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Rated: E · Chapter · Mystery · #2069644
A great peek into the world of the widely-adored Queen Eadlyn of Wonderie!
Wonderie was the name of a faerie world. Faerie were creatures just like human by they had wings. The name faerie came from their golden eyes. They were originally called ‘fair eyes’ but soon the name became faerie, which was just ‘fair eye’ said quickly into one word. The faerie world was then named Wonderie, which, like the faeries, used to have a name of ‘Wonder Eye’.
Wonderie, like the human world, had many continents. It was shaped like a big circle, with one smaller circle inside it and one heart inside the smaller circle. The outer continent was named Fireland, while the smaller circle was named Butterflyland and the heart named heartland.

From its name, one could tell that Fireland was the most dangerous part of Wonderie. Butterflyland was the most beautiful land, and Heartland was the heart of Woderie. There have been numerous attacks with humanity trying to enter Wonderie, but their technology is far behind the faeries. Not a single human has managed to pass Fireland.
Hearland was where the royal family of Wonderie stayed. The safest part of Wonderie, safe from any attacks of humanity. But that still doesn’t stop faeries from having an inner-war.

Now, if you still want to continue reading, get your favorite drink and settle down on your sofa. Get yourself as comfortable as possible.

Chapter 1 PRINCESS
I slammed my bedroom door angrily. I fell down onto my bed, my tears wetting the sheets. I didn’t understand why my parents always sided my younger brother. Being a royal faerie came with its disadvantages as well. I had to follow whatever my parents asked me to do as they were the King and Queen of the faerie world.
I picked up her handphone and my reflection stared back right at me. I sighed and walked into my bathroom. My eyes were all puffy and red, and obvious tear marks stained my cheeks. I quickly used a hot towel and got rid of all evidence of me crying. It wouldn’t be good for any servant to walk in and see me crying.
I was a very beautiful girl. Or so I had been told. I had straight, silky long black hair which fell perfectly over my shoulders. My heart-shaped face was perfect. A princess, definitely, was what everyone would think when they saw me. My fingers were slim and dainty, with nails long and shiny. Every girl wanted to be my friend and every boy wanted to date me. But the truth was, all these people only wanted to get the benefits of being close to me, and not really liking me in their heart. I was smart enough to know that, which is why I never treated my classmates as friends. That might seem kind of rough to some people, but they don’t understand. They were just my classmates, just my acquaintances. Nothing more than that.
I checked the time on her phone. Time for writing class. I picked up my handbag and opened my window. I took a deep breath of the fresh air outside, unfolded my wings and flew out from there. I flew as high as my wings could take me. The air was colder up there so there were very few faeries up there. I pulled on a black cardigan over her royal dress and started doing somersaults. My laughter rang out like bells ringing in the empty sky. Flying always made me feel better when I was down. I put everything which happened at home at home. Now was time for enjoyment. Writing class was the best part of my Sunday, which usually helped to calm my Sunday blues quite decently.

“Class please put your hands together to welcome our new student, Ken!” I lightly put my hands together, without really making a sound. The only sound mainly came from my teacher.
“Ken, this is Summer, Ethan and Joyce.” Miss Chua introduced us one by one.
I looked at Ken curiously. I recognised him. He was from Stardom Elementary School for Faeries as well. I merely nodded at him then went back to doing her work. I knew that the faeries from SES were never nice people.
“Ken, you shall sit next to Summer.” Miss Chua announced. I sat up with a start, but I didn’t look up from her work. He didn’t deserve more than a glance from me, I thought.
“Hey, you’re Summer right? From 6STAR3?” Now I looked up. So he recognised me too. I nodded.
“You’re from 6STAR4.” I stated it as if it was the most obvious fact in the world, hoping that he would just continue with his work. But either he didn’t catch the hint or he just chose to ignore it. He nodded.
“Smart, eh, you?” Ken smiled at her, “From the best class…” He said wistfully. I put her pen down. I blowed at the wet ink on the paper then looked at Ken intently.
“Why? You WANT to be in the best class? Are you kidding me?”
