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Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #2022438
Two magics meet

Modrial slowed his speed and came to a stop at the top of the Dromac plateau, barren except for tumbleweed still attached to the rocks. A juniper tree writhed against the weather. Here is where he would meet Padier his long time advasary. At one time they had been brothers in the same village of orphans and rag tags. They'd been chosen by the great Murdock to be trained in wizdardry.

When they'd both become of age, Padier set out to overcome their teacher. He along with his motley bunch of misfits, tricked and killed the great Wizard Murdock. They took over the fortress oppressing all who lived near by, to provide and sustain the new Grans Wizard.

Modrial escaped and took his long journey, learning his trade in a more dignified and compassionate manner.

Now he used his super speed to run around the perimeter of the plateau making sure no other sorcerers lay hiding. He wanted to meet this evil one on an even plane.

Dust rose over the edge of the cliff and two cats, as large as a horse leaped across the hard dry ground toward Modrial. He waited as they neared. The man in the chariot behind the beasts wore a long tunic and a vest that billowed behind him in the wind. He wore a helmet clamped to his head with a leather chin strap. The earflaps held protective eyewear in place. If he wasn't so concentrated on the man and vehicle approaching at great speed, he might have laughed at his nemisises regalia.

The giant cat beasts drooled as they raced toward him. Modrial decided to move rather than create a force field to stop them. He could feel the ground shake, see Padier's eyes as he kept him in sight. When Modrial walked a ways out of the path the cats adjusted still coming to him. He switched directions and they did also. They were no more than a few hundred feet from him and gaining fast. He spread his feet a bit and glared at the beasts. Their teeth bared, ready to tear him apart. Their eyes focused on him. When they were just feet from him he moved. With lightening speed he ran at right angles from them putting half the plateau between them.

Padier slowed the cats to a stop. Their bodies heaved from exertion. They swung their heads from side to side searching for their prey. Padier located his foe and turned the beasts.

"Don't bother Paddy boy." Mordrial sneered the boyhood nickname Padier had endured. "Your beasts will not catch me. give them a break and do this without interference. Oh, maybe I was wrong and you do need their help."

The answer was a shout as Padier flew into the air and came directly at Modrial.

"STOP" Modrial held up his hand and caused the wind to swirl dust up as a barrier. Padier lowered to the ground. The restless animals pawed the dirt behind him.

"I'm here. What do you want? This time you will not leave here alive. My friends here will need a meal and you will be it." Padier walked to the swirling dust. The piller of fire went out with a wave of Padier's hand. "You will not win."

Modrial shrugged. "I came here to see if you would be willing to move to a new location. You have exhausted your subjects and they cry out for release. I can no longer stand by while you abuse them. Build a fortress here. Its perfect for you. High, large and barren. What more do you want?"

"Who will feed me? I need my subjects to grow the crops that sustain my warriors."

"Really? From what I see they rape and pilliage them until they can't do any work. Then your warriors are having to travel into my territory for food and.." He waved his hand in the air. "You will move here or there will be nothing for you."

Rocks flew into the air at Modrial. With a flick of his wrist a forcefield shimmered around him and the rocks bounced back toward Padier at the same force as they came. He jumped into the air dodging them.

Flaming tumbleweeds rolled at tremendous speed flying into the air, but again bounced off the forcefield. Modrial felt something tighten around his leg. A snake had slithered from somewhere between the forcefield and Padier. It had his legs in a death squeeze. He couldn't move.

Padier moved closer as he tested the shimmering air thrusting his hand into it, but pulled it out nursing it to his chest.

The wind blew at Padier and he leaned against the blast. Ice crystals formed and beat against him, cutting his exposed skin. Dealing with the ice left him unable to contol the snake. With s slice of Modrial's sword, the snake lay in pieces at his feet.

Modrial ran across the ground in a circle around his enemy. The wind began to shift and create a mini tornado. It lifted the wizard and carried him to the edge of the plateau. Just as Padier would have fallen over the edge, large winged animals came up from the valley and caught him.

"I will not release my people. We will meet again. Send your troups to fight my warriors." Padrial gave a maniacle laugh as he flew away.

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