Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2027775-Lesson-4-Assignment---Practical-App
by Rayyna
Rated: E · Assignment · Other · #2027775
Lesson Four Assignment - Practical Application for Charting the Seas Class
Practical Application Questions and Answers

1) Write a sentence about anything you like. Format it using the color magenta, font size 5, and comic font.

         If you aren't sure what to write, write about Ninjas.

2) In the following sentence underline all of the words, and, and make all of the words, to, bold .

Sarah and Samantha went to the country fair to find James.
James and his friend, Ryan, were not at the fair, but instead stayed home to play video games and eat chips.

3) Please choose an item from your portfolio and provide a link to the item in the following formats: b-item, item, and id-item.

Random Musings  (E)
A blog tracking my journey as a writer.
#2012444 by Rayyna

"Random Musings
[#2012444] "Random Musings

4) Please provide a basic member link here. You can choose any member you like, all we are interested in is seeing that you can create the link.


5) Create a signature for yourself using WritingML and at least three different emoticons. Please center the signature as well. Following is an example of what sort of thing we're looking for.

*FairyR**Witch**Dragon*You've been visited by Rayyna!*Dragon**Witch**FairyL*

6) Find the Public Review page (We learned that in a previous lesson.) Choose any review you like, even one of your own, and provide the link below.

Review of "Threads in the Tapestry"

Use the link for WritingML Help to answer the following questions.

7) Is it possible to provide a link for a Newsletter? If so, please find a newsletter using information learned in Lesson 1 and provide a link below.

"Creature Creation by A Non-Existent User
A look at whether or not you should create your own creatures or use the ones people are familiar with. (Fantasy Newsletter - January 21, 2015)

8) Is it possible to provide a link for any webpage URL? If so, please give me a link for any webpage of your choosing.


9) Please provide me with a link for WritingML Help?

© Copyright 2015 Rayyna (rayyna at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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