“Why not? Why would anyone NOT want to be in the best class?” Ken asked me back iridiculously. I didn’t answer him. I handed up her paper to Miss Chua, grabbed my handbag and flew out of the classroom. I shot straight up into the air. My Sunday writing class had just been messed up all over again. I hated it when people thought she was lucky to be in the best class. I was so angry I didn’t even care about how bratty Ken would think I was anymore.
“HEY WAIT UP!” I knew that voice well. It belonged to Joyce. I stopped in mid-air and turned around. Joyce flew up next to me.
“Woah man… Why didn’t you wait for me?” Joyce was her very best friend in the whole world. It made sense that Joyce was upset.
“Sorry… I was pretty upset with Ken,” I muttered.
Joyce looked surprised.
“He was new. I saw the both of you talking in class and thought that the both of you were getting along well…” I couldn’t help but realise that tiny tint of jealousy in Joyce’s voice.
“So… What did he say?” Joyce studied me carefully. I felt a little annoyance rise inside me. I turned to glared at Joyce.
“I don’t feel like talking about it now.” I said coldly then took off higher and faster in the air. I suddenly felt a little bad about it but decided that if Joyce was more sensitive, this wouldn’t have happened at all.
“HEY!” Joyce shouted behind her. I flew even faster. I shot past all the other faeries who were flying as high as they were.
“Summer! Princess Summer!” The other faeries all turned to look at the both of them. Not many people recognised me as a royal princess as my parents had kept quiet about their children, wanting my brother and I to have a peaceful childhood, without those pesky reporters following us everywhere we went.
With a flash, a male faerie appeared in front of me. Igasped and stopped suddenly.
“Princess Summer?” The faerie asked.
I felt all the colour draining from my face. My grip tightened on my handbag. I dropped it, letting it fall through the air. With a small sense of concealed satisfaction, I turned to the male faerie. I knew I needed to stay calm all the more during such occasions.
“You should be a reporter. The thing is me and my friend, Joyce, were playing this pretend game where both of us were princesses. Now if you would excuse me, I need to go find my handbag.” I told him and shot down to the ground. My handbag was waiting for me in mid-air. My handbag had transparent wings and I could control it secretly with my thoughts.
I looked satisfyingly at my handbag and flew straight back home, entering through my open window again. I opened my handbag and made sure all my personal belongings were there, before throwing the handbag aside.
What was wrong with Joyce? She’s a betrayer, I thought bitterly. My day was not getting any better when Joyce flew in through the window.
“Summer! Oh, Summer, I’m so sorry. I was just so upset with you and I accidentally let it slip. Oh please forgive me! Did the reporter find out anything? Did he trail you? I managed to dive down into the sea of flying faeries before he flew to me so he didn’t manage to ask me anything at all…” Joyce sounded like a machine gun with endless bullets. I smiled inside but decided to give Joyce a piece of my mind first.
“Joyce! Now listen. I’m sorry that I ditched you but I thought that you could be more sensitive towards that topic since I had been so fed up. But there was an absolute NO NEED to call me a princess just because I ditched you when I was so mad. Not only princesses do that y’know? I’ve seen that a hundred times in my class and don’t you dare call us spoilt. Yes, I admit I’ve got a bit of a temper but that is not because I’m a princess!” I stared at Joyce as I said this, not wavering even when Joyce started sobbing silently. I knew that I had gone a bit too far this time. I wanted to apologise but swallowed it up quickly. I had to do this, if not Joyce might really let my secret go one day.
“I already said I’m sorry, what else do you want me to do?” Joyce asked quietly. Her eyes, full of sadness and tears, stared back at me. Now this got me. How could I not give in to Joyce? She looked so pitiful and I knew that I wasn’t all innocent as well.
I stepped forward and hugged Joyce, “I’m sorry…”
“Woah! So Summer really is a princess!” I immediately let go of Joyce and went back into my alert mode. I watched helplessly as Ken jumped in from my window. He looked around my room and stared at me intently. My room had a classic and neat theme but it didn’t look like something a princess will stay in.
“I thought the royal family stayed in a palace.” Ken said. I glared at him, while inside, she was going crazy. This is it, I thought, I’m going to be doomed. Mum and Dad are going to kill me and… I will never have another true friend.
