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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1988129
When all hope seems to be lost, a Truth Bringer is born...
           The Rahvish of Meean


         Six women sat in a semi circle facing the Ungai Tree in the heart of the Meean Forest. Heeran was sitting beneath the tree leaning on its rough bark facing the others. None spoke, yet there was a discussion  underway. Eyes moving and heads swinging from one to the other spoke of different opinions. The Rahvish are telepaths. The seven Unity leaders forming the Darshana Council had come together by the calling of Eareth, the eldest of the Gatekeepers.

Heeran, the eldest of the seven Unities was always given the First Right. They arrived beneath the Ungai Tree first and its leader, who gave her name to the Unity, always sat beneath the ancient tree. She was guiding the discussions.

"...Noorani, what do the skies tell you?"

         The Noorani communicated with birds. Some say Simorgh, the mighty eagles and the guardians of the skies over the Forest, were the creation of the Noorani. They live within trees and never leave them unless for gatherings as such. Noorani raised her eyes to Heeran and spoke without moving her lips.

"The skies are dark these days Heeran. The Simorgh numbers are dwindling and the Gray Owls have passed into Meean on more than one occasion. Zahhak is mobilizing his armies at multiple fronts. The sparrows speak of armies on the move. Change is upon us."

         At the mention of Zahhak, the women became uneasy. Zahhak, once a Rahvish himself and the strongest in weaving magic, was banished by the Gatekeepers centuries ago for using the very magic that was passed down to him by the Gatekeepers against them. All Unities turned their backs on him as a result and he was forced to leave the forest and seek refuge elsewhere.

         To the Rahvish, banishment is the greatest punishment since no Rahvish would survive long outside the Forest for too long. Not unless they ward themselves against the forces that reside outside the boundaries of Meean.

         After Zahhak left, many among the Rahvish believed that he would come back and ask the Elders for forgiveness, but as time passed and months turned into years, Zahhak's absence left many in awe. The mystery of Zahhak's survival and his growing strength, brought forth the feeling of unease and uncertainty that is often associated with fear; a feeling that was unknown to the Ravish before.

         What Zahhak really sought though, was to gain control of what lay deep beneath the Ungai Tree: the Rah'nama. The Rahvish did not really know what Rah'nama was or where its origins lay; however it pulsated with magic so strong and untamed that no one but the Gatekeepers were able to communicate with it. The Gatekeepers had opened its powers to the Rahvish and allowed them to learn some of the magic it held. Everything the Rahivsh knew emanated from the Rah'nama.

         Long, long time ago, when the Gatekeepers thought the Rahvish were ready to carry the heavy burden of responsibility of safekeeping the essence of Rah'nama, they began  putting the seed of magic in them when they were still young. They taught them how to nourish the seed and how to make it grow into something powerful. The Rahvish learned fast though some began to weave magic at ease and with a greater accuracy than others. The Gatekeepers put those of the Rahvish who had similar skills in different groups. Over time these groups began to identify themselves with one or two aspects of the magic they had truly mastered and  thus the Unities were born.

..."This is troubling news Noorani. It has been five hundred years since Zahhak last left the sea and sent his armies into Ferdows; I think all of us here remember what happened the last time he did so."

The women sitting in front of her all nodded.

A slight breeze moved into the circle and got caught in their hair for a moment before moving on. The silence of the forest was deep.

"Heeran. Ferdows is plagued by too many violent deaths. It is hard to maintain a balance between the souls of those who have left us and those who breathe among us. Zahhak moves into Ferdows knowing this. If the balance is not returned, not many of Ferdows' kingdoms will survive."

Heeran looked at the woman seated in front of her to the right of the Ungai Tree. Aheer was the youngest among them, though her age was not revealed to her.

"The balance is lost Aheer?"She asked with a hint of anxiety in her thought.

         The Rahim Aheer Unity were the keepers of balance between the death and the living. The Gatekeepers taught the Aheer the magic that gives and takes life. Their magic weaves life into something and takes it away from someone or something else to maintain the equilibrium in Ferdows.  Aheer shook her head.

"Not yet. But as Zahhak moves across the land, he leaves destruction and death at his wake; it won't be hard to imagine what will happen when he decides to let loose all his forces. Death will reach its tentacles even here into Meean, not even the Har Nyal will be able to help us if that happens." Nyal sighed, but nodded. Aheer was right.

"There has been a mass migration of animals into Meean in the past few months alone. They are sensing something is amiss. Many have been injured by humans trying to feed their families. It is hard for the Har Nyal to know exactly how many have come to us for aid."

         The Har Nyal Unity are the Healers of the forest. They can Heal animals, trees, and other Rahvish with magic. When a tree is about to die in Meean, the Nyal are called to pour life back into it. They sit under the tree for days and when they leave the tree blossoms again and sends its seeds throughout the forest and beyond to where the Har Nyal's magic does not reach . Har Nyal means "giver of life" in Rami, the Ancient Sound of the Rahvish.

