Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2011476-Once-Upon-A-Graveyards-Night
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Horror/Scary · #2011476
An encounter with a talking statue on a cemetery's night brings a man to his horrid fate.
Once upon a graveyard’s night, I took a little stroll
From the entry portal there
beneath the rocky knoll
Twas there along a well-known path
I had traveled many times
Upon my foggy nightly treks
Among the mossy pines

The smell of death from oft the tombs
And statuary there
Gave forth familiar comfort
Yet a terrifying aire
With coal oil lantern all aglow, to light the way I walked
When much to my nocturnal awe, a stone began to talk

“John Sparks!” called out a statue
Seated high on marble shelf
It cracked and groaned and turned its head
I could not hide myself
From the horror that succumbed me
My knees grew numb and weak
To think this cold un-living thing
Could draw a breath to speak

Her voice so coarse and hollow
Resounding through the park
I jutted forth my fiery torch
To pierce foreboding dark
The flickering lantern’s yellow light
Upon her marble frame
Gave sight to hellish nightmare
As so steadily on she came

Her face, though carved, was beautiful
And stained from years behind
A sculpted rose upon her hair
Formed from another time
Her eyes shone of a sadness
From eternal mourning stone
Emitting light, not from my flame
But haunting powers unknown

Nearer ever nearer
Came the horrid dragging sound
Of the massive ancient effigy
As she moved upon the ground
The torment of my failing legs
The pounding in my chest
Gave newly-felt repentance
Of my own eternal rest

I fell there in a prostrate pose
Before this peeress grand
With flowing gown to graceful feet
And bouquet in her hand
And with a terror never known
I tried to force the words
“My God, have mercy on my soul!”
The missive went unheard

“John Sparks, I’m sent to summon you,
arise and go with me
For your time on earth is over
Come, behold your destiny!”
“Oh maiden, maiden of the rock
please heed the words I say;
That I may live and love and breathe
for yet another day!”

“John Sparks, look all about you
and tell me what you see,
The stones, all speak eternal!”
Said the woman effigy
“Like the ancient obelisks carvings
and epithets arranged,
The purpose for my coming
and your fate can not be changed!”

“Oh maiden, won’t you tarry
to calm my fearful heart
that I might have a moment more
to pray before we part?
For my end has come too soon.”
I wailed with tortured moan
The maiden only answered with
the creaking of the stone

Wearily rising I reached up
To take a marble hand
That had been still for many years
She grasped so I could stand
Upon my feet, I lifted up
To gaze upon her face
Of deep cut eyes and placid cheeks
Formed by artisan grace

Speaking not, she slowly turned
The sod gave evidence
Of heavily trodden footsteps
Leading me to providence
My horror strangely ebbing
It seemed not strange nor odd
To be rather dreamily walking
Arm in arm with this stone god

And as we neared her pedestal
Where she sat one hundred years
I found a soothing comfort
had replaced my horrid fears
“Are these the portals of my hell?”
Resigning to my fate
As we paused to look upon the stone
Beyond cast iron gate

“John Sparks”, said she
“Behold where I have wept a million nights
Through blizzard; calm and thunderstorm
And seasons lovely sights
And now the time has finally come
To look upon this stone
For providence has sent me John
It’s time to take you home.”

As my eyes fell upon the slate
I knew what I would see
“Here lies John Sparks, a wealthy man,
With his family.
No one knows what happened,
Or why he did this thing.
We pray that God will take them home
Upon angel wing.”

“Now lie down John, go on down
Unto your family
To sleep there with the ones you love
The hour’s late, you see;
For a century you have roamed these graves
In search of debt to pay
And I was sent to summon you
For resurrection day.”

And now I lay me down to rest
Beside my darling wife
I'll soon face God and family
For having took their lives
Guarded by the maiden there
Who sits above and weeps
'Till resurrection morning
When the dead no longer sleep

© Copyright 2014 Floyd Roots (roots at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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