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Rated: E · Novel · Action/Adventure · #2090911
An official meeting
Chapter Five

         The clock in the main hall ticked slowly around in its cell. It’s song echoing, resonating in each and every person’s mind, each tick pounding home the same thought.
         “He’s not coming Leon,” Stated Bernie, the only one able to voice the feeling everyone shared.
         Leon didn’t reply but stayed completely still, staring ahead of him.
         Silence cramped the air. Even the ticking of the clock was beginning to lose its impact. Many people at the table stared over at Leon every now and then, waiting for him to make a decision
         Eirian, who sat beside Leon, placed a hand on his arm and looked at him caringly. Leon turned to look at her, his eyes wide and full of disbelief. She nodded to him, and he nodded back. “There’s nothing we can do, you gave him a choice, he made it.” She said in a whisper that only he could hear.
         Leon nodded again, “I know…I just thought…I was hoping…” he drifted off and silence followed.
         “We all make mistakes Leon…maybe we made too many…” said Robert, seemingly uncomfortable in sounding sensitive.
         Leon nodded again. “Okay, lets get started then!” He stood up and went to the front of the table where a control panel was attached to the desk. As he pressed some buttons and as the machine started up, clanging footsteps were heard from the corner of the room.

         Levi continued down the steps and found himself in a very different room to the last. It seemed to be a banquet hall, it was large and grand, with a long table situated in the middle of the floor. The walls were panelled with a regal looking wood and the floors were carpeted royal red. Around the hall lay various items: tables, chairs, lights; and the walls were covered in gigantic portraits of wizened looking men.
         Levi looked to the large table which eight people sat around, all but one staring at him: Molly was too busy fiddling with something on her finger. He looked at Leon and saw that he was smiling widely at him, a greatly satisfied expression on his face.
         Levi got off the steps and passed two formidable looking men on either side of it, clearly guarding; one of which he recognised as the man who had before stood behind him upstairs. He walked to the right side of the table and took a seat at the end; two chairs down from Dillon. He leaned his elbow on the table, rested his head on his hand and looked up at Leon.
         Leon was still looking at him and still smiling widely. He then nodded to the guards who stood to attention and saluted. One left via the stairs; the other pressed a button on a panel on the wall and the stairs retracted up into the ceiling. Then he walked backwards and sat on a chair by the wall.
         All eyes were now on Leon, and he beamed around at everyone. “Right. Now that we’re all here, a formal introduction I think is in order.” He beamed, “We’ll start at…Robert and go clockwise around the table. Okay Robert?”
         Robert, who was sitting the furthest down the table on the other side to Levi, cleared his throat and stood up. “Ehm, well, like ‘e said: I’m Robert.” He said simply, and sat down.
         Leon smiled at him, “A little more information if you please Robert, remember that some people here don’t know who you are.”
         Robert blushed slightly and stood back up, “Eh…lemmie think…I’m 37 years old, come from Madagascar, oh! And I’m one of the ‘fourteen’” he finished, and sat down.
         Levi’s head lifted higher a little and he sat up in his chair. Leon noticed this and smiled at him. “We’ll get to that in a minute Levi, along with a number of other things…”
         Levi nodded and went back to leaning on his hand.
         The person next to Robert stood up next. He cleared his throat and bowed low to Leon, “My name is Sir Spencer Maxim, I come from the island of Sicily. I am the eighth numeral of the fourteen and I have travelled very far indeed to be here. Even leaving comrades in the heart of France who are, as we speak, fighting for their own freedom. With no disrespect meant to the honourable host, Sir Leon, I would wish to know why I have been so hastily dragged from my own equally pressing matters.”
         There was a cry of ‘here here’ from somewhere in front of Levi as Sir Spencer sat down and everyone looked at Leon.
         Leon smiled at them all, “All questions will be answered in due time my friend but for now we have more introductions to do. Molly?”
