Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2079309-Jim
by M
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #2079309
Storyline Excerpt
"I have been in this relationship for a while now and we have dealt with many issues that would topple an average relationship." Barbara was saying to Angela over coffee. They were in Angela's living room. "Well at this point you really need to trust your instinct that he is hiding something." Angela offered for support. Barbara thought about this quietly. "I don't know how long you two have been together, but if you have a strong relationship why don't you marry?" I know your high on instinct Angela, but maybe some people are not that strong," Barbara took a drink from her cup. "I do believe your strong on instinct Barbara, maybe what's blocking you is Robert."

"Motives," Barbara stirred her coffee. "We all have our motives. That was a hard time for me and I lost touch with a lot of people." We all became very involved with our own lives I think" Angela said. "We were all ready to go out and become artists and so on" Barbara recalled. "I went out to be a singer and ended up married, you set out to be a painter and ended up with a Gallery, and what happened with everyone else?" I think they got married or something we all need to play catch up. They both laughed.

Jim was looking over the prophecy scroll. He was still having a memory block somewhere. He started going over his notes from the meteor inscriptions. They still had not accessed the other dimension. Green was trapped there.

"Do you remember the time I placed a five dollar bet and it was actually fifty? Angela said. Barbara laughed, they were eating dinner in Angela's kitchen. "Fortunately Robert let you off the hook she said. Then she became quiet.

Jim was in the lab working on the meteor rock. His concentration was averted thinking about the visit he had from Brass recently asking him what he recalled about recent events. Brass was intending to touch base with particular personnel because of a time fragment that had been reported.

"You know I think you should try your hand at the Casino again." Barbara said. She was sitting at the kitchen table over a plate of eggs and toast. Angela had cooked she was getting something out of the fridge. She sat down at the table herself to eat. "I don't know, whats the age range? I hate to be considered a cougar." "You look great Barbara stated. " I think everyone there would be youth obsessed." Angela bit into a piece of toast. "I think the definition of a cougar is an older women seeking a younger man. besides who cares what people think." Barbara said. Lots of people Angela said. "Well what I am proposing is a ladies night out. Barbara said. It won't be any fun if you bring along your guy."

Jim was studying his notes. The Mayans had many calendars. The meteorite mentions an element that takes the light--steals the light he wrote. It has become supernatural. Then they have the dimension where the darkness is trying to invade their universe or world. One Mayan calendar rules by people and totems. Apes are definitely an issue. The mimic, or just a neanderthal state.

Barbara thought a moment over coffee. She was in Angela's living room. Angela had gone to the store. Angela had pointed out that they were different ages. Barbara had lost touch with a few people. She thought about Jim and Robert. Maybe she would need to reevaluate their relationship. She thought about her responsibilities at Las Viva, as well as other pressing matters.

Jim was in his laboratory going over his notes. What we are dealing with is a being who takes the light, he wrote. Then we have one that is flooding planet earth with darkness. We have the x files. The mental malady could take over if thought impossible.

Barbara dialed her cell. Mark answered. She called to see how Kate is doing. Mark said she was having a few nightmares but was doing better.

Jim read over his notes and thought, there was a gate and angels are an issue. They had used an angel themselves already. It was considered as an issue not at all until now. Barbara had called him earlier to make a date to talk about their relationship etc. He would have to broach certain things as well.

Barbara was sitting in the living room with Angela and two friends. They were drinking coffee and having muffins.

"By now evidence has been destroyed and lost," a male voice was saying to Kate. "But if you follow certain rules of nature--- Kate was about to say. "Following the rules is only the beginning the male voice interrupted, you know that you favor me, an attorney is the d-vils advocate." Kate wok up.

"We have all changed a great deal, but were still friends it seems," Alley Jensen said to Barbara. Rebecca Keller had a book about her museum and was looking over pages with Angela.

Kate was straightening up around the house. Mark was out. She decided to sit at the computer and look up attorneys. "What makes a good attorney, was the first topic she came by. A whole lot of work she thought. Next was information about the bar, standards have changed a lot. 3. The most attractive attorneys, females.............She thought about her nightmare.

"Well, now that we are all together again I want to invite everyone to a girls night out," Barbara said. "This is not all of us," Angela pointed out. "A girls night out," Alley said questioningly. "I think it would be great if all of us went to my Museum Rebecca offered. "That's a very good idea," Angela agreed.

Jim was still having a memory block. He thought about Velma wondering about her whereabouts. He would need to talk with Brass. He thought about Mark and gave Kate a call. She was looking out the window at the sea. She answered the phone. Hello? Hello Kate I was just calling to see how your doing. "I'm fine, I was enjoying the sunny day. "Well do you want to come out here for a while, Mark and Phil are practicing together you might want to join in. Uh, no Kate answered I prefer to stay in. "You sound a little hesitant are you sure? "Yes I'm sure, Kate answered, I was heading out in the backyard for a while, having time to myself helps me think. "Okay Jim said, I'll let you go now. He hung up.

