Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2087452-Introduction-Story
Rated: E · Fiction · Contest Entry · #2087452
Introducing character into Clash Tournament 4
Rebecca was assisting her father with one of his inventions when they received a letter through their in-house delivery system. Her father was preoccupied with the latest contraption so she broke the seal on the envelope and read.

“It is from Mr. Plumpocket.” She announced.

“Oh?” Her father inquired. “What does the old man want?”

“According his letter he is trapped in his attic with George and Priscilla.” Rebecca answered. She was not alarmed by the news at first. Mr. Plumpocket was always reaching out to her father to help him with some calamity or another.

“Locked himself in without the key, eh?” Her father chuckled from beneath the device.

Rebecca read on and became more concerned. “He says he bought his children a real dog but the animals noises set off the house security system. He has since disposed of the dog but the system has gone hay-wire and has trapped them in the attic. They are running short on food and water and need help.”

“Really?” Her father slid out from under the machine he was tinkering with on a board with wheels. “I’m a bit too old to be battling a fortress like Plumpockets.”

“Perhaps, I could.” Rebecca suggested.

“Perhaps.” Her father considered. “You’ll need some equipment but nothing you can’t stash in your skirts.”

Her father rose and moved to his work bench where he kept various tools. There were others hanging from pegs on the wall but most of what she would need either sat on the workbench or was stored in one of its drawers. Rebecca stowed each tool in pockets sewn to the inside of her layered skirts. She checked to make sure all of the features of her glasses functioned and then left for Mr. Plumpockets mansion.

She arrived to find others settled in Plumpockets yard. There were two men who had the bearing of command. A young woman about Rebecca’s age, and a Scotsman who seemed to be observing the group.
© Copyright 2016 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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