Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/2035325-ZOMBIE-JOKES-ROCK
Rated: 13+ · In & Out · Comedy · #2035325
Zombie Jokes...the cheesier the better!!
Time to pick your brains,
Like you pick your nose,
To see what golden kernels of goodness can come out!!

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It can be a pun... Every zombie eats somebody!

It can be a knock knock joke... knock, knock...whose there...arghh...arghh who...arghh you going to let me in?

It can be a traditional joke... What did the zombie say to his date? - I like girls with brains.

Show me what you've got!!

: 🌑 Darleen - QoD @ 03-21-15 @ 5:59pm
A lawyer A doctor And a zombie walk into a bar . . . Three zombies walk out.

: ~Minja~ @ 03-21-15 @ 6:18pm
Which cereal does zombie eat for breakfast?...Raisin BRAINS *Bigsmile* ~my favorite

: Steev the Friction Wizurd @ 03-21-15 @ 8:59pm

Q: What has a dog's head, a cat's tail & brains all over its face?
 A: A zombie LEAVING the PET STORE!

: Hannah ♫♥♫ @ 04-09-15 @ 8:32am
Q: Why was the zombie afraid to cross the road? A: He had LOST his GUTS!

: Julie @ 08-11-15 @ 9:03pm
Q. Why do zombies not like Dumb Blonde jokes? A. Because they're BRAINLESS!

: Steev the Friction Wizurd @ 08-12-15 @ 5:53am
Vegetarian Zombie: Grains!

: As Luck Would Have It @ 08-22-15 @ 6:03pm
A homeless zombie asked a passer-by if he could spare some brains today. "Sorry, man, I don't have any!"

Total Displayed: 7

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joke, gag, bit of whimsy, two cents, pun, tomfoolery ...whatever type of zombie humor strikes your fancy!!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/2035325-ZOMBIE-JOKES-ROCK