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Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1988250
Mavrik finally sees what he saw in Anna all along.
---------Previous Stories in this Series: "Reassurance and "My Real Family-------------

"I'm so glad you decided to come out with me." The genuine smile on Mavriks face was infectious. Anna found herself grinning in spite of herself.

"Of course. You've been so adamant, how could I say no...again." It had been a whirlwind six weeks. Mavriks relationship with Marcia had fallen through. Anna had actually been sorry to hear it, he had been so happy it seemed. Mavrik had told Anna it was for the best so she believed him. Then, out of no where he had professed his deep love for her and was just sorry he hadn't seen it sooner. The declaration had taken her aback. Once upon a time she had fantasized about being with him; having kids, raising a family. But that was before Marcia and the few other girls he had expressed interest in before her.

"What are you thinking?" Anna looked up from her plate, a quizzical look on her face. "You always get this look on your face when you thinking about something really hard." Mavrik furrowed his forehead and scrunched his nose up in what Anna assumed as to be an accurate depiction of her. She couldn't stop the bark of surprise laughter that escaped her lips. Once again he had caught her off guard. It was always always like this with him, effortless, so easy. But still--

"Listen, Mavrik, I love you. I've always loved you and I always will love you, but I don't trust you. I can't trust you, not completely, not how I want to, need to." Mavriks face was sober but patient.

"May I ask why?"

"You know why. You're not attracted to me, not physically anyway."

"Are you kidding? I'm very attracted to you." Anna was shaking her head.

"Maybe right now, when I'm at my best but what about when I have kids or if I hit another mental wall and gain some of the weight back? I can't live my life paranoid about whether or not you'll still be attracted to me if I gain a few pounds."


"No, I get it, similar body types belong together, it makes sense."

"Look, I can't deny that I'm generally attracted to a certain physical type. But I know that what we have is real and I know you know it. So whatever it takes to reassure you of that I'll do it." Anna hesitated then thew down some money on the table before gathering up her coat and purse.

"Let's go."


"Come on." Anna practically dragged a bewildered Mavrik out of the busy restaurant and into the chilly night air. Luckily he didn't say anything else until they were in the car. It gave her a moment to think and reassure herself of this plan.

"So what--"

"Kiss me."


"We both want to know where this is going or where it can go. So kiss me." Anna didn't think he would at first, the shock so evident behind his eyes. Slowly the surprise melted to desire. Mesmerized, Anna got lost in the light green irises looming ever closer until the feel of his lips on hers set off a cataclysm of sweet ecstasy that spread out over her skin and pooled in her loins. Slowly, reluctantly, he broke the kiss. Anna's head still whirled.

"That was unexpected," He breathed. "Nice! But so unexpected."

"Yea," was all Anna could say and then their eyes met and they both spoke the word they had been thinking.

Word count: 583
Finally  (18+)
Mavrik finally sees what he saw in Anna all along.
#1988250 by A*Monaing*Faith

Prompt:*Heart* *Right* *Fire* *Right* *Kiss* *Right*One Day *Left* *Kiss* *Left* *Fire* *Left* *Heart*

Ever known someone who subtly pursued a certain somebody over a length of time? After fruitless hoping, they finally gave up and moved on. Well, after a period of “out of sight, out of mind” give me a surprise ending. I want to feel the heat of “finally, one day…”
© Copyright 2014 A*Monaing*Faith (afaith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1988250-Finally