"Yes that's a great Idea," Barbara threw in. "I think that now that we are all together we should have kind of an Avon or makeup party?"

"You want us four old broads for a makeup party? Angela said. "Your only as old as you feel," Alley commented. "That's easy for you to say you have preserved well." Rebecca said. "All of you look great," Barbara, threw in. "Of course you would say that Barbara you hardly aged a day." Angela accused. "That's ridiculous Barbara said lightly and stood up trying to change the subject. "Actually everyone, I think it would be therapeutic for my stepdaughter Kate, I can't get her out of the house. "Well why would she want to hang out with us old broads? Alley asked?

Brass was working on the intercom box. Jim walked into the lab. "Can I help you?" Brass asked not quite looking up. I have been having some memory blocks and I was wondering if you have any recommendations. "What are you trying to remember? Brass asked. "Well I recently separated from Barbara, Jim revealed hesitantly. "I'm sorry to hear that Brass said. "No one knows about this right now Jim said. "I'll keep this to myself," Brass assured.

Barbara had explained that she knows some girls Kate's age who she invited for the makeup party. Kate was in her bedroom with the girls while Barbara was in the living area with her friends at the beach house. This is nice Stacia said to Kate as she took a seat in front of her vanity mirror and started primping her hair, a huge Mane of hair that Kate was sure must be extensions. Tass Holmes was sitting makeup bottles, compacts, etc on the dresser, Kimberly Thomas was helping Stacia with her hair. "This is not a hair party," Tass pointed out. "It's kind of like a slumber party Stacia said. "Well Kate why don't you tell us about your friends problem remember you have to sing it," Kimberly said. "Kate thought a moment then started to sing--"I don't think they'd understand, things got out of hand, my boyfriend and my fate, I don't want a permanent mate, but how do I explain, it's all so strange. "Could you explain that in more detail?" Stacia asked. "Mind your own business, Tass said.

"Your not blaming Barbara for this are you? Brass asked. "I don't know Jim answered. Jim was remembering the early conversation from the other day with Brass. Brass was looking through a book trying to find a particular page number. He stopped on a page showing Jim. Experience with supernatural Beings was the written title. "I don't believe there is any other being that can use the human vessel as a host that way accept angels," he said, but there are all sorts of unaccounted for precedents, and there are limitations and rules for all forms of existence." Jim read a moment, "the multiple voice indicates more than one paranormal existence inhabiting the person."

"So who is going to be our host for this makeup party?" Alley asked sifting through the items on the table. "I think maybe the girls intend to host it in Kate's bedroom." Rebecca commented. Barbara set a tray of tea on the table. "I haven't met Kate yet," Alley said, "call her out here."

"We know that there had to be an angel present." Brass was saying as he thought aloud, you said it had the characteristics of a demon, he wrote it down, what else can you recall?" Brass was asking Jim.

Kate and the girls were in the living room with Barbara and her friends. They all were introduced to each other. The girls had got their before Barbara's friends and to fill time Kate had showed them around the beach house, stopping in her bedroom, some of the makeup had been left on the table. Alley had explained that her and Barbara use to sing together for fun. They were singing together now--Here we are, it's been a long walk, on a long road, without much talk, writings on the wall, you know what they say, if you ain't got nothing good to say don't say nothing at all...........Barbara decided that the girls would be fine holding a separate party in Kate's room, the girls headed back to her bedroom while Kate gathered a few snacks out of the kitchen, she'd thought about it at the last minute.

Brass was working on the intercom box and talking with Jim when Aaron entered the laboratory. "Could I have a word with you?" Aaron asked addressing Brass and apologizing to Jim for interrupting. "I heard about your situation Jim said to Aaron telling Brass it was okay he'd talk with him later and excused himself. Jim left. Aaron had received another letter from Maryrose.

Kate walked up to the door of her bedroom, she could hear them singing. "Well now girls my name is Kate, I received one glorious fate, I'm wealthy you see, my boyfriend wants to marry me, but that just out of hand, nothing better to do than my makeup and hair, Oh my--life's just not fair, guess what I'm not a piece of a--, I have got way too much class, Don't have to shlup that way, ......Kate opened the door, "We are not making fun of you Kimberly denied, her hand over her mouth. Stacia just looked caught. Tass just looked with her mouth open. "I want you all to get out," Kate screamed--get out of here."
© Copyright 2016 M (elsriley at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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