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Rated: 18+ · Other · Romance/Love · #2004059
Karen has to figure out how to tell Jacob she's pregnant.

Karen originally dismissed her bout of nausea as her period returning with a vengeance after missing a month. When the date of her expected period came and went for a second time she decided to investigate further. After two positive home pregnancy tests she made an appointment with her Gynecologist.

"Karen Schaeffer?!" a woman in a pink polo shirt and blue slacks announced from the door way that led back to the examining area.

Karen stood, collected her ginger ale and crackers, and followed the smiling little blond who led her to an exam room. The woman asked the standard questions that all medical technicians were required to ask.

"Are you sexually active?"


"When was your last period?"


The woman looked up from the iPad she had been typing notes on.

"So, you've gone two months without one," The woman clarified.

"Yes," Karen answered. She watched the woman's eyes focus on her belly. "That's why I'm here. I took two home tests that came back positive, so I want to be sure before I tell..." She paused for a moment. She knew who the father was she just wasn't sure how to categorize him to everyone else. "The father."

"I'm going to draw the blood, and then Dr. James will be in to speak with you," the woman drew a tube of blood from Karen's arm, and left the room.

Karen waited for what seemed like hours for Dr. James to come in. By the time Dr. James arrived Karen finished her ginger ale and saltines. Dr. James sat on the rolling stool and opened his own tablet. He was a tall, dark skinned man, who reminded Karen of Bill Cosby in his younger days.

"Well, Dr. Schaeffer," he said in a deep African voice. "I am pleased to inform you that you are going to be a mommy."

"I see," Karen was not sure how to take this news. She was happy to know that there was nothing wrong with her, but she was nervous about how to tell Jacob that he was going to be a father.

"Are you going to keep the baby?" Dr. James inquired. He did his best to sound objective. Personally, he was not a fan of abortion, but he also did not want to influence his patients with his own values.

"I want to keep the baby," Karen admitted both to Dr. James and herself. "I'm just not sure how to tell Jacob, the baby's father."

"Unfortunately, I can't help you with that,"

Karen emerged from the doctors' office with a collection of prenatal vitamins and pamphlets geared toward first time moms. She got into her car, and set the pamphlets and vitamins on the front passenger seat. When she got to her office at the University of South Florida she checked her schedule for the day. She gave two lectures, and saw a hand full of students who were still trying to decide what the topic would be for their final paper. The entire time Karen was more focused on how do I tell Jacob? And Can I do this without him? After her last meeting she glanced at the clock on her computer, which read 4:30. She knew Jacob would be finished with his academic schedule for the day, but he would be stopping at the club he owned to make sure his clients were taken care of, and to go over any necessary business matters. Since he would not be entertaining any one personally that evening he would most likely be home around seven.

Karen left her office, and went to the condo she currently shared with Jacob. After changing into a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt she went to the kitchen and perused the cabinets, deciding what to prepare for dinner. By the time Jacob returned home she was mixing a pot of soup on the stove. He embraced her from behind and pressed a kiss to her cheek. She turned her head so their lips met.

"How are you feeling, baby?" Jacob inquired softly.

"Still nauseous," Karen said softly. She continued stirring the soup.

"Aw, my poor, sweet, lady," Jacob moved his hands to her stomach and rubbed over it gently. "Does this help?"

"A little," Karen smiled up at him.

"Why don't you go take a seat at the table and I'll finish this up?" Jacob offered.

He carried her to the kitchen table, and set her on one of the chairs. Once she was settled he moved to the stove, picked up the kettle, and began filling it with water. As it sat on the burner heating to a boil he pulled various bags of herbs out of one of the cupboards. He began to crumble an amount of each of them into a ceramic mug. He took a moment to stir the soup before the tea pot began to steam and shriek. He poured the steaming hot water over the herbal mixture and placed the steaming mug in front of her.

"Thank you," she said as she blew the steam off of the top of the cup. She sipped the hot liquid and was surprised by how wonderful it tasted. "This is wonderful."

"You seem surprised," Jacob smiled and sat beside her.

"I was expecting it to be gross and bitter," Karen admitted. She took another sip of the tea. Then she caught herself wondering what affect the mixture might have on the baby. She set the mug down and looked up into Jacob's soft brown eyes. "There's something I need to tell you."

"Okay -," Jacob pulled out the chair beside her. He took her small trembling hands in his large ones. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure wrong is the right word," Karen inhaled and exhaled to clear her head. His cologne that she loved so much was inflaming her nausea. She ignored it and focused on what she had to tell him. "I'm pregnant."

Jacob's hands tightened around hers. His eyes lit up and he let out a sound that could have served as a victory cry. He pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed over her face until he found her mouth. Once there he parted his lips and probed hers with his tongue. She opened for him, and he touched the tip of his tongue to hers. When he pulled back she was in tears.

"I'm sorry," she whimpered. "I don't mean to cry. It's not you."

"I know," Jacob moved away long enough to retrieve a box of tissues. He expected her to go through emotional mood swings. He'd supported his sister through her pregnancy since her worthless husband did not have a clue. He dabbed Karen's cheeks with a tissue, and handed her one for her nose.

"Are you going to tell your parents?"

"I will tell them," Karen sniffled, "but I don't expect much out of them."

"I know it's not the same," Jacob pulled her against him, "but my family will fawn over you enough to make up for their neglect."

Jacob served each of them a bowl of soup. Karen eyed the mug of tea he made for her.

"It's safe," he assured her. "My grandmother made it for my mother when she was pregnant."