"...She is right Heeran."Pooni's mind spoke."Those that have spent time with the animals talk of Zahhak's beasts loose in Ferdows. They have spread throughout the land killing and consuming whatever walks on four legs. Even humans are not immune from them. Fear runs rampant among the animals."

Nharyan Poorani are shape shifters. They can take the shape of any living being; they can create  multiple images of themselves and can be in several places at the same time. The Nharyan Pooni know the language of animals and usually run with them and use them to bring news of the happenings beyond the forest.

         Heeran looked at the group of women in front of her. She was frustrated. Everyone there painted a gleam outlook for the world beyond the forest. Can in really be this bad? She was hoping for a glimmer of hope, perhaps just a little spark or light that would sooth her worries. She forced herself to stop her mind from wondering off. The others could sense her worries. Hope made her think of light and  she turned to Kyhi.

         Heerth Kyhi are light makers, literally. They can weave magic to create light, though they themselves live in complete darkness and only use light out of necessity; they believe that without utter darkness, there can't be any light. Light only comes out of darkness, so to live in the light, one must learn to live in absolute darkness. Heeran could never understand how the Heereth could forgo the light of the day and the warmth of the sun, then again the Gatekeepers had put them here for a reason, even though that reason was beyond her understanding. She looked to the pale woman.

"Kyhi, you are unusually quiet. Is there anything new you like to add to our discussion?"The pale woman looked up towards the sky before she spoke. Heeran could feel her unease at being under the bright sky.

"I'm afraid not Heeran. I must conform with the other Unities' reports. All around Ferdows, people are reporting of moonless and starless nights. This is a foretelling Heeran. The fading of the light, as the prophecies claim."Kyhi dropped her head and her lips moved. A few moments later, the air around her body shimmered and a shadow began settling on her as the light began to fade away.

"There is murmur between the Gatekeepers these days. I have never see such visible concern emanating from them. They have sent us all across Meean to guard its borders. It is the first time I have ever heard or done such a thing."

         That got the attention of everyone there. Heeran looked at the unusually tall woman. Seated, she was a head and shoulder taller than the other women there. Her hair was in braids and the movement of her body spoke of confidence.

         The Hooram Deelari are the guardian of Meean and the only Unity that will travel throughout the forest at any given time. They constantly communicate with the Gatekeepers and are told where to go and what to do when the need arises.

"But I can't recall the last time that the Meean itself needed its borders to be watched; and the order being given by the Gatekeepers themselves..."

         What Deelari had just shared was enormous. The Forest itself was in danger. Nothing in the past had touched Meean; no matter what was going on in Ferdows. War and famine were for the humans and their shortcomings never concerned the Rahvish before. Zahhak must be gaining strength for the Gatekeepers to worry about the safety of the Forest itself, Heeran thought. These were different times indeed.

Heeran got up.

" Deelari ,I must speak with Eareth. Please convey the urgency of this meeting. I shall remain here till he comes."Deelari nodded before she and the others retreated and disappeared amongst the trees noiselessly with a sense of detachment.

         The Darshana Council hadn't had a formal gathering in a thousand years. Though this one wasn't a formal one, they had come together nonetheless. Things must be really as bad as the Unities reported, no wonder Eareth had called the gathering. The Heeran, her Unity, had been feeling a weakening of their magic. What did that mean? Heeran herself had wondered what could cause the weaves to weaken. Was the Rah'nama itself weakening? Every time she thought of that possibility, she had dismissed it as absurd, but now, after meeting with the other Unities, she wasn't sure if that wasn't true. The thought gave her shivers.

         Heeran didn't have to wait long for the Wizard. He seemed to be present throughout the Forest and appeared when called as if he was just there waiting.

Eareth strode towards the Ungai Tree casting long shadows around him with each step. The trees swayed to the side as he walked through them. Heeran took a deep breath and lowered her head in respect.

         No one really knows where the Gatekeepers come from. For that matter, no one besides the Gatekeepers themselves perhaps know who or what they really are. At first glance, they look like giant trees, but when one comes into the presence of one, they will not be able to describe what they see. The air around a Gatekeeper shimmers and they change shape constantly without really turning into one thing or the other. It is not easy for anyone besides the Rahvish, who by now have grown used to the Wizards, to gaze upon them without wanting to lower their eyes right away.

         Eareth though, was a different matter entirely. Not even the strongest weavers of magic amongst the Rahvish could handle more than a few moments in his presence. Zahhak was the only Rahvish that could endure Eareth presence without going mad. Then again, everyone considered him to be mad already.

         The Gatekeepers are the most ancient creatures in Ferdows. The Cyconian Prophecies, the oldest in existence, talk about the Gatekeepers as being warders and balance keepers of the different worlds they travel through. They create worlds by bringing life to them and spread that life through their magic. Eareth is the grandest of the Gatekeepers; it was him who had given Ferdows its first breath. It was Eareth who planted the First Seed, over the Rah'nama. Every living being in Meean and perhaps beyond could be traced back to the Ungai Tree. The Rahvish called him Father.

