Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2010234-His-Dream-is-Her-Nightmare
Rated: 13+ · Other · Contest Entry · #2010234
Character Gauntlet Challenge Day Four Nightmare
Onyx wandered through a forest she did not recognize. The trees were bare and leaves crunched beneath her feet. A layer of mist clung to her skin causing it to prickle. Where am I? She wondered. She'd been hunting in the forest on her land with her father many times, but this was not that forest. She looked up, and realized there was no moon. She transformed into her hybrid form to gain some form of night sight. The mist soaked her fur matting it to her body. Her panther ears caught the sound of rustling in the surrounding brush.

"Hello?" She said in a small meek voice. Why do I sound like a child? She wondered. The rustling was now coming from behind her. She whirled in time to see Ido emerge from the trees in his human form. âIdo, where are we?â

"What's the matter little Onyx?" Ido smiled revealing sharp shining panther teeth. He moved toward her slowly. "Are you lost?"

Onyx attempted to step back but her legs felt weighed down. The cold mist clung to her naked body. Why am I naked? She wondered, and looked down to see that she was back in human form; the human form of a ten-year-old girl. No, this isn't right. Onyx tried to will her fur back, but it wouldn't come. Ido was coming closer, and his body was slowly taking on it's hybrid form.

"NO!" She cried out in a child's voice. She turned, and attempted to run from him. The mist seemed to thicken so that she was running through goo. She could not see through the white mist, and she felt herself fall. She rolled onto her back and felt Ido land on her. "GET OFF ME!"

His claws dug into her skin, and his teeth sunk into her neck. Despite his weight she was able to kick, and squirm, but her feet and claws only seemed to strike air. Where is my magic? Why canât I use my magic? She felt his mouth clamp down around her throat cutting off her air. Just like papa! Even though she couldnât breathe, she could hear herself screaming. She felt her consciousness slip away, and the world around her went dark.


Onyx sat straight up in her bed. Her sheets were shredded and she was tangled in them. Her pillows were torn open on the floor. Her heart was pounding in her heaving bosom as she gulped air into her lungs. Her gulping became gasping as her body trembled, and she began to sob. A flash of lightning lit her bedroom and startled her from her sobbing. She untangled herself, and went to her window. The rolling crashes of thunder actually calmed her palpating heart. She watched the storm that had been brought on by the nightmare that haunted her since the night her father died.

In the land of the dire panther clan Ido lay in his bed stroking the naked body of his mate. He awoke from the dream of killing Onyx with a grin on his face. It is a shame Onyx still doesnât know how to put herself in her dreams, Ido thought as he moved into position behind the groggy female in his bed. He indulged in the carnal pleasure of mating, remembering the look of terror on Onyxâs face as he took her life.

Word Count: 721
© Copyright 2014 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2010234-His-Dream-is-Her-Nightmare