         Molly looked utterly terrified at the thought of speaking and looked at Leon, wide-eyed, pleading with him not to make her.
         In the process of her standing up, Bernie cut in, “It’s alright, I’ll go next”
         Molly sat down quickly and smiled at Bernie gratefully.
         Bernie stood up slowly and looked around at others for a moment before speaking, “Most of you here know me. My Name is Bernard DeFlonks, I am scientist from Pennsylvania. My father was the lead researcher in the days of Australia’s Level One cloning projects and created the first ever Clangeroid. I, with his guidance, was a key member in the bringing down of the Australian government. I am also the eleventh numeral of the fourteen.” He sat back down on his chair and straightened out his coat.
         Next Eirian stood up: her long, straight, brown hair shimmering beautifully down her back, “My Name is Eirian. I am the time when the clock strikes Five” she said and sat down, lifting her exquisite hair up over the back of the chair.
         Levi’s eyebrow’s raised high in the air at Leon, but he did not seem to notice.
         “Yes,” Dillon began, “But what is your full name? Why are you here? Give us something more than that for pity sake”
         Eirian looked around Ian to see Dillon. She was smiling pleasantly, but there was an air of displeasure around her tone. “My name is what I have just told you it is; that is all there is to my name. And my business is my own; how I came to be here is none of your concern; and I am here because it was necessary for me to be here.”
         An uncomfortable silence followed in which Eirian sat back in her chair and put her hair back over the top of the chair, and Dillon cleared his throat.
         Ian stood up quickly, trying to change to mood in the air, “My name is Ian, I’m 35, and I like clubbing, hanging out with friends, working out, and Backgammon.” He paused for laughter but none came, “Well, not really, I don’t actually like Backgammon, could ever get the hang of it personally. Anyway, I am Ian William Connor of Ireland; I am the numeral that comes before ten and after eight…I think…I…”
         “That’ll do Ian, thank you” Leon interjected fondly, “I’m afraid we don’t quite have time for all of that.”
         “Ah right, sorry there,” Ian said, abashed.
         Dillon had already stood up, “I am Dillon Rosamund of Greece, I am the tenth.”
         “Is that all you have?” asked Eirian, the spite clear in her voice.
         Dillon paid her no heed and sat back down, “Now let’s get on with this Leon, we’ve wasted enough time already.”
         “What is time wasted when it is used to get to know your comrades?” Leon retorted pleasantly, “We will get on with the agenda as soon as we are finished Dillon, as we still have people to introduce…Molly, are you ready?”
         Molly nodded, confidence clearly alive in her now. She stood up quickly and looked around. She didn’t quite seem to know what to do. First she tried bowing slightly to some people; then waving a little. She shook her head and tried simply speaking, “My name is Molly Sommonel. I am Seventeen years old and I come from the village of Totou-Mayo in Venezuela. Um…I’m not a numeral and I’m not one of the fourteen, I am a simple fighter…a-and a fighter that is feeling quite out of place here…” She sat back down quickly and looked down at her hands.
         Leon smiled and laughed silently, “I don’t think that quite does you justice Molly. Other people here may be well known fighters and have reputations behind them but that in no way degrades your fantastic military stance.” He smiled caringly at her again and she giggled and blushed. Leon turned around to face the others and drew breath, “Molly lived her life in Venezuela for many years, until matters with the Venezuelan government got out of hand and she was forced to take action. Molly gathered together the small pockets of resistance from across the land and launched an attack on the State. She is single-handedly responsible for the fall of the Venezuelan Government. She is a courageous and strong fighter who has suffered much from her battles, causing her to be even more deadly in battle. She will be an invaluable ally in the rebellion.”
         Molly was now blushing furiously, but seemed restrained. Something else seemed to be on her mind. Levi noticed her left hand clutch tight upon something.
         “Excuse me Leon,” interrupted Spencer, “but which rebellion are you talking about here? There are still numerous states remaining in this world. Surely you do not expect us all to come and fight against the American government?”
