Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2045612-Slime
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2045612
The invaders came to conquer. Little did they realize what they faced.
From deep space, the spores traveled on the backs of meteors. Attaching themselves to anything passing their dying planet, they seeked a new world to conquer and make a home for their species.

Able to exist in the deep coldness of space. They waited until they found a world, one warm enough to end the hibernating and allowed them to repopulate the species. Our solar system provided them that chance.

The humid summer night was perfect for star gazing. No clouds and the moon, was bright and full. As the night progressed, a gentle breeze cooled down the heat from the day. Mark and his best friend John noticed the Meteor shower just after ten p.m. They had been laying out in Mark's back yard talking about girls and star gazing. Both had belonged to the Astronomy Club in school.

"Did you see that? Was it a Meteor or another piece of space junk finally falling to Earth?" questioned Mark.

"Yeah, I did. There goes another one and another. What's up? There was no mention of a meteor shower anytime this month." replied John. They both stood now and watched over the empty field behind them.

"I wonder if the Professor is seeing this? Maybe we should call him?" Not waiting for John to answer, Mark pulled out his cell phone and texted his private number. The one given out to only his favorite students and that was not many.

It was only seconds after texting that Mark recieved an answer back. It said: Yes, I am aware of it. I'm recording it on my instruments. Come over tomorrow and we can examine the results. That is, if it is ok with your parents. Professor McCloud.

John looked over at Mark," I don't care if it is ok or not. I'm going. How about you?"

"I'll ask my parents, but there should be no problems. They are going away for the day." he was interrupted by a bright light and a loud bang that shook the ground."Did you see that one? Looked like it landed on the otherside of the field. Want to go take a quick look? I can get a couple flashlights."

"Are you kidding? Of course I do. Let's go!"

With flashlights in hand they started across the field. Even with the full Moon, it did little to illuminate the ground full of weeds and wildflowers. Usually the field was noisey with insects, but tonight it was dead quite and that was eerie.

Up ahead they could see the impact crater made by the Meteor. They had to climb up five feet to get to the top. From the feet to the knees they were covered in dirt, as were their hands.

The crater was twenty feet across from rim to rim and ten feet deep. In the bottom, lay what was left of the meteor that did not burn up in the atmosphere on it's way down.

"Whats covering that thing?" asked John.

"No clue. It looks like slime. But what I want to know is why it is glowing? Want to get closer?"

"I can see just fine from here Mark. Did that green slime just move? Move your flashlight away."

"Ok. You were right. It is moving down the side of the Meteor and spreading out along the ground. Come on! Let's get out of here and call the Professor back."

They ran across the field faster than they had previously crossed it. Back in Mark's backyard they paused a moment before going into the basement. Locking the slider behind them they stared out as John placed the call.

"Hello, you have reached Professor Ian McCloud. I am not able to answer right now. Leave your name and the number where you can be reached and I will call back when able. Thank you."

"Darn, he's not answering. Now what, Mark?"

"Guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow and go over to his house. There's nothing else we can do."

"Wanna bet?" John blurted out, grabbing his jacket and racing up the steps towards the garage and his bike.

"Where do you think you are going? You're supposed to be spending the night here." called out Mark to John's back. Grabbing a light jacket he followed.

Down Oak street and around the corner onto Elm they raced their bikes. At the next corner they stopped for traffic and then raced onward toward Acadenic Row, a mile from their school.

Neither had been there before and were surprised when they reached his address. Rising above stood a four story Victorian styled mansion. The most stand out feature was the tower at the western corner that rose above the house another story. Made of stone with surrounding battlements. It immediately brought to mind knights and damsel's in distress.

Closing the iron gate behind them, they rode up the winding driveway to an immense door set in stone and crossed with iron strap. Banging the knocker down heavily they waited. Nobody came and they knocked again.

As they were turning to leave the door opened behind them. A man stood there in a tuxedo. "May I help you?"

"Can we speak to Professor McCloud? It is very important." asked John.

"He is busy. Can I take a messege?"

"We talked to him earlier. Tell him John and Mark are here."

"I can not disturb him when he is in his study. Not for any reason. Come back later." he went to close the door and John pushed his way in. I followed into the foyer.

"Young men I demand you leave this minute or I am calling the police." he sneered down at us. John was already on his cell phone calling the Professor.

"Hello again Professor. Me and Mark are in your foyer. We need to talk with you right away. Your butler is being very rude" Silence for a monent and then he addded," Ok. We will see you in a few minutes." Turning to look at the butler he sassed," Boy, are you in trouble jack."

A couple minutes later down the stairs came the Professor. With his white hair going in every direction. he looked like a mad scientist. Standing there at the bottom of the steps, he did his usual nervous habit of stroking his goatee. "Hello boys! What's so important that it could not have waited until tomorrow? Isn't the Meteor shower fantastic?"

"That's what we are here talk to you about. Those Meteors have something attached to them and it's coming alive." remarked John.

"And it's glowing." I added.

"Glowing? Mmm, interesting, boys. Come with me to my study. Charles, hot choclate for everyone." he turned to start walking up the steps. We followed smirking at Charles.

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