his mother then at Audreena.

“I am agreeable,” he said not wanting to seem too eager.  Inside he was rejoicing.  “I think Audreena needs us close and if that is what it takes I am all for it.”

“Ok then,” Julibia said as they reached the kitchen door to the abbey.  She turned to Philleep, “you must go change and get cleaned up right away.  Your mother will be here any minute.  I have enough to deal with without an angry socialite to soothe.  I know you like the clothes and you have had fun, but if you don’t listen and go back without a fuss I won’t be able to convince your mother to let you come again.”

“You will have me back again?”  Philleep beamed at the thought of returning to The Abbey.

“Yes, sir, you might have to help us fight evil forces.  Now go change young man!”

“Yes ma’am,” he said and with that he took the back stairs two at a time to change.

“Bayleen help us get her upstairs, then go check on the guests.  We have to help her prepare for rest.” Julibia was a commanding presence and seemed to know exactly what needed to happen.

“You should check in while Bayleen helps me get her upstairs,” Zeppa said to her new found friend. Your presence will be missed.  If you show your face they will be less likely to wonder what happened to you.  The platters are probably nearly empty now.”

“Good point Zeppa.  I will go; you get her settled and I will join you soon.”  Julibia left them in the landing taking young Billeep and finding the kitchen maid who helped with Juliana to look after him.

“Bayleen we have to get her up these stairs and she is going to tire easily.  Are you ready?”  Zeppa was prepared to help support her weight.

“I am already tired, I don’t know if I can stay on my legs much longer.” Audreena admitted.

“I will carry you then,” Bayleen said as he lifted her into his arms and started up the stairs.  “Wait to fall asleep.  They need to prepare you for what will come with rest.”

At the top of the stairs he put her down again and his mother helped support her to the rear door to her chamber used by the dressing maids who came and went from her room.  He knew it was not proper for him to be in her chamber but his mother was here and could vouch for him if they were discovered.  They helped Audreena to the edge of the bed and Bayleen took her cloak and hung it on the hook near her wardrobe.  When he turned to go back to her he froze, she seemed to be being taken again, her look was blank and she seemed to be staring at nothing.

“Audreena,” he said as he rushed to her side.  He was relieved that she raised her head to look at him. He looked at his mother with worry, “She looks as if she has been drugged.”

“In a sense she has,” his mother replied trying to ease his mind.  The taking has made her adrenaline run wild, she has been made to release thousands of endorphins into her system that it did not need.  Her body is spent as though she has not slept for many days and then ran a marathon at top speed.  She will be ok now, as long as she is not left alone.”

Julibia came in then and gave Bayleen instructions in the running of the kitchen.  The maids there were told what to do but she wanted him to know in case she was gone for a while. 

“I was so afraid that she was gone, that she would not come back,” Bayleen told Julibia as he looked at Audreena struggling to stay awake.  “I don’t know what I would do if she was considered mad or worse yet died from it.”

“That is past now,” Julibia assured him, “Now go tend to the kitchen staff and leave us to this.  We have to prepare her before it is too late.”

“Ok,” he replied and he turned to leave the chamber.  He glanced back over his shoulder as he reached for the door.  His heart ached with worry for her but he left Audreena in the care of his mother and Julibia.

“Audreena, you have to focus on me! Look at me girl,” Julibia took Audreena’s cheeks in her hands.  Audreena’s eyes focused on the woman she had known her whole life.  “You will travel while you sleep.  When you wake you must write everything you remember.  It will matter someday.  You will wake but feel immediately tired again.  That is normal; the traveling takes a lot out of you.  When you wake with no knowledge of where you went you need to see a reader.  It means someone is blocking the images you saw.  Audreena, you have to try to stay awake for at least an hour each time.  You have to fight to stay in this world!” 

“I don’t want to be anywhere else Julibia,” Audreena almost slurred her words with fatigue.

“I know my dear,” Julibia hugged the slight girl and then added, “But you may find it easier to stay there than to fight your way back to here.  This is going to be the hardest thing you have ever gone through.  I need you to do this Audreena.”

Julibia and Zeppa helped her to lay back and covered her up. 

“Rest now,” Zeppa said, “I will be here when you wake. Julibia you should get back to the kitchen, let the lady know that her daughter is ill when the guests leave; and make sure that boy has properly changed and not run off into the forest again.  I don’t see why he was sent to us instead of staying with his sister.”

“I for one am glad that he was sent.  Bayleen would have been all alone if he was not here.  He is connected to her, I don’t know why or how but he is.  You should try not to be so down on those around you my friend.  He is a good boy.”

“I am sorry; I will try to hold my tongue.”  She turned and brushed Audreena’s hair out of her face as Julibia exited the room and headed for the kitchen.

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