         Leon smiled. “My dear friend…That is exactly what I am suggesting.”
         From ahead of Levi, Dillon let out a short, cold laugh, and folded his arms.
         “I’m sorry, did someone just turn two pages at once?” began Ian, carefully, “please don’t find me out of line Leon but it’s hardly a reasonable request you're making. Many of us have our own battles to fight elsewhere, and I in no way think that this fight is any more important…”
         “Well that’s why we’re here dumb ass!” Called Robert angrily.
         Ian looked taken aback and, for a moment, simply stared at Robert before speaking, calmly at first, “Well pardon me Robert my curt friend but so far we have been sitting around doing nothing! And if something does not happen soon I may have to suddenly attend rather personal matters back home, if you people even care.” He smiled, the condescension was cutting.
         Robert stood swiftly and leaned over the table, quickly followed by Ian, who stared stoically.
         Leon interjected, calmly and coolly, “I am sorry Ian.”
         Ian looked at him, taken aback once more.
         “You’re absolutely right, of course. But we do not, in any way, feel that our problems are superior to yours. There is an altogether different motive for this meeting, which I will gladly explain if you and Robert would kindly sit down.”
         Ian looked to Leon and nodded before sitting down, but not before staring hard at Robert once more. Once he sat down, Robert did too.
         “Now. Time for business. The reason I have brought you all here so hastily is due to the information we received not less than a month ago. Our intelligence has told us tha…”
         “Excuse me Leon,” interjected Spencer, “But we are still short one introduction.” As he said this he looked over at Levi, who sat back in his chair.
         Leon looked over at Levi and sighed. “Yes and please forgive me, but the reason would become clear if I asked him to introduce himself.” again Leon sighed and looked at Levi, “My apologies. The truth is we do not know much about this man. Though we are keen to learn. He is a member of the city guard, goes by the handle: Levi. And recently he apprehended the most dangerous criminal in the city. Namely: Me.”
         Five heads shot round at Levi and his head dropped. He was starting to regret his decision of coming back.
         “Leon?” whispered Eirien.
         “I’ve seen in his eyes that I can trust him, don’t embarrass him but if you get the chance, you will believe too.”
         Levi noticed a few eyes dart up to look at him but he was still looking at the ground, hiding his eyes from view.
         “But if he can’t speak. Are we sure he can understand us?” asked Ian, before looking over to Levi. Levi scowled at him menacingly before Ian spoke again, his voice sounding somewhat nervous yet smiling, “Guess that’s me told. Heh.”
         Leon smiled “Now, may I continue?” he asked, not waiting for an answer, “Our intelligence has told us that the American Government has put a lot of money into a new project of enormous proportion. We believe it to be military and, with the amount of money that is gone into it, it is quite obviously of great importance to the American army. It’s completion could, most probably, ensure the victory of the American state over the rest of the world.”
         “It?” questioned Dillon, “You’re talking about an army or single being?” He had moved forward in his chair, an element of shock in his voice, “It’s not Leigh is it?”
         “Leigh is dead,” Shot Bernie, “He has been dead for over 10 years now. And we have within our midst the very warrior who struck him down.”
         Dillon snorted loudly, “Ah yes, the infamous battle that allegedly killed Leigh. Rumour’s are all very well and good, but where is the proof? Where is his body? Did anyone actually witness this fantastic battle that killed the most dangerous warrior the world has ever seen?
         “I saw it!” Eirian cut in, “With my own two eyes. He drove his sword directly through his heart and Leigh fell to the ground. The three of us picked him up and we threw him into the sea. He was never seen again. Surely this is proof enough. If he is alive, why is he not coming here right now to kill Leon?”
         Molly broke in at this point, her voice full of awe, “It was…you? You killed Midnight?” she asked, in disbelief, looking up at Leon with wide eyes.
