Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2076407-Jenna
by Autumn
Rated: E · Fiction · Career · #2076407
Contest Entry for 02/26
         Although Jenna had been doing her job for many years, she felt as if she were being tested. Why she was being tested, she had no idea. She only knew that she had to stay true to her roots, and follow her gut instincts. That was the only way she was going to be able to pass.
         Taking a deep breath, and sparing a moment to tie her long auburn tresses into a bun so that they wouldn’t get in her way, she let out a heavy sigh and set her mind to task. This project was going to take all of her concentration, and she couldn’t allow even a slight tickle, of a stray hair, to cause distraction.
         Ever since Evan had taken her on, straight out of college, he had been molding her; as if she were clay on a potter’s wheel; to take over the firm upon his retirement. Perhaps this test was a step in that direction. Mayhap it was only a way to determine the strength of her resolve to rise to the challenge. Either way, she refused to even contemplate the idea of failure.
         Working through the night, and into the wee hours of the morning, pausing only to drink coffee and go to the bathroom, the young woman sat back with a weary, but satisfied, sigh. Right at that moment, her boss decided to stick his head in the door.
         “Did you stay here all night!?!” he asked incredulously.
         Nodding, she held up the fruits of her labor to show to him. He smiled, nodded, and told her, “Go home and get some sleep.”
© Copyright 2016 Autumn (jayelyn68 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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