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Rated: 13+ · Assignment · Contest Entry · #2040525
Gwen shares an evening of drunken frivolity with her friends.
Prompt Three
There are a number of things two or people more can do to socialise. The one I want you to write about today is social drinking, whether it be an evening in, a night out, meeting at a coffee shop, or afternoon tea.
Write a scene where your character is hanging out with someone over drinks.

Things to consider...
What beverage are the characters drinking? How is it served? Are they drinking exactly the same thing?
What is the traditional venue attached to this activity?
Your characters shouldn't be having a meal, but they might be indulging in bar snacks or a biscuit. If so, what are they eating and what is there for them to choose from?
What history or relationship does your character have with the activity? Did she learn how to make tea from her grandmother? Did his best friend introduce him to his favourite watering hole? Is it a familial duty?

A Night Out

It was evening on the Elemental coast. Gwen sat with Taurus, Biarric, and Cortan in a clearing where they seemed to congregate every summer evening after their parents retired to their tents. They sat on either side of a crackling fire in groups of two; Cortan and Biarric on one side, and Taurus and Gwen on the other. Each of them held a wine skin full of sweet berry wine, which Cortan and Biarric's father taught them to make. Biarric caught on to it better than Cortan, so she inherited the responsibility and privilege of making the beverage before their summer retreats.

"This is wonderful, Biarric," Gwen complimented after taking a sip of wine. Her cheeks flushed from the warmth of the wine.

"Thank you," Biarric smiled. "I am so glad you are old enough to join us in drinking this."

"Yes," Cortan agreed, "We felt really bad when we left you behind the past few years."

"What do you do here?" Gwen asked.

"Well, sometimes we tell stories," Cortan answered, "or we talk about weapons we either tried or would like to try."

"Sometimes we sing," Biarric added, "Even Taurus will sing."

"You sing?" Gwen inquired looking up into fifteen-year-old Taurus's amber eyes.

"Only after a few skins of wine," Taurus laughed.

"I bet you sing very well," Gwen said. She could feel her cheeks burning a bit more from shyness than the wine. She was fond of Taurus, and grew fonder of him each time she saw him.

"Oh he can," Biarric agreed, "Especially when he thinks he is alone."

"And when is that exactly?" Gwen asked.

"When I bath," Taurus answered. "I am curious to know when you have seen me bath?"

"When I come back here to take my own bath," Biarric answered. "I just hide in the bushes and wait until you are done."

"That is a bit unsettling," Gwen stated.

"I hope you enjoyed the show," Taurus laughed.

"Oh, yes, very much," Biarric smiled.

Gwen took a drink of the sweet-berry wine, and attempted to change the subject. "What else do you do back here?"

"We play drinking games," Taurus answered.

"I would like to try one," Gwen exclaimed.

"I do not think you are ready for one," Taurus stated.

"She has to learn sometime," Cortan argued, "And who better to learn with than trusted friends. I would suggest a drinking song."

They did a round robin song, which required each person to come up with a verse based on the previous verse sung. If someone was not able to come up with a verse the round ended, and that person had to drink from their wine skin. The game ended when one or two of them emptied their wine skins.

"I believe it is time to head back to camp," Biarric giggled. She stood, swayed, and maintained her balance. Cortan headed back with her.

Taurus got steadily to his feet. Gwen moved to get up, and found herself sitting again. Taurus offered her his hand, and pulled her to her feet. She staggered forward and bumped against him. He wrapped an arm around her to keep her from collapsing.

"Easy there," he chuckled.

"Sorry," Gwen slurred. She giggled and covered her mouth. "I think I might be too drunk."

"After one skin of wine?" Taurus laughed. "You need to build up your constitution if you are going to continue drinking with us."

"I believe you were right about me not being ready for a drinking game." Gwen giggled and let out a little snort. Taurus smiled and scooped her into his arms. She squirmed in his arms. "Taurus put me down. I can walk on my own."

"Of course you can," Taurus agreed, "but I want to make sure you get back to our camp site safely.. It's very dark out here, and you never know who or what could be hiding in the forest."

"I could just conjure a ball of light," Gwen reminded him.

"Have you ever conjured while inebriated?" Taurus inquired.

"No," Gwen admitted.

"Then it would probably not be a good idea to try it at this moment," Taurus advised as he carried her down the path leading back to their camp.

She made a non-committed sound of understanding, rested her head on his broad shoulder, and curled her arms over her stomach. By the time Taurus stepped into the circle of fire light, which marked their camp she was fast asleep in his arms. Alistair was sitting with Taurus's father Andros by the fire. He stoo as Taurus approached, and took Gwen from him.

"Thank you for helping her get back here," Alistair stated. He turned and carried Gwen into the tent they shared with Morgan.

Word Count: 948
© Copyright 2015 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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