Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1996534-Life-Lessons
by DJane
Rated: E · Prose · Emotional · #1996534
Life doesn't kiss away the pain
An old song goes through my head and its words ring so true.
"Life, it doesn't kiss away the pain or the heart-ache that you've gained"
In this world that leaves you feeling so lonely, wounded and broken.
You can be in a crowd and you can feel extremely excluded and alone.

Life has a way of grabbing you by your collar and shaking you like a rag doll.
You try to pull its hands off of you and run free thinking you escaped its grasp.
Only to hear it laughing behind you, right on your heels and gaining momentum,
Taunting you, making you think you are winning, when really you are losing.

Life is like a nightmare that does not have an ending...just repeats,
Like a "nightmare on Elms Street" kind of dream that goes on and on.
You wake up to what you think is reality, only to realize you are still sleeping.
The pinch that you give yourself is not even strong enough to pull you out of it.

Life has hands everywhere and it doesn't stop punching at you like a weight bag.
Just when you think you have one situation conquered, here comes another.
You want to scream at it to stop, but you discover that you do not have a voice.
You realize that you are extremely tired and all you want to do is hide and cry for awhile.

All you can do is wake up the next day with renewed hope for a better day,
Filled with Faith, expectations of blessings and better experiences,
And believe in a Higher Power that has you to where the unmerciful hands of
Life cannot pluck you out and beat you to complete unconsciousness.

Each day, we have to make ourselves get up and get back out into Life,
To set our faces like flints against an unseen enemy that makes us face the fight.
To armor up in full, battalion gear and step out as soldiers with gut determination,
And yell "you want a piece of me Life...then come and get me...you will not win!"

However, I am certain that I am not that brave and I have not reach that point yet.
All I can do is humbly pray and ask for guidance for His Mercy and Grace,
To see me through another day and take it slow and not rush,
For who out there wants to second guess and make mistakes with their life?

Not me...no heart-aches or pain on purpose.
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