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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1997155
A horrotica story for the Two sides to every story contest.
Terrence entered his house, late. It was about midnight. He was drunk and almost slouched. His wife, Sara, hollered, “ There , there, you drank again. How many times will I have to repeat this? Stop boozing! Else I will divorce you.”

Terrence looked at his wife meekly. The woman he loved the most in the world, was now talking to him like this. The work pressure of being a CEO of a top firm in Geneva was too much and, she would never understand this. He had told her that he was not a alcohol addict and would gradually restrain himself but, she would never empathize with her in her sorry plight.

They had been married two years and never in his darkest nightmares he had assumed anything like this. Sara was a woman of exquisite beauty and her domineering attitude had reached its zenith.

Whenever he used to touch or caress her, she used to shout, “ Take your foul hands off me.”
He felt desolate and lonely. No one cared for him, not even Sara. Life seemed to be miserable to him. He had lots of money but life taught him a new lesson now, “ You can’t buy happiness.” He was feeling sleepy and his muscles ached severely. He finally dropped on to his bed. He glanced at his impassive wife who was in deep slumber now. He thought of the previous nights when they used to make love. “ God only knows what’s got into her head?” He mused and then fell asleep.

Morning painted the canvas of the sky with vivid hues of tangerine and yellow-ocher. Mellow sunbeams kissed his eyes and he woke up with bleary eyes.

“ It’s already late, honey. Won’t you go to office today?” Sara called him from the kitchen in her usual, melodic voice.
He jumped out of his bed and darted into the kitchen, where Sara was preparing his breakfast. He looked at Sara. She was wearing a white, lacy chemise that matched her fair complexion .The outfit flaunted her voluptuous figure and unable to repress himself, he squeezed her plump breasts.

“ Oh you, naughty boy. Don’t start this now. Come home early today.” She smiled. Her winsome smile made his heart thud and he replied,” Why were you so cross with me yesterday? I told you that I will stop drinking gradually. Why don’t you understand the stress of an executive?”

“ I do understand, dear. You must start now else you will end up with the fate of Uncle Tom who died of cirrhosis in liver. “
“ Jeez! You are so pessimistic!” Terrence grouched.

“ Okay enough of this quarrel. Now get ready and go!”
Terrence dressed himself in a tailored, beige suit and after having his meal, planted a kiss on his wife and left. Terrence was a handsome man in his mid-thirties and six years older than Sara.

Twilight was about to set in and the setting sun colored the sky with vivid hues of dim orange and pink. Sara was impatiently waiting for the arrival of her husband. She loved him from the innermost core of her heart and never wanted him to become an addict like the other colleagues of Terrence and, this caused a kind of misunderstanding between them. She loved him too deeply to let anything happen to him. Terrence would never understand how much she adored him and that was the reason why she disallowed herself from touching him as a means of punishment. Being a woman and a house-wife, she was more mature than Terrence and she knew that life was quite unpredictable, and misdeeds ,however slight they might seem, never turn for good.

The calling bell resonated through the house and Sara ran to open the door. There he was, smiling at her, the love of her life. “ You are looking drop-dead gorgeous today, sweetheart.” Terrence said, as he noticed her transparent , fine frock with nets. Sara smiled with embarrassment. “ Look I have cooked your favorite meal today?”
“ You mean chicken barbecue?”
“ Oh yes, darling!”
“ But my stomach is full.I won’t eat.”
“ Why? You must have dined at your office?”Sara grouched.
“ Oh sweetie, don’t get angry. I will eat you honey, my marmalade.” He smirked, while pressing her boobs.
“ Okay . Have your dinner first and then do whatever you want.” She said, innocently.
They dined together and Terrence complimented on her cooking.

Terrence took Sara in his muscular arms and went to his bed-room. “ What a dress you have worn, sweetie! What if any of my colleagues see you in this state?” He said with naughtiness, swimming in his eyes.
“ Stop talking nonsense, Terrence. Won’t you inform that to me before?” She said in a quite prudish manner.
“ Of course I will. Just was kidding.”

