Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2047133-The-Global-Wolf-Pack
Rated: E · Article · Cultural · #2047133
An observation of life in the 21st Century
When did it happen? It wasn't an overnight thing. It happened gradually, one or
two of us at a time. Then the movement picked up momentum. Suddenly, here we
are. A pack of blood-thirsty people-wolves, anxious to tear the flesh from our own
friends and families. Anyone with a perceived weakness is fair game. If you get
caught parking your car in the wrong spot. If you get caught taking an "extra"
dessert. Whatever the "crime" of the moment is, the pack mentality will take you

It has now morphed into more serious, real crimes being treated with equality to
the perceived aberrations. As I write this, there is a scandal on the television news
concerning at least eleven members of our Secret Service, the supposedly elite
law-enforcement and presidential protection group. Seems they got caught literally
with their pants down. Human reproduction is a natural thing. Without it, the human
race would disappear. But now, the act itself, if performed outside of ever-changing,
undefined, make-it-up-as-we-go circumstances, has been criminalized. Anytime the
pack, led by the media wolves, senses the blood of an offending, often innocent party,
it attacks in a relentless, unflagging ripping and tearing of the emotional flesh. It is
not a question of guilt or innocence. It is a "get them, they did something wrong to
someone" type of attack.

Everyone and every deed is suspect. You have no idea when the pack will turn on
you, sensing an illegal or immoral act on your part, even when none has transpired.
We are all human. By definition, we are not perfect. But the pack mentality demands
perfection. Hence, we are all fair game. Just let one of the television personalities
mention your name as a perpetrator of the currently despicable offense, and watch the
pack turn on you. Whether or not you committed a crime is immaterial to the pack.
Their sole goal is to rid the pack, or the planet of your kind. They will resort to
anything to achieve that goal, often becoming perpetrators and victims themselves.

Where am I going with this? Here. The Bible, generally accepted as the "good" book.
says, in regards to the crowd gathering around a woman of questionable character,
(here is where you insert the various and sundry offenses listed in the paragraphs above)

New International Version (©1984) John 8:7 When they kept on questioning him, he
straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to
throw a stone at her."

Okay, there it is in black and white. From over 2000 years ago. In God's Word. And not
an isolated, uncorroborated quote. There are cross-references:

Also from the Bible, New International Version (©1984)

Matthew 7:1 Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
Romans 2:1 You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else,
for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you
who pass judgment do the same things.

I don't think I can say it any clearer than that, so I'll close for now.

Originally published as a blog entry.
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