“Ken! Ethan! How dare you? How dare you tail us?” Joyce cried. I hadn’t noticed Ethan flying in as well. I climbed up her wall and shut the window hastily. I didn’t need the male reporter flying in as well. The two boys stared in awe at me as I effortlessly dropped back down to the ground without using my wings. I dusted her hands on my dress. I knew I needed to stay come and bribe the two boys not to tell anyone this secret. Somehow.
“Now that the both of you know my secret, I will have to get the royal guards to bring you away into the faerie jail. Unless… you swear to God now that you will not tell anyone.” At the mention of the faerie jail, the two boys sat up straight with a start. They seemed to be afraid of going into jail, unaware that as a minor, I did not have the authority to do so.
“Okay… I’ll do it.” Ethan said. I turned to Ken, who nodded in agreement as well.
I turned to Joyce and winked. Joyce nodded and led the pledge. The three of them said the pledge in perfect unison. I felt important as they finished their pledge.
“Now, Ken, to answer your first question. This house is where I stay with my brother Brian in the day. We only go back to the royal palace at night for dinner and to sleep. In the meantime, I cannot bring you to see Brian as he is a real spoilt brat. If you guys think I am a spoilt brat already, then wait till you see him which will be sometime soon, and I don’t think you will want to see him a second time after that.
“There is a secret passage in this house which leads you to the royal palace. However, there are special scans in the passage which only royalties can pass. Though so, I have managed to bring Joyce across it quite a few times for sleepovers with magic.”
I paused for a while, studying the reactions of Ken and Ethan. Their eyes both widened when I mentioned magic.
“You can do… magic? Real magic?” Ken asked. I nodded. I grinned as I waved my hand and splattered Ken’s face with faerie dust.
“What is that?” Ken coughed, “I smell it everywhere in the house!”
I nodded, “That is what this house is made of. Mother magicked it up.”
Ken looked at her wide-eyed. I smiled.
“Come on, guys. I’ll show you the palace. I don’t think any normal faerie has had the honour of going into the palace for a tour before. I guess the three of you are an exception.” I winked and giggled.
“Okay, now I’ll have to magic you all some clothes to look like servants so that we can pass through the passageway into the palace. It has some special scan to recognise the way you are walking and your look so I’ll have to break through the system again.”
“You have to?” Ken asked. I hesitated then nodded. I had done the breaking in many times in order to sneak Joyce through, but I still didn’t like doing it. I felt as if I was committing a crime. But I still took a deep breath, muttered the words of the magic quietly and waved my hand around the sensor. I held my breath as the sensor shuddered, then changed shape. I waved her teddy bear in front of the sensor to make sure that it was not working temporary. It wasn’t. Relief flooded me as the four of them made their way through in total silence. Even Joyce and I were afraid that the siren would ring suddenly although we had been through the process many times. Joyce slipped her hand into mine for reassurance. I squeezed her hand and quickened my pace.
“Later, if we meet anyone, let me do the talking. Keep your heads bowed and don’t make a noise.” I whispered her instructions to the two boys, who nodded their heads like two obedient dogs. Joyce snickered, but then quickly muffled it, not wanting to give themselves of. Joyce was pretty sure that no servant had ever snickered in front of royalties.
Exiting from the other end of the tunnel, I led the way to my room, ignoring the servants who bowed when I walked past. Upon reaching the room, there was a servant who helped them open the door.
“Your Highness, are you sure you want these servants to enter you room?” The servant asked. I recognised her as the head servant in the palace, named Charlotte. Though the King and Queen liked Charlotte, I didn’t. I found her a little too nosy.
I glared at her, “Yes I’m sure!” I held her head high and walked into my room. Charlotte bowed her head down while muttering apologies.
Joyce, Ethan and Ken followed behind me. My room was really majestic. In fact, there was a whole living room in there. The walls in the living room were painted dark magenta with pictures pasted on the wall. There was golden glitter spluttered on some parts of the wall, as gold was the royal colour for faeries. Ken studied one of the pictures carefully. It was a class picture, in fact two classes’ pictures. The faeries from 6STAR3 and 6STAR4 had taken a picture together. I flopped down onto the sofa and studied each of my friends carefully. They all admired my room. I sighed.

