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Rated: 13+ · Essay · Emotional · #1990754
A short essay on fears
Fears. We all have them. Some people are afraid of the dark, some people are afraid of heights, or spiders. Some fears are easy to overcome. But others aren't. Some fears eat away at your very soul, until they swallow you up, like you're a cookie. They swallow you up and tear your life apart.

People have all sorts of reasons for their fears. Things that may have happened to them in the past, things that hurt them so bad they were scarred for life. Maybe the girl in your class that is afraid of the dark, is because someone locked her in a dark closet when she was a little girl. Maybe she was hurt, and then she has a reason to be afraid. Some people have experienced things so awful that it dampened their outlook on the entire world. Maybe they're so afraid that they just block everything out, deciding that it would be easier to not take part in life at all rather then risk being hurt again. This is because they are afraid. Afraid of what people may think of them. This is a fear that we all share, no matter how we protest and say " I don't care what other people think of me". Yeah, yeah they do. They're just afraid of getting hurt, so they put up walls in order to protect themselves. Some fears are justifiable, some of them seem silly to the rest of us, and so we choose to persecute people based on what they're afraid of, even though we don't the whole story behind it. People laugh at others who are afraid.  KNOW that they're not an impenetrable fortress, that somehow, something WILL break them! Overcome your fears, little by little, everyday, so that when you die, you can tell all of those people that made fun you, " I'm NOT afraid of you anymore!" Stand up for yourself. Stand up for others. Don't be scared to show who you truly are. That is the one and true lame fear. And it's one that you CAN overcome.
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