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Rated: 13+ · Article · Community · #1988728
No marriage, No bride, No dowry.

Every society, whether Muslim or non-Muslim has some evils. No one is perfect. Every person has some flaws in his personality. No matter he is poor or rich there are some negative points.

Our country came into being on the principles of Islam. We got separated from India on the difference of religion, culture, customs and traditions. But unfortunately, we also adopted some of their worse rituals too.

Dowry is the main evil in Pakistan that gives rise to other traumas. Dowry is the worst thing; one will ever think of.it is property, money, vehicles, household items, jewelry etc. given by the parents of bride to their daughter, so she can live a happy life with her husband and in-laws.

People say it's a ritual. But in my opinion it's a crime. Parents of the groom accept the girl just for the dowry they are going to get in exchange. Does it sound like a ritual? How can she live happy with those greedy people who accepted her only for the things? These are all the lame things we hear by the people in our society. And we are so stupid that we fall a prey to them. When the parents of bride are asked these questions. They answer that what will everyone say if we don't give our daughter anything? Who will marry her? First of all, the man who marries her just for that stupid weird ritual doesn't love her and he won't lead her to a happy contended life. How can we just give away our daughter to such men who trade her for dowry? Parents of girls blame our society for it. But if a fatal bullet rips your heart will you blame the factories manufacturing guns? No, you won't. We are letting it happen and seeing our daughters living a hell life. A long time ago if we had put a stop to it then, today the situation would have been different.

Every year many girls are left unmarried or they cross the age of marriage. Just because of the reason that their parents don't have money for their dowry. Even basic necessities of life are not available to them. Their daughters don't want to bury them under the burdens of debt. So simply; they don't marry. "No marriage, No bride, No dowry"

Alas!!! That we have forgotten the teachings of Islam, the sayings of our Holly Prophet (P.B.U.H), his Sunnah. We have taken Islam out of our lives that's why we are facing these conditions.

My dear brothers and sisters please wake up! Open your eyes and look clearly around yourself. Get this evil out of your lives. Take a stand for yourself and your daughters. 

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