Chapter 2 MISSING!
I sighed in annoyance as she heard someone knock on her door.
“Your Highness, are you awake?”
“Yes, I’m awake what do you want?” I pulled open her door. Charlotte handed me a piece of paper.
“Her Majesty wants you to go to the press conference meeting room now.”
I unfolded the paper. Indeed, there was a message written by my mother, telling me to go to the press conference room. I looked at the time on my faerie phone. It was the usual time for the meeting. I folded the paper back and tucked it in my pocket, before walking away without saying anything.
The more I walked, the more I thought that something was up. The PCM room was usually used for my parents’ meetings with the reporters. What could my mother want me there for? To expose me? I felt a tinge of fear rise up inside me. I wasn’t ready to be exposed yet. Not quite yet. secondary school life had yet to begin. I wouldn’t be able to live as a known princess in any school.
I contemplated not going to the PCM room. But what if my parents had already promised the reporters? That would make them lose a whole lot of face if I didn’t appear. I took a deep breath and walked into the room. I expected to see many reporters from all over the faerie world all pointing their cameras at . But what I saw shocked everything out of me. I couldn’t say a word.
I saw nothing. There was no one, no reporters, no king or queen. I pulled out the note that Charlotte gave me and scrutinised the handwriting carefully. It was my mother’s handwriting. I checked my phone again. It was time for the meeting. Had the meeting been cancelled? I ran up to my parents’ room, curiosity filling me.
I knocked the door loudly, making sure that my parents could hear me. I waited for a while but no one answered. I knocked a second time, even louder. There was still no response. I felt panic rise in me, but I calmed myself down. After all, what could happen?
I looked around and realised the palace was eerily quiet. Something was definitely going on. There would usually be a few servants scurrying about cleaning up before the king and queen walked out. I pressed my thumb onto the doorknob. There was a secret sensor in there, so that royalties could access all the rooms in the palace if there was an emergency. The door swung open and I locked the door behind me.
“Mother? Father?” I called out. My echo answered me back and I felt a sharp sense of fear run down my spine. I looked around the room and realised that my parents’ crowns were gone. They never wore their crowns usually. I felt my heart quicken and I ran out of the room. The day was getting worse. I ran all the way back down to my room and locked myself inside. I then ran through the sensor back to the normal house which I stayed in in the day. I ran to my brother’s room and swung open his door.
“Woah! Don’t you have the sense to knock the door?” Brian snickered. I glared at him.
“Did you see Mother or Father this morning?” I asked him.
“No… They have their PCM meeting today. You forgot?” Brian stared at me as if I had three heads. I shook my head, my thoughts going wild.
“This morning, Charlotte woke me up and passed me this note, telling me to go to the PCM room to meet Mother and Father, so I went there,” I said, pulling out the note to let Brian see. “The funny thing was that there was no one in the PCM room. I thought that maybe there was some changes made to the location of the meeting so I turned around to ask a servant passing by, but there were no servants. None at all. I freaked out and went into Mother and Father’s room but they weren’t in there either. Even their crowns were missing!” I burst into tears as I finished my sentence.
Brian placed a hand on my shoulder. I immediately felt better.
“We have to go back to the palace.”
I looked back at him, my watery eyes full of fear. I didn’t want to go back to the palace but we had to. I nodded.
“We have to go back to the palace,” I echoed and shivered.

Chapter 3 KIDNAPPED!
The royal palace housed at least 80 servants, making sure that each and every part of the palace was clean at all times. Most of the time, even in the most deserted places of the palace, there were always one or two servants scurrying around, brushing the smallest amount of dusts from the corners. I always felt that the servants thought that royalties were allergic to dust. When the servants were around, I never found them to be comforting. But now when they were gone, the palace felt eerie.
“Brian… Do you understand what I meant now?” My voice quivered as I spoke softly. I saw my brother shudder a little then nod. I instantly felt braver, knowing that I was the older sibling and had the responsibility to take care of my younger brother. I reached out to give him a hug. We crept down the corridors, searching room by room. There was no one. No one at all. The normal buzzy feeling from the magic dust in the walls were also gone.