         Eareth looked down at Heeran. The Rahvish did not raise her head. The Wizard lifted his hand and put it on the Ungai Tree. The Tree shivered slightly before standing still as before. He leaned forward and tentacles sprang out all around him forming a huge seat. Eareth sat down and his right hand shimmered forming a large cup. He reached inside his chest and filled his cupped hand with a silvery drink and offered it to Heeran who drank from the cup deeply. Minerra. It was through Minerra that the Gatekeepers were able to communicate with non magical creatures. Though the Rahvish were weavers of magic, however, in the presence of Eareth, they needed Minerra like anyone else.

"The Ungai tells me of your concerns Heeran."

He filled the cup again, however this time, he drank from it himself."What has befallen the humans in Ferdows is not to be put solely on Zahhak's shoulders. The kingdoms are at war with each other for nothing more than power and greed. Zahhak only feeds from the hatred around him which gives him the power to wreak havoc in Ferdows."

         Heeran looked up at the seated Wizard. Half his chest was covered with a thick moss, giving it the appearance of a beard. His whole body seemed to shimmer. Heeran thought she saw images of mountains and fields before another shimmering brought back the current form the Gatekeeper was using.

"So the Council's worries are blown out of proportion Father? We never had to get involved in the affairs of humans? Why are we even discussing such issues?"

Eareth shifted in his seat and looked at Heeran for a few moments before speaking.

"Do the Ravish truly believe that the affairs of humans is none of their concerns Heeran? Then why do we bother teaching you the magic you have come to perfect since Meean came to be? The very magic that you weave has been taught to you through the ages for one purpose and that is to maintain the balance in Ferdows. Morrin is part of Ferdows, is it not? So are the troubles that plague Ferdows as a whole."Heeran gasped looking at the Gatekeeper. She had never heard him talk like that to any of the Rahvish before.

"If that is the case, why didn't we help the humans in the past Father? During the Age of Arrarat war plagued the land, but we were told by the Gatekeepers, by you, not to come to the aid of men? Are things so different now?"

Eareth didn't speak for a long time. He sat there drinking from his cupped hand. Heeran thought he heard the Wizard humming to himself. A sharp musky smell emanated from him.

"The price for doing nothing during Arrarat is what we have to pay now Heeran. I have been trying to guide the Rahvish towards a day that I wished never would come to be. However, Ferdows has never needed the Rahvish more than it does now. Learning from our past is what makes us stronger."

The Gatekeeper lowered his massive head and continued humming. Heeran taught she saw images of fires burning and people fighting each other before they shimmered away. If she knew better, Heeran thought Eareth looked tired, worn out.

"What are the Rahvish to do Eareth? We are bound to you and the Ungai Tree. Your words will lighten the path for us."

The Gatekeepers raised his eyes and looked into Heeran's. They were as deep and as green as Meean itself.

"There is someone who can bring the kingdoms together and mend things between the nations. Someone who, if trained by you,  the Rahvish, can even defeat Zahhak."

         "Who Father? A Rahvish? From which Unity?"Heeran was sure the person Eareth talked about was in the Hooram Deelari Unity. They were the ones responsible for guarding Meean and the only ones that were trained in the art of fighting.

"A boy from the Horchon Steppe. Yet he does not know who he is and what he must do."

Heeran jumped to her feet. A boy? A human? Surely she had heard wrong.

"Father, how can a human possibly defeat Zahhak?"Or learn any magic for that matter?"

"A Truth Bringer can do that and more. Through the ages, Truth Bringers have done more for Ferdows than the Rahvish and they have done so without magic. This time around however, the forces of evil are too strong to be defeated without the wisdom of the Rahvish."

         The Gatekeeper rose and the tentacles forming the chair unwound and disappeared into the Wizard. He walked over to the Ungai and once more put his massive palm on the trunk of the Tree. Heeran saw an image of the Rah'nama; a massive egg shaped stone exuding a bluish mist upward to the roots of the Ungai Tree. Without letting go of the Ungai Tree he spoke to her.

"The Daransha Council must gather once more Heeran. You shall tell them what is needed of them. The boy will soon know of his destiny. The Unities need to be ready to welcome him when he enters the Meean."

          The Gatekeeper let go of the Ungai Tree and began humming. The vibrations made the Tree's leaves shake. He did not speak another word as he strode past Heeran and disappeared from the Rahvish's view.

         Heeran stood there long after the Wizard had left and pondered his words. A human to bring the balance back to Ferdows? She searched through her memories. She had lived for many centuries now but she couldn't recall the Rahvish ever mingling with humans. Who was this Truth Bringer then? She sighed and looking up at the blue sky overhead, she glided past the Ungai Tree and headed towards the Rahvish dwellings to look for the others. The Darshana Council needed a formal gathering and she was the one to break the news to them.



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