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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2032247
after wandering the Earth alone for centuries the Vampire finds love
ts all about that cake

Ash strolled along the boardwalk at the Marina. It was his favorite time of the day; the sun had slipped over the horizon and twilight embraced the land. This was the time of day when the wall between the worlds was at it’s thinnest and the time he felt most comfortable amongst the ephemeral beings that populated Earth. No-one took the slightest notice of him as he gazed out across the bay enjoying the sight of the yachts moored in the harbor and the fishing trawlers heading out for their nightly excursions to catch fish. Soon darkness would fall and Ash too would trawl for his nightly dinner.

Meanwhile he would take his normal seat at the Boaties Café and listen to the local gossip. The owner, Joy, would come and take his order, ask about his day and bring him his food. Though he liked to think he was the same as everyone else, most ephemerals felt uncomfortable in his presence and avoided him even though they did not know why. Joy served him because she had to not because she wanted to. This he knew without doubt as he noted her uneasy movements, how quickly she scribbled on her order pad and the fact her eyes never quite met his. Her pulse was racing and hot, wet blood was thrumming through her veins but Ash would never touch her. He enjoyed the total control he had over his emotions.

Ash settled comfortably at his table and was surprised when someone he had never seen at the café before walked sedately towards his table carrying a chilled glass and a bottle of water. He watched her through his dark glasses as she approached smiling happily and waited for the smile to die as the bad vibes caught her as they always did with ephemerals. She did not falter as she arrived at his table, placed the glass in front of him and filled it with sparkling water. Placing the bottle on the table she asked if he was ready to order. Ash removed his sunglasses and looked the girl straight in the eye as he asked for a slice of red velvet cake and a flat, white coffee made with Almond milk. She wrote the order down and with a quick grin said she would be back in a moment.

It was centuries since Ash had been surprised by anyone but this girl fascinated him. He leant back, crossing his arms and watched her work. She was efficient and moved effortlessly as she prepared his order. His eyes took in the details of her appearance, not that she looked all that different to the thousands of other teenage girls in town. Short, wispy reddish blond hair, a blue tie-tied t-shirt tucked into black knee length shorts and a pair of blue sneakers on her feet. Her long legs were pale as if she avoided the sun as was her face. If it wasn’t for the fact Ash could hear her heart beating steadily he would have wondered if she was ephemeral or immortal.

The girl was almost gliding as she returned with his order and Ash could not take his eyes off her. She looked him straight in the eye as she asked if that was all he wanted and smiled brightly when he replied that it was. There was no noticeable change in her pulse rate as if she was not even aware of him. Ash ate his cake slowly and sipped on his coffee as he watched the girl glide around smiling at customers and taking orders, chatting to a table of elderly ladies and clearing tables. A group of youths arrived and she chattered and flirted with them as she took their orders. As she walked away one of the youths patted her behind and Ash tensed. Jealousy raged through his body catching him unaware. What was he thinking, she was an ephemeral and off limits except as dinner.

Life as a vampire had many perks but just as many pitfalls. The constant desire for blood was annoying to say the least and only being able to be around ephemerals at night was also a nuisance. Ash had learned to accept these restrictions in his life with good grace but others like the lack of a life partner really upset him. There were other vampires out there and he had taken consorts over the years but they failed to satisfy him for any length of time. Female vampires like their male counterparts were on the whole arrogant and selfish. Ash wanted more. He wanted it all really ; to have his cake and eat it too, figuratively as well as literally. He shook his head sadly as he contemplated why he felt the need to have a partner who he could care for, love even and who would love him back. He was not meant to be able to care or love another being but Ash was lonely and pined for the touch of another. Immediately his thoughts and eyes drifted to the beautiful anomaly who was serving him tonight. Who was she, more importantly- what was she? He felt desire rush through him as he imagined running his hands over her small compact body.

Normally Ash would just leave money on the table including a tip for Joy who served him unwillingly and leave quietly but tonight he waited for the girl to come to his table.

