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Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #2012818
Brief article on the Ebola outbreak.
I'm sure every one in the United States knows very well about the Ebola outbreak in the African continent. Thousands already dying from this horrific disease. We see how quickly this is spreading in Africa, but could we see an outbreak here in the United States?

We all know about the two we brought back to the states about a month ago, both have recovered fully. But now all of sudden more cases are popping up. We have a man in Dallas, Texas at the moment in a Dallas hospital who has tested positive for Ebola and is in isolation at the hospital. They have confirmed that he was in contact with at least eighty people. It has been reported that he lied on a question form at a Liberian airport and denied being in any contact with any one who could potentially have the virus. Liberian police say they plan to file charges against the man. They have five of his friends/relatives in lock down in their apartment. But to this hour they have yet to disperse the bed items that he was sleeping on or properly decontaminate the apartment or apartment building. As of this hour they also have the apartment building he was residing in on full lock down with police outside. A lot of questions need to be asked and properly answered by doctors, the CDC, etc. The CDC says that the incubation period can be anywhere from forty eight hours to twenty one days. So will they keep the apartment on total lock down for up to three weeks?

It has also been reported that a NBC news camera man has contracted the Ebola virus. Himself and the rest of the staff are being flown back to the states to a medical facility in Nebraska. A man in a Georgia correctional facility has been diagnosed with the Ebola virus, no reports have yet been made where he is now located. They have said that the inmate was recently in Africa. Now a major question is, does the correctional facility need to lock down and keep inmates from being released even if their sentence up? Does the facility need to have all guards tested and isolated? Because guards can easily go home, have the infection and spread it to family members after the incubation period. Just like released inmates can go into society and infect many others as well, and then these few isolated incidents become a major problem. Another report has been made that a possible person may have contracted the Ebola virus and are currently in a Washington D.C. hospital.

Now to my main points. Why has the United States not made serious efforts in shutting down the borders or at least cancelling certain flights from the African continent, especially the affected areas in West Africa? Why is the CDC stating that this virus cannot be contagious unless you around someone who shows signs and symptoms? The CDC states that this is not an airborne virus, but we all know that these viruses mutate and adapt and this virus could already very well be transforming itself into an airborne illness. Another question is, why are the people we are bringing back from Africa who are infected spread in hospitals around our country? Isn't that risking a widespread infection? These people should be isolated in one facility, a long with the medical staff working with the infected people. Proper and credible steps are not being taken by our government or medical organizations.

All we can do as a nation is hope and pray that this doesn't not become a national or worldwide pandemic. But the steps being taken by the World Health Organization,the United States and other countries will not slow the spread of this virus down. Some countries like France have shut down flights to and from West Africa, so why aren't we? My thoughts and prayers go out to every one world wide. Stay safe every one!
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