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Rated: XGC · Chapter · Adult · #2051120
It seems that Harry isn't the only one to be affected by the diapered curse...
Chapter Three

Harry felt very stiff when he awoke the next morning. The lack of movement he'd made over the last day was starting to take its toll on his joints. Sure, he couldn't move much anyway, but the little that he could move was agony.
"Good morning, little one. Sleep we-" Hermione stopped abruptly after wishing Harry a good morning. 'Little one'?! Since when did she call him that? Maybe this arrangement wasn't such a good idea after all.
Harry, however, was starting to warm to it. He was enjoying the motherly attention that he was getting, what with losing his parents at such a young age and all. And besides, Hermione was pretty, caring, smart, who better was there to look after someone in such a condition as him?

Nobody else had seen him since his incident outside charms, he had immediately been rushed to the hospital wing, and afterwards Hermione's room. He would have been accommodated in the sickbay with Madame Pomfrey, but she had her hands full at current with an outbreak of dragon pox among the first years. Hermione, as Dumbledore had said, was the logical choice.

"I've got some good news for you," Hermione said as she started to spoon feed Harry a thin, jelly substance from a jar. He reluctantly swallowed, with much effort. "Professor McGonagall says she thinks she has a way to restore your muscle function. She says she's semi-familiar with a curse such as this. But she also said casting it would have taken a lot of knowledge of dark magic. We'll head down there after your morning change."

Harry's heart fluttered a little as Hermione once again took off his Hufflepuffypants and replaced it with a Ravencushie that would tell her when he had wet or mess himself. It was a light blue diaper with a bird on the front.
She'd laid the diaper out on the bed and shifted him onto it by lifting him by his butt. She couldn't help but take a little extra time to feel how firm it was and Harry definitely noticed the extra attention. His erect cock was almost poking her in the face as she shifted him over. She looked up at him and grinned. There was nothing she wanted more than to take him right there and then in her mouth.

But alas, the two of them were just friends, and so she taped up the diaper tightly and snugly before giving it a little pat on the front, right on Harry's cock.
"There's a good boy," she chimed, and kissed him on the forehead. Her voice caught in her throat as she quickly backed away from him.
"Sorry about that..." She said, blushing brightly. "I don't know what's up with me today."

Harry didn't mind though, every time Hermione made a blunder like that he got butterflies in his stomach. Not to mention his penis...


Professor McGonagall arrived at Hermione's dorm just before lunch time, wand in hand and ready to do business.
"Pleasure to see you again, Ms. Granger," she nodded at Hermione. "And you Mr. Potter." She tipped her hat at Harry who was still tucked up beneath Hermione's duvet.
"Hello Professor. Do you think you can solve this? Make Harry better?"
The professor grumbled.
"I'm going to give it my best. I certainly don't think I can make things any worse. But you must understand, there are no guarantees here."
"I know," Hermione said. "I just want what's best for my ba-" she stopped. "For Harry."

McGonagall looked at her curiously before holding her wand out in front of her, directed at Harry.
"This shouldn't hurt a bit, Potter." She winked at him. "Now you've been reverted to the weakness of a baby, essentially. So it may take a few days for your entire strength to return to you." She carried on waving her wand. Hermione watched on in concern from the corner of her room as the elaborate spell unfolded.
Harry's body soon became awash with small specs of violet light that soaked into his body and seemed to rejuvenate him. McGonagall's wand movements were exact and precise. Any fault in her spell could end up making the situation worse.

The specks of magic dissipated. Harry was asleep.
"Is he supposed to be unconscious?" Hermione asked in a panic, rushing to Harry's side and stroking his hair in worry.
"He'll be fine, Ms. Granger." McGonagall smiled, but it was easy to see how exhausted she was after performing that spell. "Report back to me how he is tomorrow morning, and we'll see what needs to be done beyond that point."
"Thank you, professor." Hermione nodded as she took her leave.

Hermione smiled at Harry's sleeping body. He looked so peaceful and care free. The boy had the weight of the world on his shoulders, this sudden problem was just another in a pile of never ending issues. But she found herself feeling so much closer to him now. Somehow she didn't want this scenario to end. She loved to have him in her control, looking out for him and caring for him. She wanted to mother him, and have him be her baby forever and ever.
The thought made Hermione's thoughts all pink and cosy as she made her way to her bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror, but viewed herself differently now. Hermione Granger: mother. It had a nice ring to it.

Before she could get any further lost in her fantasy, Hermione noticed two growing patches of liquid in her Hogwarts jumper.
"What the hell?" She whispered in a panic, careful not to wake up Harry with her cursing as she fumbled out of her jumper until she was only in her bra, a pretty pink and frilly one that was hugging her breasts far more tightly than normal.
"This-" she unclipped her bra and let her enormous, DD breasts spill out. That's when she saw what the problem was.
Hermione's nipples were big, pink and very swollen. From the ends of them, drips of white liquid could be seen.
"This can't be happening..." She said in disbelief. Could her maternal instincts for Harry really have been this strong? Or was there something more magical at hand? Perhaps there was something else afoot here...maybe this curse didn't just affect her baby Harry.

She squeezed the end of her breasts, close to the nipple and closed her eyes as she felt instant relief. Milk sprang forth from them in thin spurts and she found the aching sensation that she'd been feeling was slowly going away.

That's when she had an idea...

Still topless and lightly kneading her breast, she made her way into the bedroom, where Harry was still in a deep sleep.
"Here you go, baby." She said softly. "This'll make you nice and strong."
She leant against the side of the bed and hovered the soft, pale flesh of her breast over Harry's mouth. A gasp escaped her mouth as she felt Harry instinctively latch onto her tender nipple. Ripples of maternal pleasure shot through her entire body and she found herself squeezing her breast harder so that more milk might make its way into his body.
As soon as her left breast had run dry, she immediately popped the right one into his mouth and squeezed as hard as she could against the tender flesh. Taking pleasure in the pain.

Without her knowing, Hermione's hand descended to her lower region. She slid her fingers beneath the silk of her pink panties, and began to lightly rub her clit as Harry's suckling slowed and her milk ran dry. Harry began to stir and was slowly awaking.
Hermione rapidly dove away from him and snapped her hand out of her panties. She hightailed it to her bathroom and quickly put on her bra and jumper again, before walking back into the bedroom nonchalantly.
"Is everything alright, my baby?"

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