After they finished their meal Jacob scooped her into his arms and carried her back to the bed room, and set her on the king size bed. He pulled her t-shirt off over her head and tossed it aside revealing a pair of beautiful pale breasts and a flat smooth stomach. He knelt in front of her and pressed soft lingering kisses to her lower abdomen, gripped her yoga pants and slid them off depositing them on the floor with her t-shirt. Karen cooed softly, running her fingers through his long dark hair. She spread her knees and he scooted forward so that he was kneeling between them. He pressed his mouth to her smooth folds, and licked deep into her. Karen gasped and moaned falling back onto the bed. Jacob slid his large dark hands up her thighs. He cupped her taught ass with one and rested the other on her lower abdomen. He massaged her clit with his thumb, and continued to lick deep inside her. Karen arched her back, bucking her hips, and grinding against his face. Her inner walls clenched and warm juices gushed into his mouth. Jacob stood and removed his t-shirt and blue jeans. Karen sat up, and pressed her hands against his chest halting him in his attempt to lay over her.

"I need you to shower first," she advised. "Your cologne is making me nauseous."

"Oh," Jacob frowned remembering she loved the smell of his cologne. Oh well, he thought, might as well make the best of it. "Will you join me?"

"Alright," Karen agreed.

He carried her into the bathroom and set her down long enough to start the shower. He climbed in, took her by the hand, and pulled her in shielding her from the spray with his body. Karen stepped back and grabbed the Dov Body wash out of the hanging basket in their shower. She squirted some on a wash cloth and stepped forward to wash him. The Dov was a softer less potent sent which they both enjoyed. This time it was he who halted her when she stepped forward to wash him.

"Are you sure you can be that close?" He inquired.

"I'll be able to wash it off," she assured him.

She rubbed the soapy wash cloth over his dark chest. The suds clung to the ends of his chest hairs. She washed his neck and arms until they were coated in the same manner. Next she moved down his stomach to his manhood. She moved the soapy wash cloth over the hair, and then turned the wash cloth so that she washed his balls with one hand and his shaft with the other. Jacob moaned softly as she washed him.

"I should be doing this for you," he groaned softly.

"This is my way of saying thank you," Karen assured him. She proceeded down his powerful legs with the soapy wash cloth.

"For what?" Jacob inquired.

"For taking my news so well," her hands were moving the wash cloth up the back of his legs. "I wasn't sure how you would react."

"Why is that?" Jacob inquired. He sighed with pleasure as she rubbed the soapy cloth over his buttocks.

"Well," Karen paused taking extra time on his lower back to think. "We're not exactly in an exclusive relationship sexually."

"But you make your submissives wear condoms, and I use them with mine," Jacob pointed out. "So, since I'm the only one who enters you without one it only makes sense that the baby is mine. Even if it weren't genetically mine I would take on the responsibility of being a father if that's what you wanted."

"Stop, please," Karen sniffed, "I'm going to cry again."

Jacob tilted her head back to look up at him. He leaned down and licked droplets of moisture from her cheeks not caring whether they were tears or water.

"You cry if you feel you need to," he assured her. "I will be here to catch your tears."

"So, do we have to change our arrangement?" Karen asked as he took the cloth from her and began washing her.

"Why would we?" Jacob asked.

"Because we're going to be parents," Karen pointed out. "You're not going to take issue with the mother of your child having sex with other men?"

"Only if she does it behind my back," he turned her, and pulled her back against his soapy front, using his own body to wash her back. "Will you have issues with me still having a submissive?"

"As long as she knows her place," Karen growled.

"Agreed, and yours should remember his as well," Jacobs arms tightened around her. "What if for the time being we alternate roles with each other?"

Karen's current state made him feel a surge of possessiveness over her. He did not want to put her safety or that of their unborn child in the hands of another man. Even just for a few hours a night, and Karen was the dominant. He knew he would not be able to ask her to give up her submissive without expecting the same of him.

"Alright," Karen agreed reluctantly.

Jacob had introduced her to BDSM as her dominant. Once she had become too rebellious he decided to train her as a dominant. She was not sure she'd be able to go back to a position as a submissive, but she'd give it a try for him.

"Only in the bed room," he assured her, "and maybe occasionally at the club."

Karen nodded in agreement. After their shower Jacob carried her back to the bed, and laid her on it. He laid over her, pushed her hair back and pressed a soft kiss to her mouth.

"I love you Karen," he murmured against her lips. She smiled as he slid into her slowly until he was root deep inside her. "We made something beautiful this way."

"I know," Karen gripped the sides of his face in her hands. "I love you Jacob."

He slid in and out of her slowly, kissing over her face, neck, and shoulders. She slid her hands up and down his muscular back spreading her fingers over his shoulder blades. He kept his rhythm agonizingly slow until their heavy breathing synchronized. He attempted to keep things slow and easy so as not to hurt the baby, but eventually his baser instinct took over. His thrusts became more rapid as she tightened around him, until finally he released inside her as her muscles clenched in ecstasy.

Once they cleaned up they spooned beneath the covers. Jacob rested his right hand over Karen's lower abdomen where their baby progressed through the first stages of development. He leaned in, pressed a kiss to her cheek, and whispered "I Love you, baby mama."

"I love you too, baby daddy," Karen giggled at their use of the current colloquialisms for mother and father.

"Is it too early to pick names?" Jacob inquired.

"No, but we won't know the gender for a while," Karen answered.

"If it's a girl I'd like to name her Leanna after my mother," Jacob whispered.

"Alright," Karen agreed, "and if it's a boy?"

"Michael," Jacob answered without hesitation.

They both smiled at their common knowledge of that particular name's significance. Michael was the name of another professor at USF that was a mutual friend to both Jacob and Karen. They met at one of his parties that Karen attended out of sheer curiosity.

Life Changing Event
Word Count: 2,464
© Copyright 2014 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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