“Sis, did you check the servants’ quarters?” Brain asked. I shook my head. In my state of panic, I hadn’t thought of that. So we made our way to the servants’ quarters. My mind buzzed with fear. Had the whole palace been kidnapped? I sighed.
Upon reaching the quarters, Brian pushed open the door gently. I saw that his hand was shaking so badly, and I reached out to squeeze his hand. Brian squeezed mine back as a note of thanks.
“Anyone here?” I asked into the dark room. Instantly, the lights came on.
“Your highnesses,” The voice greeted. I knew instantly that the person was Charlotte. She slowly appeared from one of the bunks and curtsied in front of the both of us.
“Charlotte! Where are the rest of the servants?” Brain asked.
“They all went home. His Majesty gave an order for all servants to go back home.” Charlotte pulled out a roll of paper and handed it to me. I scanned through the royal order and confirmed that it was written by our father. Brian was eyeing Charlotte suspiciously.
“Then why are you still here?” Brian questioned. Charlotte looked down at the floor and hesitated.
“I have no home to return to, Your Highness.”Brian and I exchanged glances.
“Where have Mother and Father gone?” Brian blutered out. Charlotte seemed to expect that question. Charlotte looked around then ushered us into the quarters and let them sit down.
“I gave Her Highness the note from Her Majesty. That note was passed to me by Her Majesty herself, telling me to keep Your Highnesses safe from evil threats while they are gone,” Charlotte told them. That didn’t help to release the knot inside my heart. So Charlotte did know that their parents were going to be gone. But why did the note ask her to go to the PCM room?
“Okay… Thank you, Charlotte. We’ll be going back now.”I pulled Brian to their room.
“I don’t trust Charlotte. Do you?” I asked Brian. To my relief Brian shook his head.
“I think we have to go back to the PCM room. That will be a big clue to where Mother and Father have gone. There’s just something about the PCM room.” Brian agreed with me and we flew down into the deep palace once again.
I flew straight into the room without hesitating. I scanned the room for any clues but I only found one slip of paper at the extreme corner of the room. I flew down and picked it up.
“What does it say?” Brian hovered behind me curiously. “We are coming for you and your brother as well! Just you wait.” He read out loud. I immediately turned around, horrified that there would be someone holding a pistol to my head. But there wasn’t.
“This place is creepy, let’s get out of here.” I said. Brian didn’t need to repeat. They flew out of the royal palace at top speed, back into their day house.
“Brian… I think Mother and Father were kidnapped. The note said that they were coming for us and they added a ‘just you wait’ behind. What could it mean? I think it means soon. But when is that? Brian where was the note that Mother left for Charlotte?” I was pacing around the room, talking like a machine gun.
“Summer! You have to calm down!” Brian said as he passed me the note. I bent down to look at the note carefully. I waved my hand and let the note stay in mid air as I used both of her hands to smooth out the note. I noticed that the letters were shuddery and the lines were not smooth, indicating that the person who wrote it had only managed to write it with much effort. I quickly voiced out my thoughts to Brian and he agreed.
“Brian? This means that we are in danger. Charlotte said that Mother passed her the note herself but the note wasn’t written by Mother. So does it mean that Charlotte is a bad person?” I asked. I saw his expression change as he contemplated what I had just said.
“I don’t know, sis. I really don’t know. Charlotte was the one who brought me up since I was a baby and I refuse to believe that Charlotte would be associated with the people who kidnapped our parents without solid evidence. I guess we just have to be prepared.” I nodded, though I wasn’t too happy by the fact that Brian chose to believe Charlotte over me. I turned around and with a sweep of my hands, there was a translucent layer of magic on all the windows and doors of the house. My eyes locked with Brian’s and we knew that if our parents couldn’t use magic to stop whoever kidnapped them, magic couldn’t keep them out of our day house either. They were in danger 24/7.
“The news that Mother and Father are missing will leak out soon. I am the heir to the throne, which mean that in a few days, I will become queen?” I felt my voice quiver even though I had tried my best not to let Brian know that I was scared.
