Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2022915-LISAS-STAR
Rated: E · Other · Death · #2022915
I did not know I held the hand of eternity, I knew it as my sister, my friend.

I did not know I held the hand of eternity;
For I knew it as the hand of my sister; My friend.
Things in life can cloud the eternal, and so they did.
But you shone, My, How you shone in spite of it all.

The weight of losing you compressed so heavily,
that even the bittersweet shadows were made into brilliance,
As when a diamond or a star is born from compressed matter.

Things in life that we shared, from the insignificant to intense,
They grow ever more powerful as I think upon them because of you.
You still teach , Your memory teaches, Your lingering heart teaches.

In life you demanded so little, Now you invade everywhere.
You command my thoughts, my tears and traces of smiles.
I know you live because I still hear your voice and feel your heart.

You continue to build within me something far better than myself ,
It builds with every tear and resolution to share your sweet memory.
From beyond the veil your star beckons and burns brightly.

All that I knew was you; It hovers between the past and present.
It pulls me, captive through a veil of tears into the future.
And it's easy, so easy to follow it and find you, and be fearless now
As I watch Lisa's Star rising.

Author's Notes-
On December 5th, 2014, My sister Lisa Ann Manhart left this world in body.
But Lisa still speaks to my heart often, and has stirred the air around me in loving and favorable ways.
Lisa was and is many things, A Spice Mistress who enchanted with Cardamom and Curry,
A talented artist who worked in many mediums, from clay to canvas.
Lisa also had Schizophrenia, But it didn't have her. She remained unbound in spirit in spite of
the limitations her illness put on her. She lived with dignity and died in strength. I never saw her as a victim,
Until her body failed from a drug called ZYPREXA, which gave her sudden heart failure at the age of 44.
My heart aches and also rejoices for we will see each other again.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2022915-LISAS-STAR