Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2011096-From-The-Sky
by Cassia
Rated: E · Other · Other · #2011096
A futuristic/other world story
Chapter 1: Falling and Flying
I hovered above the ground, searching for something, someone, somewhere. I didnât know what to look out for. All I had been told was that it would be green and leafy. Did they mean a forest like back home or were they on about something else, something native to this place, this new country?
With no idea other than that I had to land soon I plunged my body downwards. The sudden increase in speed made my ears pop and I felt dizzy and nauseous. I closed my eyes to block out the sight of the clouds and creatures which were whizzing past me. Please let me land soon, I prayed, please.
           * * * *
Remi looked up at the sky, hoping to see the plane carrying her best friendâs sister back to England. It had been a year since Becca had gone to Germany for the sandwich placement part of her university course and Daisy longed to see Becca again. Remi had promised to accompany Daisy to the airport to reunite her with Becca and to provide some moral support if the situation became too awkward.
âWhenâs the plane due to arrive?â Remi asked.
âUmmmm, I think it was about twenty past three,â Daisy replied, pushing up the sleeve of her faded blue hoodie to look at her watch.
âOkay. That means we have fifteen minutes before she lands. Do you want to go over to Beccaâs terminal to meet her as she gets off?â
âYeah, sure. Thatâs probably a good idea.â Daisy gave Remi a small smile as they began to make their way over to the airport and the plane terminals from where they had been stood in a field nearby.
They went through the gate that opened onto the road leading to the airport, slamming it shut behind them.
Thump! Thud! Crack!
Remi and Daisy spun round. What on earth could that noise have been? It sounded nothing like anything they had heard before. What met their eyes was a complete surprise.

Chapter 2: The Strange Girl
I put my feet in the landing position I had been taught and braced myself for the slight jolt I would feel on impact with the ground. I was ready to land and face the earth. Thump! I collapsed into a heap in a green but soft and smooth area. What is it called? I tried to bring the name from my memory but it wouldnât come, I had been taught so much in the past few weeks. Raising my head, I peered around at what surrounded me.
* * * *
Remi and Daisy approached the strange creature sitting in the middle of the field. It certainly looked quite extraordinary. It had long chestnut brown hair which shone in the winter sunlight; piercing dark green eyes which sparkled; a white dress which didnât look to have any shape although the creature looked stunning in it from where she was crouched upon the ground and a pair of angel wings. The angel wings were feathery and looked as though they were as soft as silk. The peculiar appearance made Remi and Daisy even more confused at what had happened. All their thoughts of meeting Becca had disappeared.
âWhat can it be?â Daisy whispered to Remi.
âI donât know. Letâs go and see if it can speak English.â
The two girls went up to the creature and looked at her stunning features before beginning to speak.
âExcuse me, are you okay?â Remi ventured, unsure of where to begin the conversation.
* * * *
Two girls came up to me and began asking questions. At first I couldnât make out what they were saying. It sounded foreign and garbled to my ears but I soon figured that it must be English. I knew some English.
âI⦠I have only just come down but yes, I am okay, not hurt.â
The girls looked at me; they seemed shocked that I wasnât hurt. Maybe they didnât understand.
âWhatâs your name?â asked the taller of the two.
âVikki. What are yours?â I asked.
âIâm Remi,â said the taller of the two girls, âand this is Daisy.â
âHi!â I smiled at them, âWhere is this? Can you show me around?â
They glanced at each other before turning to me.
âSure, that would be great! This is England, weâre in Cambridge.â
* * * *
The girl, Vikki, got up and followed Remi and Daisy from the field. They chatted together, discussing music and books. It didnât seem like Vikki knew much about books or music but when they started talking about religion she was like a ship in full sail. Remi guessed that her wings must represent her angelic nature. Maybe Vikki was an angel!
The three girls had a long discussion and had reached the nearest town when Daisy stopped suddenly. Her phone was ringing urgently and a perplexed look flashed across her face.
âRemi, we were meant to be at the airport,â Daisy whispered, âWe were meant to be meeting Becca.â
Remi realised what was going on and, after seeing a blue bus approaching, ran to get it to stop. Remi knew that she and Daisy had to get to Becca as soon as possible judging by the conversation she could overhear between Daisy and Becca now.
âDaisy, come and get on this bus!â Remi shouted as the bus driver pulled up at the bus stop.
âComing!â Daisy shouted, returning to her phone call.
They had left Vikki standing by a shop window but when Remi turned back to ask her if she wanted to come to the airport with them she was nowhere in sight. Where could she have gone? wondered Remi but all too soon the bus was pulling off and there was no chance to get out and search for Vikki.