“Yes. But you have been raised to be a queen all your life, so I don’t think that that will be a challenge for you. The only challenge will be finding Mother and Father,” Brian said. If that was meant to comfort me, I only felt worse.

It had been more than a week after my parents went missing. The public police forces were out in full forces and together with a voluntary search team, the whole island had been searched but no king and queen. After a week of searching, the search was ceased and a new queen would be crowned. At an age of thirteen, I could not yet manage the country by myself, but since all of the advisors had gone missing together with the king and queen, an exception had been made for me.
I shuddered as I got dressed for the coronation. That day was going to be the first day the whole faerie world got to see me. Princess Summer. That was my old name, I reminded myself. Now as a queen, my name was changed to Queen Eadlyn. I had thought about keeping ‘Summer’ as my name, but according to my father’s will, my name had to be changed to Eadlyn when I became queen. So I had no choice but to consend to it.
I fingered my long golden dress. There was a purple sash which came with it, identifying royalty. Since my parents’ crown had also gone missing, a new crown was made for her. I had specially requested for her crown to be made like a tiara, which I preferred in comparison to the big and heavy crown my mother had owned which I thought had no traces of elegance at all. My name had been carved at the side of the crown.
“Queen Eadlyn,” I read my new name out loud. I imagined my mother’s name there instead and for a moment I imagined my mother waving to the crowd on her coronation day, with the crowd chanting my mother’s name over and over again. “Queen America! Queen America! Queen…”My imagination of the chants faded and I turned back to the crown. I suddenly wished that my parents were there with me. They would know what to do. Holding my tears back, I pasted a smile on my face instead and kept the sadness bottled up inside my heart. I slid the crown onto my head, using the pins to fasten the crown. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and for a moment, I couldn’t recognise herself. I smiled into the mirror experimentally. Pleased with the look, I slid of the crown passed it to the coronator.
Taking a deep breath, I stepped out into the crowd. There were millions of faeries everywhere. I just smiled and waved at them. They erupted into cheers, chanting my name over and over again, just like how I thought they did for my own mother when she was crowned queen. I had to hold her tears back once again, unwilling to let the public see me cry. I had to put up a brave front in front of them. I continued walking down the red carpet with that fake smile plastered on my face.
There were a few faeries holding up banners for me, with my name sprinkled in glitter. I smiled at those but I still found the name ‘Eadlyn’ foreign.
Reaching the coronator, I stopped and wiped all traces of smiles away from my face. It was now time to be serious.
“I hereby crown Eadlyn Schreave as the new queen of Wonderie. May I present to you, ladies and gentlemen, Queen Eadlyn of Wonderie!” He picked up the crown from the velvet cushion that a servant was holding and helped me put it on. He also passed me the command stick, which was actually just a stick made of pure gold with a diamond in the top. Since I was a girl, the diamond was specially dyed magenta for me. I took it from him and curtsied, before turning to the faeries to take my pledge.
“I, Queen Eadlyn of Wonderie, pledge to always put the faeries of Wonderie before myself. I pledge to bring harmony, peace and equality to all of you. I will be responsible for my country until I draw my last breath. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for supporting me!” I finished this off with a curtsy to the faeries.
“Your Majesty!” The faeries all greeted me. They each curtsied and bowed three times to me, as their respects to me during the first few seconds of being queen. I felt my hand sweat a little and I gripped the stick tighter. I was afraid that I would drop the stick and become a public embarrassment. Anxious I did a small gesture with my hand and transparently magiced the stick to my hand. I grinned. I definitely was getting better at transparent magic. I held the stick high as if it didn’t weigh much - which it didn’t really, not with the magic force holding the stick to my palm - and walked back down the red carpet into the grand entrance of the palace, where I was swarmed with reporters.
I recognised one of them as the reporter who stopped me when I was flying in mid-air a few days ago. A few days ago. When my parents were still around. When I was just a princess.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked in absolute horror. My brother smirked but shook his head.
"No, sis, I'm not kidding. We both know that we need to continue finding Mother and Father as soon as possible, but then we would need a person to help us run the country while we are gone," Brian reasoned.