‘How was your cake, Sir?’ she asked and Ash shivered as her voice ran smooth as silk over his skin. What was she ?

‘Thank-you. It was wonderful as usual. Please thank Joy for me.’ He replied as he rose to leave.

Ash handed her the correct notes including a larger than normal tip and smiled gently at her. He had to be careful when he smiled that his elongated incisors did not show so his smile always looked a little half-hearted. To smile properly would be to scare anyone who saw away.

‘Have a nice night Sir and thank you for dining at our café.’ The girl answered giving Ash a genuine, wide grin as she turned on her heel and flowed towards the café counter. Ash frowned as he watched her glide away and shook his head trying to dislodge her image.

Ash walked away deep in thought as he headed into the heart of the city to the local park where his prey would be easier to find and less likely to be missed. There were always a few poor homeless ephemerals with no future and no family to care if they lived or died. Ash always felt he was doing society a favor eliminating some of the trash from the streets. He felt sure his victims would thank him if they thought about what a favor he was doing them. They no longer had to worry about sleeping arrangements every night, having their meager possessions stolen while they slept or begging on the street for food or money.

Ash had never willingly taken the life of anyone he thought was a valuable member of society. Ephemerals thought having immortality was wonderful but they did not have to eat alone every night or wander alone always. Always on the outside of life looking in, on the fringe of society always. Never having a home or a wife to come home to or children laughing as the ran around you. They also did not know the wonderful feeling of bliss as fresh blood ran down their throats and they held a body drained of life in their arms. Again with the good and the bad.

Ash wondered if it was possible for an immortal creature such as himself to have ephemeral feelings such as depression and shrugged at his thoughts ; if he could feel love and jealousy surely he could feel happiness and depression. He sat on a park bench beside an elderly woman who was draining a bottle of vodka, slurping greedily like it was her last meal, which in this case it was. Ash smiled as he waited patiently for her to finish before he slid along the seat until they were touching thigh to shoulder. Lucky alcohol did not effect him or he would be a serial drunk by now.

‘Hello lovely lady, would it be ok if I took a drink now you have finished yours?’ Ash asked quietly.

The bag lady turned her bleary eyes towards him with a toothless smile and nodded her head eagerly.

‘Have yer got another bottle have yer.’ She slurred.

Ash smiled in return and slid his hand up her throat and pushed her straggly grey hair away. Without warning he leaned in and sunk his fangs into her jugular vein. It was so quick and neat a passer by would not even have given the couple a second look. Ash held her body as it sagged lifelessly against him then lowered her to lie on the seat before he strolled away whistling tunelessly.

Ash walked slowly through the park and onto the main street where he could look at the displays in the shop windows. He stopped to stare at a hair clip in the window of a little hippy style shop called Cassidy’s. The clip was as blue as the ocean with a row of tiny blue flowers on it and he instantly thought of the girl at the café. Ash purchased the clip without thinking and put it into his pocket. Tomorrow he would give it to the girl. It reminded him of her, fresh and happy. And living, he must not forget that small fact. She was alive and vibrant not of his world of death and darkness.

The night could not pass fast enough for Ash. It was the first time he could ever remember wishing time would pass so he could tuck himself into his own bed and sleep the day away so that tomorrow night would come. The clip was burning a hole in his pocket and his thoughts were only of the girl. Her smell, her hair, her smile, her beautiful voice and her gliding walk. He could not get her out of his head and tomorrow evening could not come quick enough.

As twilight crept upon the earth Ash walked swiftly down the boardwalk with a spring in his step. Tonight he did not absorb the view or appreciate the yachts swaying gently as the tide ebbed and flowed around them, his eyes were only for the well lit café up ahead. It was a relief when his searching eyes finally settled on the girl. He exhaled deeply and seated himself at his normal table. The girl turned immediately and sought out his eyes and the same glorious smile lit up her face. It was as if she had been waiting for him just as he was searching for her. Ash took in everything about her from her stunning emerald green eyes that seemed to light up when they clashed with his to the fact her pulse did speed up a little tonight but Ash sensed that was from excitement not fear. It made him buzz to think she might actually be pleased to see him, no one had been pleased to see him in over five hundred years.

