Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2077567-Change
Rated: E · Short Story · Personal · #2077567
An personal experience to help you in your life trials
Can you imagine going through a feeling of change? Utter alteration?................change of movement, change of the direction in which your life is going or even the change of feelings? Now that change i know of someone who has experience t it. She once met this guy she really liked which she grew to love but here's the thing...............................she didn't love him, crazy right???????? She loved the feeling he gave her, yea i know that's sad but it's true. Sometimes you may think you love someone but really and truly, you don't. You loved the fact that the person loves you and the feeling of being love and the feeling that the persons gives you. You know the saying: "You never know what you have until it's gone", I find that statement completely true and it actually occurred to this girl. But in her case it wasn't a situation in which she lost him, something happen and it's a little personal to her so i won't share it. Anyway something happen and it changed her entire feelings........she realized she actually loved him and that yeah she can live without him but it will hurt. It will hurt if he ignores her, it will hurt if he doesn't reply right away to her messages, it will hurt seeing him socialize with other people and not come to her, it will hurt if he forgets about her and move on to her next girl and find a new love. It would hurt not seeing him every time he's near to her and she does those secret glances to make sure he's there, it would hurt not talking to him for more than two days because why?..............................she realized that she loved him but lucky for her it was not to late. For the guy she fell in love with pursued her even when she lost feelings and try to push him away, he talked and be there for her even when she only thought of him as a friend and he still loved her even when she "claimed" she had no sort of romantic her feelings for him. That is what made her a lucky girl and it wasn't too late for her and maybe for you it's not too late. If you ever went through this or going through this right now I sincerely hope this experience will help in many ways. Many people don't like change but sometimes we need to experience change so that we can know what we have and cherish it. We may take takes for granted but i'm telling you at this moment to love and be grateful for those things you have right now. A change in things may alter your point of view on things in your life................maybe that's the exact thing you need. Change may be a good or bad but i think you should look at it from the good side and experience that feeling of CHANGE!!!!!!
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