Chapter 3: Did she really disappear?
When Daisy picked up her phone and answered her sister Remi wandered ahead to hail the bus. I decided not to stay; I didnât think there was much point being there when I knew what was about to happen. Clearly I had found the right people; the people I had been sent to look for.  Suddenly I had an idea, some may say a brilliant idea but to me, it was probably stupid. I took a scrap of paper from my pocket and spoke to it as quietly as I could:
âShare with them this gift,
Telling of how good
Life can be
Where I live.
Double size
Or triple size
So the full extent
To them can be explained.â
Then I slipped the piece of paper into the pocket of Daisyâs jacket. With one last look at the two girls who had helped me and made me feel welcome in this strange land I turned and lifted my feet from the ground. A deep breath and I was hovering over the nearby trees. Time to go, I thought, before they realise what has happened and who I am.
* * * *
Daisy took off her jacket, the bus was too hot, way too hot. Something in her pocket crackled but Daisy did not hear it. She could only think of what Becca had said. âYou donât know me, Daisy. Not really. If you listen and look carefully maybe youâll see.â Why did she have to be so cryptic?
âDaisy, whatâs that?â Remi asked, holding up a few sheets of paper which were hanging out of Daisyâs jacket pocket.
âI donât know. I havenât seen them before. Let me see.â
Remi passed the sheets over and Daisy began to read.

Chapter 4: The Letter

Dearest Ones,
There is much you do not know. We may have only met for a few hours but I think you should know something.
Once upon a time there was a man who was granted a wish. He wished that once every five years a child would be born who had certain characteristics; they would be able to fly with feathery angel wings, they would be exceptionally intelligent, they would go to foreign countries and they would be the ones to save the world from all disasters and bad things. Most of these children will have chestnut brown hair and dark green eyes and have training for their roles in a special place named Kapita which will be situated in the sky.
I am one of them. I am a Kapitas, a child of the Kapita. I have these powers but I cannot live on your Earth for my angel wings do not disappear. I am one of the greats and I need your help. The Kapitas are developing malfunctions when they are born, like mine.
Rebecca Nicholson is a child of the Kapitas but she does not yet know it. Recently she went on a placement to Germany where there is a direct pass into Kapita. There she will have been initiated in her role and taught what she should do.
Daisy Nicholson, you are a sister and a biological one at that, to Rebecca Nicholson. It is up to you to assist her in her duties and to help me in overcoming the mutations Kapitas children are suffering. I will help as much as I can by coming down to England occasionally like I did today. This will not be easy but together, we can do it. Rebecca is competent now, or so I have been informed, and you are a half-Kap.
Whatever you do, tell no one about this letter or the real identity of Rebecca Nicholson. Daisy, your friend Remi must not know the truth about any of this. She saw me, yes, but she will forget.
If you ever need to contact me, if you are in fear for your life or Rebeccaâs life, then shout out for âMyriella Rosalieâ and I will come as soon as possible.
Thank you for showing me around today. I am glad I found you straight away. Good Luck in your mission. Give my regards to Becca and tell her you know about âher Kapâ. Sheâll understand.
Best wishes
*~ Myriella Rosalie Victora ~*
Daisy looked over at Remi. She was staring out of the window at the scenery. Daisy was safe for now and she understood who Vikki was and why she had looked so peculiar. She was glad she understood, now she knew what Becca had been trying to say as well. With that thought still hanging in her mind, the bus screeched to a stop. They had arrived at the airport.

© Copyright 2014 Cassia (cassia16 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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