Jazz tripped lightly over to his table never letting her eyes leave his. He was special, this beautiful man who she was positive terrified everyone who came in contact with him. She had felt him when he first arrived , it was like he was sounding a bell, calling her to him. She could not understand how anyone would not want to bask in his reflected glory. As she neared his table the smell of cinnamon and honey that emanated from him surrounded her leaving her feeling loved and safe. It was a scent she associated with Christmas’s from her childhood. She watched as he ran a strong, pale hand through his tousled ebony curls and longed to do the same. Last night he had looked amazing in a deep green silk shirt and cream cargo pants but tonight he was stunning in a navy blue open necked shirt that reflected the color of his eyes and black jeans that clung to his thighs. He did not look as calm and certain of himself as he had the previous night and this made her smile even more. She smiled at the thought that if he had a heart it would be beating erratically, but she knew he did not.

‘What can I do for you tonight ‘she asked casually as if she was not aware of him at all, as if he was just another customer, not someone who made her blood hum with desire.

Ash almost groaned aloud as he thought of what she could do for him tonight but with a small smile he said ‘The same as last night would be pleasant, thanks.’

Jazz sensed his feelings and chuckled to herself. Before tonight was done he would know exactly what she could do for him. She took his cake and coffee out to him and spent the next half an hour serving other tables fully aware that his eyes never left her. When she saw that he was finished eating she removed her order book and returned it to the kitchen and let Joy know she was finishing for the night. Then she walked slowly towards his table swinging her hips gently.

‘If you are finished lets get out of here,’ she smiled and held out one small hand towards him.

Ash could not believe this was happening. What was she? Without thinking or pausing he placed his large hand into her smaller, warmer hand and let her lead him from the café.

Jazz led him quickly down the stairs of the pier and along the lower deck before stepping carefully onto a white catamaran that was moored there. As soon as they were both aboard she turned, stepped closer to him and wound her arms around his neck running her fingers through his hair just as she had dreamt of doing. She breathed his scent in deeply and sighed as she looked into his stricken eyes.

‘What are you doing?’ he stammered

‘Just what I have wanted to do since I first saw you. Will you kiss me now?’ she asked

‘No. No. You don’t know me or what I am. I could kill you in one swift move and I don’t want that. What are you?.’ Ash pleaded.

Sighing again Jazz lowered her arms and placed her hands on either side of his face. ‘Relax and let me show you what I am.’ She said softly

Images flashed through Ash’s mind so fast he had to concentrate hard to follow them. Her name was Jazmine, Jazz to her friends. Her mother had been an ephemeral who had died minutes after giving birth to her and her father was a vampire. She had blood running in her

veins, a heart that beat and could go out in the day so long as it was cloudy however she survived on blood like him. Her special gift was that she could communicate like this by showing others what she wanted them to know and she could read feelings. She was aware he was a vampire and that her blood would tempt him but she wanted him anyway.

Jazz let her hands drop to her sides and waited for his reaction, holding her breath. Ash closed his eyes for several seconds while he absorbed this unbelievable information. He had never heard of anything like this before. When he did open his eyes it was to find hers fixed on his with a question written in them. Without thinking about it any further Ash reached out and pulled Jazz into his arms and placed his cold lips on her warm ones. As he deepened the kiss he realized Jazz was also not as breakable as an ephemeral would be. He did not need to control his strength so much. He could take pleasure in exploring her body and she cared for him. He could feel the waves of pleasure running through her body and saw the tears of happiness welling in her eyes. Much later that night he slid the hairclip he had purchased into her hair and admired his good taste. This was the beginning of a new life for Ash.

They would both remember the Boaties Café fondly as the place they got their cake and got to eat it too, both literally and figuratively.

© Copyright 2015 sledtec (sledtec at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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