I thought about what he said. It made sense, but I wasn't exactly excited to finding a soul mate at this age. Hello, I was merely thirteen, though I was turning fourteen next year. I sighed and peeked at my brother.
"I can't believe I'm doing this...." I groaned as I reached for the stack of papers Brian had brought in together with him. I scanned through the first few lines, registering something about 36 boys who were going to be brought in equally from each of the continents. I decided that I could read the rest later and just signed at the bottom.
"There you have it!" I exclaimed as I put my hands over my eyes. Brian grinned before scooping up the papers and left. I groaned once again and got up from my office chair. I looked out of the window at the palace gardens. I suddenly felt a yearning to go down there. When I was a princess, I had spent most of my time in the Women's Room with Mother and some other female advisers. But now the palace was still very empty and I couldn't bear to be down at the Women's room still without knowing where Mother was.
Ah! Company! I quickly grabbed my phone and found Joyce's number. I quickly texted her to meet me at the day house. Fueled by some sort of anticipation to meet my best friend again, I flew out of my office window and did a few somersaults in the air. I whooped in delight, ignoring the amused and worried faces of the palace guards and maids respectively. Excuse me, I'm still a girl, I thought. Deciding that I would fly to my day house instead of actually going through the passageway in my room, I continued flying.
I gained height quickly but was stopped at the palace gates. They were so tall that they reached the sky and no one could actually enter the palace by flying without some sort of oxygen mask. But it actually created the same effect for the people inside the palace. I had to land and pass through the security before I was free.
I let myself drop to the ground as gracefully as I could manage, barely managing to contain my laughter when I saw the horrified expressions on the guards' faces.
"Your Majesty," They all bowed. I smiled slightly then proceeded to walk out.
"Your Majesty? Would you like to bring a few guards with you in case of any emergencies?" One of them asked. I spun around. I was going to make a show of my new authority.
“Dear me… Are you saying that I can’t protect myself properly?” I questioned the guard with as the most authorial voice I could manage. The guard looked terrified under my scrutiny. I saw his hand tremble before he mustered up the courage to speak to me again.
“No… No, Your Majesty. I wouldn’t dare. I mean… with all that going on in the palace now, it’s best for Your Majesty to go with some guards. We are responsible for your safety. Your Majesty,” He hastily added. I merely glared at him, then flew out of the palace gates. I could still hear their calls behind me, but I decided to ignore them.
Freedom, I thought as I gained height once again. Not long after that, I swooped down and flew into the open window in my day house again. I was greeted by an unearthly scream by Joyce.
“Summer! You scared me!” She cried. Then noticing my tiara-crown, she quickly changed into a rough curtsy.
“Your Majesty!” She greeted. Two more greetings sounded out from behind her. It was then I realised that Joyce had brought Ken and Ethan along. Usually, I would have questioned her, but then I didn’t mind more company either.
Company, I paused for a minute. I suddenly realised that I would have more than enough company when the 36 boys came. I suddenly felt nauseous.
“Is there something wrong?” Joyce asked. I shook my head. I decided to keep this small secret to myself until the whole selection was aired on the Wonderous tonight. The Wonderous was like news in the human world.
“Let’s go to the palace. And this time we’ll go back through the main gate,” I declared.

“Your office is amazing!” Ken cried. I smiled contentedly. I got one of the butlers to come in.
“Listen. I want you to take these down on some paper later and make it official as soon as possible. Crown Joyce Tames as my sister as a Lady and make her one of my advisors. From now on, greet her as a Lady whenever you see her. She shall rise from a Three to a One. Rise Ken Leger and Ethan Woodwork from Threes to Twos and make them officers. From now on, they shall be greeted as officers. Alright, now, go do it,” I commanded and the butler scurried off. Joyce stared in awe at me.
“I’m now your… your sister? A… a Lady? And a One?” Joyce squeaked. I grinned and nodded. She flew straight at me and hugged me.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She sang. I kept my mouth shut about the fact that I needed her more than anything. I felt bad that I was using these to manipulate her into staying at the palace.
-The end of Part One of the Wonderie series-
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