Terrence gently removed her dress. He unclasped her bra to reveal her full, round breasts. He then pulled her panty to reveal her moist pussy. He reveled in the butter-skotch smell of her body and like a voracious wolf greedily licked his tongue over her creamy flesh throughout. Sara kissed him on his stubble and his hairy chest. She pulled off his underwear and like a wild lioness placed his long dick into her mouth. Terrence touched her pink nipples and they became taut. Her cunt was now wet and so was his cock. Terrence then pressed his red-hot penis on her slippery clitoris. He pushed in and out. Sara wanted to push him harder and he did so. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead and he began to perspire heavily. Sara then stroked his erect shaft with tenderness and he moaned with pleasure. Terrence tasted her juices and Sara savored his semen. The couple made the most wonderful coitus on the earth. Terrence then penetrated his steely dick from behind her anus. He then bit her nipples lightly and she groaned when he again pushed his sturdy penis. They consummated their love through the whole night and then felt asleep hugging each other.

The next day was Sunday. The morning alarm rang as usual but, there was no hurry today. Sara opened her eyes with grogginess and found the two of them buck naked. She quickly dressed up and put a cover on her husband. Sara went to the kitchen and began to make a breakfast of oatmeal, yoghurt and spicy, lemonade tea. After finishing, she put the tray on the shelf beside her bed and nudged gently with her elbow to awake her husband. After repeated screams, Terrence woke with twitching eyes.
“ It’s Sunday. No need to rush to work. Morning honey.” Sara added in a soothing voice.

“ Oh really? Thank God. At least I will have a day off from that goddamn place.” Terrence said.
He then began to look at his beautiful Sara intently. Sara was wearing a sleeveless , cotton , polka-dot blouse with knots tied high above her navel and baby –pink pants flaunting her slender, graceful legs. A frenzy of unbridled passion overcame him and Terrence pulled her on the bed.

“ Why are you wearing clothes, sweetie? Look at me, be like this.” He winked at her and threw out the cover.
“ Oh dear ! We will have that later. Please have your breakfast now. I have made a spicy tea for you with fresh lemonade, your favorite one.”

“ Nothing is spicier and more fresh than you, sweetie.” Terrence grabbed her tightly and untied the knots of her blouse and unbuttoned her pants. He then let go of her lingerie and began smoldering her unclothed body with a burning desire, uncontrolled and inextinguishable. He cupped her large breasts, each in turn, with his palm and licked her splendid nipples hungrily. Sara was in a state of raving desire and with her satiny fingers stroked his genitals. The couple created the most wonderful orgasm in the world when Terrence pushed his red-hot , iron-like penis into her slippery cunt. They stood like that for hours as if the clock had stopped ticking.

“ I love your nipples, your full breasts, your fluffy pussy, your plump hips, your rounded thighs, your everything.” Terrence said in a seductive voice.
Feeling ashamed, Sara said, “ Please stop your flapdoodle now. Aren’t you feeling hungry? That tea has become cold and so has your breakfast.” She added tersely.
“ Let go off it, honey. Now, please tell me what you like about me.”
“ What a silly question! Are you out of your mind or what? I am proud to be your wife.”
“ That’s okay. Describe in details about my body parts.”
“ What the heck has happened to you today, Terrence? “ Sara said, curtly.
“ Oh please tell me , please.”
“ Okay. I love your handsome face, your stubble, your broad, hairy chest, your long dick with your lovely pubic hairs on it.” They both chuckled.

They spent the whole day together. In the evening the couple went for a stroll. At night the couple again united in their crimson love. After their union, Terrence whispered to Sara,” Hope every day goes like this. I like us this way, our bare bodies clinging to each other and forming one composite whole.” Sara chortled.

