Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1979156-bye-bye-2
by chloee
Rated: 18+ · Letter/Memo · Death · #1979156

Dear Asher

Hi ugly . Im so sorry for being a bitch to u ... i didnt mean it cause you dont understand how much i loved you... how much i do and always will love you.. youre my ugly sister*Heart* no one can replace you, you have elped me through so much shit and it sucks that you moved cos ily and imy already... we had some fudged up but good times together and ill never forget them.. i hope u wont either.. please dont cut over this ugly.. or do anything bad to yourself.. none of this was your fault.. and you know... i guess im not as strong as i came out to be.. im dead now . well not DEAD. but dying. i took a bunch of my pills. you have fun in your new high school with new people with ugly noses . when u think about me dont cry... smile.. ecause i had a good life... with you and with everyone else, you have changed me in so many ways good and bad and thank you for always being there.. now if u ever wanna talk to me... talk to me while im partying in hell ok? i dont know if youre gonna cut over this but just promise me you wont okay? im so worried about you right now... what youre thinking as you read this exact sentence im typing right now.. maybe youre thinking its one of my stupid sick jokes but oh no.. not this time ... its all real this time,, im always gonna remember you as my sister .. no matter what , even if you do replace me with someone else. thats ok if u do though i understand. no one wants to be friends with a dead girl . anyways im getting even more dizzy so bye ugly *Heart*3 ily so muvh ok


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1979156-bye-bye-2