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Rated: E · Assignment · Contest Entry · #2029263
Jenn/Gwenn the Outlaw?
Law and Order
What is your character's relationship with the system of law within their world? Are they on the right side of that law, or do they put their own moral code above such things? Write a scene in which your character wants to help someone, but finds out doing so would put them on the wrong side of the law.

Questions to Consider
How does law work? Is it based from the state, a religious organization, or a third party? Maybe there isn't much by way of law at all.
Why does your character have the relationship they have with law? Every bandit has a story, as does every paladin.
What would cause your character to ponder or even abandon their affiliations? Would they even consider such a thing?

In her world Jenn is a law abiding citizen. She works as a guidance counselor at a local high school keeping troubled students on the straight and narrow.

When she is thrown back into her past life as Gwenn she finds herself in a precarious position. Gwenn was a mage. Mages were feared, and contained in Towers by law. She only escaped that fate due to her mother, Morgan, being King Jarrod’s royal magus. It was expected she would grow into that role when the King’s son took his place on the thrown. After Brianne made her and Matrim disappear she pointed an accusing finger at Morgan and Gwenn for kidnapping the royal heir. Now, that both Matrim and Gwenn have returned Brianne has released reward posters for Gwenn’s safe or not so safe return to the palace. The group of mercenaries Jenn is staying with agreed to keep her with them until Lyra; an wild mage has retrained Jenn to be as strong in magic as Gwenn. Until then they must do their best to keep Jenn’s location a secret from all who might report back to Brianne in hopes of claiming the reward.

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