The next day Terrence went to the office and bade Sara a good-bye,” Stay safe honey. I’ll be late tonight. I have a conference.”
Terrence walked to his room and sat on his swivel chair. He was leafing through a pile of papers when the phone buzzed. He picked it up, “ Who is this?” One of his staff answered,” Your PA John has resigned from our company. A certain Miss Rachel Parkers wants to join our company as your PA and wants an interview with you.”
“ Okay. Let her in.”

A gorgeous girl with black, flowing hair, snow complexion and a voluptuous figure, entered the room. She wore a sleeveless shirt -top revealing her cleavage and a micro-length skirt. Terrence was awed by the exquisite beauty of the girl but he preferred not to pay much attention to it. They had their formal interview. Rachel was selected as the PA of Terrence. She was well-qualified for the job. She had a degree of Charted Accountant from a reputed university.

Terrence entered his home, late. Sara was waiting for him. After having dinner he said,” I am really pooped today.” He went straight to bed.

The next day Rachel entered his room. Her outfit was more outrageous than the last day. She wore a polka dot blouse with knots tied high above her waist to reveal her navel and butter-milk skin and a skirt so short that when she sat it slid high above her thighs, exposing her blue panty. Terrence could take no more. He said in a harsh voice, “ Excuse me Miss Rachel. This is a company. I don’t know who allowed you to enter in this kind of a dress but either you change your conduct or you will be expelled from the job.”

Miss Rachel answered," I beg your pardon Sir. There was nothing written about the dress code in the contract that I signed. I execute my job perfectly and the company has already started taking it’s roll of profits in the shares after my joining. That is quite grand a success. Can you refute that?” She said boldly. Terrence could not answer.

Rachel kept on wearing more daring outfits and Terrence found it very hard to cope with her as he had to deal with her for a long period of time. He was not feeling well. Sara was glad to see that her husband had stopped alcohol but he had stopped making love to her and that was a cause of prime worry to her. “ Is that the workload or some other reason?” She mused.

Terrence was in his office as usual when Rachel entered, whistling a song. She had worn a very short, skin-fitting dress. Terrence looked at her with furrowed eyes. She was young and nubile and in her early twenties. Rachel sat in front of him with her legs straddled. Her garment was quite low-necked showing a lot of her cleavage and when she sat the edge of her micro-frock almost touched her groin and to his utter astonishment exposed her velvety pussy. Terrence could stand no more. He almost stuttered,” Are you going to seduce me like this Miss Rachel?” He could say no more.

“ Why not Terrence? Every girl on this earth would fall for a handsome hunk like you.” She replied in a horny voice.
“ But I am married….” His words got stuck.
“ What does it matter? I am your PA and spend with you a maximum of the day. So why don’t we become closer Mr. Terrence.” She stooped after saying this and Terrence saw the firm, pearly, huge boobs with their pale- pink nipples. Terrence could control himself no longer. A sudden surge of libido overwhelmed him.

“ Let’s get out of here immediately.”
“ Where?”
“ Come with me. Don’t say anything more.”
Terrence faked an excuse of illness and his company was closed in the noon.
Terrence went to five-star deluxe hotel, quite far from his office, and booked a cabin for them.

They entered the room. It was a nice room with twinkling neon lights, peach color of the walls matching with the creamy pillows and creamy bedspread. The floors were of statuesque, marble finish.
Terrence asked Rachel in a low voice,” Are you a virgin?”
“ Yes. Why? Does it matter to you?”
“ No but a girl of your beauty never found any guy for mating! Sounds surprising.”
“ Believe me Sir. No guy suited my taste. I fell in love with you at the first sight and could not contain myself anymore. I wore those outfits deliberately to arouse your interest in me.”
“ Shush! Say no more girl.”