         Leon looked down to her kindly but did not nod. Instead he looked down at the table and appeared to lose himself in his thought. “I do not know…”
         Dillon let out a triumphant ‘Ha!’ and slammed his fist into the table.
         The noise brought Leon out of his thought and he continued talking, “But the matter of whether or not Leigh is alive today is not what we are here to discuss…and yes, it is a single being; quite different from any of the previous ever created, as it is not human. We believe it could have come from the heart of the blast crater.”
         “You believe?”
         He ignored Spencer and continued, “Our incursion into A.D.A yesterday and the evidence we found has told us that while the being is near full grown, it is still almost completely defenceless. If we attack now we stand a chance of destroying it once and for all and you may all then go back to fighting your own rebellions.”
         “You don’t even know if it’s a threat yet?” Leon addressed Ian, “We’d rather not take the chance.” his expression deadly serious as he looked down at the control panel in front of him and pressed some buttons.
         In the centre of the table, from a small blue instrument that looked a little like an ashtray: a gigantic shape emerged. The shape met a large gasp from molly and the others sat back in awe at the sight of it. The image was of something as large as a boulder; a pink, or purple boulder covered in veins. It pulsated as it rotated slowly around. Then Levi caught a sight of something sticking out of it: a small stick, or a weapon of some form. He leaned forward to get a closer look as Molly clapped her hands to her mouth. Levi looked down at her then back up at the shape, waiting to see what she saw.
         Then it came. Levi saw it and he sat back in his chair, his hand gripping the arm rest of his chair. Right there, in the middle of the globular mess was a set of eyes. Huge bulging eyes, huge and wide and red staring fixatedly out at nothing. Levi looked closer and saw: not only eyes but, below it, a small, distorted mouth hanging open widely, liquid dripping from the innards. Levi continued to stare as it rotated more and noticed another stick like object sticking out of it, now realising that is was an arm. He looked at the bottom of the thing and could just make out two, big, fat legs propping up the large, bloody mass. The thing was more horrible than anything Levi had ever seen before, and felt a little queasy.
         Leon pressed another button and the image disappeared. There were no protests from Dillon or Spencer, no jokes from Ian, and no grunts from Robert, just silence.…
         “From what we can tell it is located in the lower floors of the A.D.A complex. Getting to it will be extremely difficult. But I think you’ll agree…”
         “Yes,” said Dillion.
         The others nodded.
         Leon thanked them then turned to his right, “Bern, I think this is your area isn’t it?”
         Leon went back to the chair beside Eirian and Bernie occupied the spot at the head of the table, “When we were trying to discover a safe way into the upper levels for this mornings rescue mission: we discovered an elevator shaft at the back of the building. We had hoped to get through the outer wall and into this shaft but, during the rescue mission, I discovered the walls were a unique mesh, I couldn’t tell of what, but almost completely impenetrable. If we could have managed to get into this we could have climbed all the way up to the very top floor.
         “At the time we didn't question this at all. The fact that there was an elevator in the building that we had previously not discovered was taken as being due simply to a lack of information on our intelligence’s behalf. However, with the new information procured by Leon, we discovered that while one end of the elevator opens on the top floor, we have no idea where the second end opens up. It would seem that it goes right into the ground and keeps on going. We believe that wherever this shaft leads, we will find V.I.V.”
         “Viv?” asked Ian. “Viv as in Vivian? Such a pretty name for a lady…blob…”
         “When do we go in?” asked Dillon quickly. He seemed to now want to be cooperative and not cause such disruption as he had before.
         “As soon as possible. Right?” interjected Robert; he too seemed to want to be cooperative.
         “Unfortunately, that is not possible. We are going to have to wait a while longer. A.D.A has quadrupled their security measures since this morning and will remain so for a week. Our only chance is to…”
         “A week?” Cut in a voice and everyone looked to Dillon, but it was not he who had spoke. “A week?” said the voice again and Eirian stood up, “I’m sorry Leon, I really am, but I cannot afford to sit around here for a week and wait for the mess you all made to clear itself, just so we can go and find a monster we think is at the end of an elevator shaft that we don’t know anything about. Just because it might cause a threat to our rebellions”
         Leon said nothing but stared directly forward at Bernie’s empty chair. Eirian pushed the chair backwards with her legs and it flew to the wall behind her. She looked back at the chair bashfully then turned, her hair flying widely around, and left for the exit.
