Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2070652-The-Truth-Might-Just-Get-You-Killed
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2070652
Being a Media Finder is a very dangerous Profession. It can even kill you.

The Truth Might Get You Killed

     A Media Transport raced down a busy roadway. Twisting and turning around the other Transports. It didn’t seem to care if it hit other Transports, bumped into them, made them skid off the roadway or forced them to flip over.

     Behind them causing even more damage and danger came another Transport. That one had its top half of its sides missing, and sticking out of them were two hand weapons. They started firing Laser Bullets at the Media Transport.

     On top of the Media Transport a small square opened up. From that square a Video Box popped up. “Video everything. I want it all,” said a female voice from within.

     Within that Media Transport Healam tried to control that Transport while seated next to him Torena, the female voice, kept her eyes on the Video Monitor in between them. “Conspiracy usually doesn’t re-act like this,” said Torena.

     “What did you expect after uncovering the biggest Credit theft Norive has ever seen,” said Healam. He didn’t take his eyes off the road as he said that.

     “I’m a Media Finder,” said Torena. “It’s my Profession to uncover the truth.”

     “I know, but you didn’t have to do it like that.” Healam glanced over at Torena, but only for a second.

     “It was the only way to get Ambulatory Man to talk,” said Torena. “I had to do whatever it took to get him to admit to the truth. The faster he did it the better.”

     Healam turned the Control Circle in front of him sharply to the left. The Media Transport barely skidded around a large Public Transport, but the Laser Bullets hitting it hit the Public Transport instead. “There had to be another way to do it than to expose him to everyone on Norive.”

     “I haven’t done that,” said Torena. “At least not yet – and he knows that. That’s why he’s sent his killers after us.”

     “They aren’t killers, but they will be if they stop us from getting to the Communication Center.” Healam twisted the Control Circle hard to the right – barely squeaking in between two Transports, a large family one and a cargo one, heading in opposite directions.

     The Transport hiring at them couldn’t get past the two Transports. It had to swing back onto the side the Cargo Transport traveled on. Once the family Transport got past them they speeded around the Cargo one and admittedly started firing at the Media Transport again – and gaining on them too.

     Torena was looking down at the Video Monitor when she said, “They are getting closer by the second. We need to speed up.”

     “We can’t,” said Healam. “I’m going maximum now. I can’t go any faster.”

     “Are we close enough to contact Communications?” Torena asked. “Notification might be our only chance for the world to know about what we found out.”

     Before Healam could respond to that he had to pull the Control Circle back toward him hard. That made the Media Transport stop suddenly. The Transport firing at them couldn’t stop, and hit the back of them. Not enough to stop them, but it did do some damage to them.

     “Why did you do that?” Torena asked.

     “I had to,” answered Healam. “Look ahead!”

     Torena looked. What she, they, saw was a six Transport, three by two, pile up about two hundred feet in front of them. They covered both sides of that roadway. “Now I know why we haven’t seen any Transports pass us in the last thirty minutes.”

     Just then was when the Transport behind them hit them. Healam looked behind him – even though he couldn’t see through the back metal. While Torena glanced down at the Video Monitor. All she saw was the top back half of the top of the Transport headed for the Video Box. It just barely tapped it before it returned to the road with a very loud thud.

     Healam stopped at Torena on his way back to looking out the front again. “What are we going to do now?”

     “There’s nothing we can do,” responded Torena. “Delete the truth if you have to do it. I don’t want really want to do that, but it’s better than they knowing just how much of the truth we have.”

     After a few minutes Healam asked, “What are they waiting for? Why haven’t they killed us?”

     “Why are you so much in a hurry to me dead?” Torena asked. “It’s me they are after – not you.”

     “I’m not wanting to get, or see, anyone killed,” said Healam. “I was just wondering why they haven’t done anything yet. That’s all.”

     “It’s probably because there are too many Solians around us,” said Torena. Torena gestured to the crowds of Solians on both sides of them. They were asking the same questions. “Are you here to do a story? How did you hear about the accident so quickly? It was an accident – wasn’t it? Etc.”

     As they face the questions one at a time Torena saw a large Message Board down the road a little bit. The message said, Watch ‘Another Truth,’ by Torena, tonight. This one is about the Credit thief.

The Word Count, including this line, is 871.

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