Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2077629-Family-in-the-lights
Rated: E · Short Story · Comedy · #2077629
I wanted to become famous but the next thing I knew my family was in the picture.
I dreamed that one day when I was older I would become famous and adored by everyone... BUT NOT WITH MY FAMILY!!! One day I was at school and I saw a picture of a walking dead show. On the bottom of the poster it said auditions on Wednesday 2016. THAT'S TOMORROW!!! I have to ask my parents if I could do this, and if they say no they will hear a scream before they even can even say sorry. Who would say no to this, I mean it's like opportunity knocking at my door. I took the poster walking home, excited to tell my parents about how their daughter will become famous. When I got home I ran into the kitchen screaming my head off until my parents said "WHAT HAPPENED??? ARE YOU HURT???" I just said no and told them everything about the show and my plan. When I finally finished they were SOOOOO excited, but the only problem was it wasn't because I was going to be famous... It's because they were excited about going to audition WITH ME!!! Mom was saying "Yes! I have the perfect outfit and shoes to go with the show. Even dad was saying "YA!!! I can actually break stuff without getting in trouble!!! They kept talking and talking about how they were going to be awesome till I yelled STOP IT!!! They finally stopped and I said Mom, Dad, This is a great opportunity for me and I don't want it to be ruined by Hulk dad and fashionista mom, Please don't audition with me. Both of them just nodded and said "Ok we understand." I said Thanks!!! Your the best parents EVER!!! I ran upstairs to get started on what I'm going to do for my audition and before I knew it, It was Wednesday!!! I went to school not even listening in class, counting down the minutes. FINALLY the school bell rang and I burst out of class. When my parents arrived we headed for the Lead center, Where the auditioning took place. When we got there I was so excited I just ran out of the car, not even saying goodbye. I was so excited I didn't even notice my parents car going in a circle and stopping at the entrance. When I got on stage I was so nervous I couldn't even speak, Well until the judges said they don't have all day. That's when I started my act, I started acting like I was shooting a zombie, then acting like I was dodging an attack. That's when the worst thing in the world happened!!! My mom and dad popped out of nowhere and started doing there own act!!! My mom started doing damsel in distress and dad just started breaking props he brought. Before I could even blink my mom started bringing red paint in and started to throw paint everywhere. Dad was trying to break an stick and mom tripped over it spilling red paint all over her, accidentally getting the judges as well. Dad then brought out a ladder and was going to act like he was falling off a bridge and fell off the ladder grabbing onto a chandelier close by. During that whole thing I was just standing there acting like they were strangers but I'm not that good of an actress. Finally I gave up and looked at my family, dad clinging to life on a chandelier and mom looking like an actually zombie chewed her up. Then security came in and got dad down from the chandelier and the next thing I knew they kicked us out and banned us from the premises. Right when we got into the car we ALL BURST INTO LAUGHTER!!! Right after that we hugged each other and said I love you!!! I guess I will never become famous from the Lead center but there's always other centers out there. When we got home we all went to bed sense we were all exhausted. The next day dad called us down and said look at the newspaper. When we looked at the paper it said Family in the lights and a picture of us all doing our acts. I guess I got famous after all I just wish Zombie freak and Lady Gaga weren't in the picture. At least I got to hang out with my family, I just wished it was at a restaurant or at a movie. I guess I learned I should hang out with my family more and... Next time when I have another plan to become famous I'll just say I going to my friends house for a sleepover. Let's hope they don't follow me again.
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