Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2074021-Afternoon-Downpour
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #2074021
Getting caught in the rain.
The rain was pelting the classroom windows by the time Jill completed her last final of the semester. It had been a clear, sunny day when she left for campus, so she decided to walk the several blocks from her residence. Now, it was pouring down buckets of rain. There was nothing about rain in the forecast, but this was Florida. Anyone living here for any length of time knew they could practically set their watches by the afternoon downpours. Jill kicked herself for not bringing an umbrella; for wearing a white, cotton dress; and for wearing white sandals.

She looked out the classroom windows with a forlorn expression, and sighed inwardly, in resignation. By now, the rest of the students finished their exams. They were either prepared, having brought umbrellas just in case, or felt they could dodge the raindrops en route to their next destination. This left Jill alone in the classroom with.

“It’s really coming down out there,” the professor remarked.

Jill jumped. She hadn’t heard him walk up beside her.

“Yes it is,” she said, smiling up at him.

“Do you have any more exams today?” He leaned against the air conditioner.

“No, you were my last one. I mean your final was my last …”

“I know what you meant.” He smiled back at her. “Can I walk you to your car?”

“I didn’t bring my car, I walked.”

“Oh?” He packed up his laptop bag and opened the door for her. “Would you like a ride home? It’s pretty bad out there, and it shows no signs of slowing up anytime soon.”

“That would be very kind of you, thanks,” Jill accepted.

He led the way out of the building to a silver, late model Acura. They were both soaked by the time they made it to his car. The professor’s salmon-colored polo and khaki slacks became darkened with saturation. Droplets of water ran from his hair, down over his face and neck. Jill felt a sudden desire to lick them off his skin. Stop that! She chastised herself. He’s your teacher.

Her dress was soaked through as well, and her white bra and panties were clearly visible underneath the sheer cotton fabric. Her leather sandals were likely ruined. Her hair looked as though she had just stepped out of the shower. He pulled up in front of her apartment complex.

“Well,” he smiled at her. “Here we are.”

“Thank you, Dr. Lancing,” Jill said and smiled back at him.

“Please, call me Mike.”

Jill decided that since she was no longer his student she could honor his wishes. “Thank you, Mike.”

“May I walk you to your door?”

“Umm, sure.”

Mike parked in the visitors’ parking lot. He grabbed his emergency umbrella which he always kept in the car, and climbed out to open the passenger door for her. As it was usually just him, the umbrella was barely big enough to keep him dry. He held her close to keep her under the umbrella, sacrificing his own dignity. It was ultimately pointless anyway, considering how wet her dress already was, but Jill was not going to complain. Mike closed the umbrella as they entered the building. Jill pressed the call button for the elevator. When its doors slid open, the people getting off eyed them curiously as they moved past. Jill and Mike got on the elevator once it had cleared out, and she hit the button for the second floor.

“Forgive me for saying so,” Mike began, “but, you really look fabulous in that dress.”

“Oh no,” Jill shook her head vehemently. “It’s soaked, and you can see my underwear, and …” Her words trailed off as she saw where he was going.

“Nonsense.” Mike slid his fingers under her chin and tilted it up to look at him. “You look very sexy.”

Jill felt the heat rise in her cheeks. “Thank you,” she looked away from him bashfully. The elevator dinged, stopping at her floor. They stepped out and Jill led Mike to her door. She fished her keys out of her purse.

“It was a pleasure, as always, Ms. Peters. Are you busy tomorrow?”

“No, sir.”

“Oh, please, don’t call me sir,” Mike protested softly, taking her hands in his. “Would you have lunch with me?”

“Mike!” Jill gasped. “Can we do that?”

“Why not? You’re no longer my student. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with a student and her professor discussing course material over lunch.”

“I suppose not,” she agreed. “Where should I meet you?”

“Would it be ok if I picked you up here, around eleven forty-five?”


Mike decided he kept her out of her apartment long enough. It would not do for him to try to get inside so soon. Though, he would really enjoy getting his hands on her soaking wet dress, not to mention her sweet little body. Instead, he leaned in, and gave her a soft peck on the cheek, then turned and headed for the elevator.

Jill stood in astonishment, watching him walk away. She waited until the doors slid closed before entering her apartment.

© Copyright 2016 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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