Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2083441-cat-tales
by jerry
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Other · #2083441
this story is about a boy whos life will soon change him to be a hero and bring magic back
-Lee’s POV-
I walked through town admiring the heat from the vents near the sidewalk. The vendors were selling some great parts, which I made note of the price to make sure I get some profit for if I resold a part I bought. Ever since dad died, me and mom had it rough, and I swore that I would provide. Anyway, no matter what, I just hope I will be able to help. Truth is that I work for a company that buys the parts then sells them to others at a higher price. I know it's a risky job but the pay is ok plus I just stay alone I have always been alone even when dad was around mom said,”I want you to be a strong. Your dad and I don’t want you to be like us, people who have already succumbed to the laws of the world we were born into. Bring back that which was banished because without it, the inanimate will continue their reign over us.” I didn’t know what they meant at the time, but I probably won’t know ever.
“Lee-san, how’s your mother?” I heard a vendor ask me. I replied, ”She’s doing fine. She says,’tell everyone who tries to pick me up to not push their luck.’” The vendor backed off with a disappointed look on his face.

-Another place-
I was walking down a street that felt familiar. Somebody was limping down the street towards me. I rushed to their side, helping them stand when I could. They looked at me and I saw Cat eyes in the head of a scruffy guy. It was almost as if he were in many battles due to the scar over his left eye.
“Save the kitten at 4th and Wright. please do for it will perish if you do not.”

I woke up from that journey at the corner of Carver Street and Wright Lane.I looked around and saw what was going on. Just my luck. The average distance between 4th and Wright from Carver was about 20 meters. I could see 10 meters ahead of me, meaning I’ll be able to see the street corner in 40 paces. I walked 20 and saw a man with a kennel running in my direction. I thought, ”He might be the one i might be looking for.“ I stopped the man. He looked like the man from my dreams. However he didn’t have cat eyes like before. I then heard a little boys voice saying,”Help me.” It was faint but I listened closely and heard a kitten mewling inside. On the forehead of the cat was a yellow star on its head and it looked straight at me. I wrenched the kennel from the man and started running. I asked it in mid-sprint, “Were you the one speaking earlier?“ It meowed at me and nodded like it understood me.
I looked at the man, who had a startling resemblance to the man from my dreams. I ran, knowing I’d be scolded for stealing from him in the first place and know that I’d get my ass kicked.

-At Lee’s home-
I asked the cat about why I had to save it and how it knew me. It just mewled and rubbed its head against my arm. I chuckled at the cute spectacle and scratched the cat behind its ear. A strange light then began to surround the kitten. I looked away, afraid the light might blind me. When I looked, a naked girl was on my arm. I jumped in surprise, which made her laugh.
“Thank you, brave one, for helping me out of that cage.” she said to me. “W-who are you?” I asked in a nervous voice, blushing and embarrassed. “I am a being of a goddess of the elves. I am who they call La Mara.”
© Copyright 2016 jerry (jerryjones at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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