Rachel pulled out her skimpy garment and with legs opened,sat in front of him. Terrence looked at the wonderful body and the beauty emulating that of Aphrodite. Terrence undressed himself and fondled her large tits with utmost passion. He licked and sucked her nipples and nibbled them slightly. Rachel moaned with pleasure. Then he kissed her silky, already wet, pussy and planted deep kisses all over her body. Rachel relished the musky scent of his body and poured fervent kisses all over his body and, specially on his groin and his genitals. She put his iron-like, red-hot penis in her mouth and sucked it. She loved its rancid taste. She smacked her lips with his hot cum. Her pussy was tingling and she moaned with joy. Terrence then pushed his long dick into her closed vulva. It was clear that she did not have intercourse before. A lot of blood flowed out of her broken hymen.
“ Sorry for breaking your virginity, gal.” He smirked.

“ It ‘s okay, Terrence. Everything is fine as long as you are with me.”
“ I hope so.” Terrence said, his voice wavered.

After this incident, they used to go that hotel regularly after office hours and had the embrace of their genitals.

It was a Sunday morning. Sara was wearing a mauve, lacy nightdress with nothing beneath. Terrence woke up and looked at Sara and her dress." It’s better not to wear anything than this.” He grinned.
“ What would I do ? My hubby has not made love for me for the last six days due to over-exhaustion.”

Terrence could not tell her the truth. Pangs of guilt pricked him. He tried hard but could not avoid an enchantress like Rachel. He knew that he was deceiving his innocent wife but could not tell her the blatant fact.

Terrence made love with his wife, as usual, after all, he loved her a lot. Sara was satisfied and smiled at him but the pangs of his misdeeds gradually began to eat him up. He could not tell his beloved wife that he was enjoying sex with a substitute partner. A pall of gloom enshrouded him but he tried hard to wear his natural mask of being happy.

The next day he met Rachel in his office , as usual. Rachel flaunted her sculpted figure in a lacy , backless, thin-strapped, open-necked , sleeveless blouse and her white skirt revealed her smooth pussy and creamy groins while she sat splaying her legs. “ Can you hand me the Watson’s file please?”

“ Sure honey.” She stooped in her front of him and rummaged through the drawers and finally handed him the file. He caught a glimpse of her snow-white breasts with her baby pink nipples which seemed like two large vanilla scoops with strawberry toppings on them. He could suppress his drive no longer. He had to face the flagrant reality one day or the other.

Terrence mumbled,” Listen Rachel.I cannot allow this anymore. I am a married man and we love each other. Either one of us has to stop. This adultery cannot go on for ages.”
“ But who is going to know?”
“ May be no one but my guilty conscience.”
“ Today I am going to make my last love with you.”
“ What do you mean Terrence?” Rachel asked, tearfully.
Terrence slammed the office door shut and locked it from inside. He untied her blouse and pulled her skirt away. “ What are you doing Terrence? Here? Are you nuts?”
“ No.I am not.”

Terrence undressed himself and licked her luscious nipple and fingered through her clitoris. He then thrust his long dick into her and pushed it in and out for a number of times. He then kissed her fat bum and entered his penis through her anus and the couple had a marvelous anal sex. He experimented with her with all the forms of sex that he knew and this continued for more than two hours.
“ It’s finished.” He said.

“ What?” Rachel asked , meekly.
Terrence brought forward a pistol and shot at her forehead twice. He then shot his forehead. Scarlet blood suffused the whole room and drowned the two lifeless, nude bodies.

Meanwhile a suspicion was being brewed with Terrence’s room being locked from inside for more than two hours. Harry, one of the staff members, tried to open the door. All the office members gathered there and Dick banged the door with a heavy metallic oar and, the door shattered . Everyone saw the bloody pool and it was now oozing everywhere.

This incident was the headline of The New York Times the next day. Sara could not bear this and sobbed violently, that almost convulsed her. One of the next-door neighbors , Debbie rushed to her, and her parents were informed. Years of counseling went on by famous psychotherapists but no one could cure her the pain bored in her heart, by the loss of her husband and his scandal :of having coitus with a substitute.

3197 words
Prompt: The substitute
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