Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2019845-Something-Borrowed---Chapter-1
by Leela
Rated: E · Chapter · Supernatural · #2019845
After observing humans for years, a spirit seeks a host in order to live in our society.
Am I ready? No, I don't think so. I'm not prepared.

I gaze across the river, looking at the lively city from the trees. I have been observing this place for longer than I can remember. I feel strangely drawn to the settlement; it feels as if my only purpose is to join the people within.

But why?

I don't know the reason behind this. I don't know how I found the city. I don't even know who I am. I have so many questions about who I am and how I came to be, yet there is no one who can provide me with the answers I long for. I know only three things about myself. The first is that I am not human. Secondly, I know that I want to be with the humans. Finally, I understand that I am an outcast, and there is nowhere I belong.

It's funny, isn't it? I know so little yet I want so much.

I see a young man strolling alone by the river. He grabs my attention because I imagine that if I was human, I'd look like him. I have given this a lot of thought because, well, what else is there for me to do? It's not like I have a purpose. I probably wasn't even meant to exist. I am one of nature's mistakes.

My human of interest seems to have stopped walking, and he lowers himself to sit on the lush grass. The moment lingers for much longer than a moment should last. Everything seems to have paused in its place. The fresh spring leaves stop rustling on the trees, the gentle wind seems to suddenly die down and the mallard ducks slowly drift along the surface of the tranquil water, as if they lack the will to propel themselves any distance at all. The only motion in the lazy, meandering river is just below the surface, where minnows dart around, never finding a moment of peace.

At once, the area is brought back to life. The wind picks up once more and the ducks begin to honk at each other, whilst the man brings himself to his feet and skims a pebble across the river.

Slowly, I make my way across the water, using rocks that jut out from the riverbed as stepping stones. The human has not noticed me as he remains distracted by skimming stones. I am close to him now. I can feel the warmth of his soul calling to me. I never imagined this day would come.

It is time.
© Copyright 2014 Leela (leelasonata at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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