         As she walked, Leon leaned over to the control panel and pressed a switch. The spiral staircase descended again and Eirian began to climb it.
         As her footsteps echoed on the rusty spiral steps, Leon spoke to Bernie, “Please, continue.”
         Bernie spoke quietly at first, the footsteps got getting quieter until they finally stopped, “Where was I? Oh yes, our only chance is for one week today, when the mayor of the next city will be visiting. It is also, we gather, the day that V.I.V will be moved to a new complex. Which makes it even more essential that we succeed in our mission.
         “Security will be extremely lax in A.D.A because of the mayor’s visit, but they will also be expecting an attack, and the lower chamber will most likely be brimming with soldiers. Which is why we will be kidnapping the two Mayors to draw their attention away from A.D.A.”
         “Unfortunately,” Leon cut in, “It seems we have just lost our leading kidnapper, which leaves the spot open for someone new. Do we have any volunteers?”
         Dillon slowly raised his hand.
         “Thank you Dillon,
         “However Leon,” said Dillon, “The guard surrounding the two Mayors will be insurmountable, the visiting will bring his top men.”
         “And I have to ask,” Spencer added, “how did you acquire this information? Is there any way they could know that you have it?”
         Leon again smiled at the men, “I’m afraid so Dillon, it is a dangerous mission. We will explain. And Spencer; I copied the information and left no trace. If they know we have this information I don’t deserve to be called a Numeral.”
         He didn’t mean it scathingly, and neither men took it so.
         “Please continue Bernard.”
         Bernie scowled at Leon for a second, before continuing, “Right, in that case, Dillon and Ian shall be conducting the kidnapping, with the help of the second stage, Robert, I assume your men have that covered?”
         Robert seemed to come out of a daze and looked up to Bernie, “Eh, ah, yes! Yeah, we got that all sorted, don’t worry.” He finished and went back into a daze, his hand up to his mouth, somewhat insecurely.
         Dillon and Ian exchanged a glance but sat back in their seats, seeming content.
         “Good. As for the rest of us, we will wait for Robert’s signal, which will be an obvious one knowing Robert, and then we will enter the A.D.A complex, with the help of our two young friends,” He looked down at Molly and over at Levi, who both looked at each other, shocked. “Levi? You should be able to get in to the building no problem, being a member of the guard, providing you are going to help us…?”
         Everyone in the room went silent and tried not to look at Levi though he felt like a hundred eyes were upon him, a decision concerning the whole world atop his shoulders. He guessed he should play along, at least for the moment, until he had reason to decide otherwise. Besides, he didn’t know what they might do to him if he didn’t say yes. More than anything else though he suddenly felt needed.
         After quite a long pause, Levi nodded.
         Leon smiled widely.
         “Right then, good, good,” continued Bernie, “You should be able to get Molly in as well, without drawing too much suspicion.”
         “Why doesn’t Levi simply get her a job at the guard?” asked Ian, looking down the table at Levi.
         “We had considered that, but thought that it might look a tad suspicious. For one, Levi isn’t exactly the most social of the guard and for him to have someone he knows might look peculiar. Not to mention the fact that Molly, like Levi, wouldn’t be able to submit a background folder, otherwise they may discover her rebellious past in Venezuela; and to not have a folder would also look suspicious. So, not to worry Ian, but we have actually put a lot of thought into this”
         “Bern, give me a break, I‘ve just got here.” said Ian sitting back in his chair, folding his arms.
         “My apologies,” Bernie whispered, “It’s been a long couple of days.
         “We will need to do a lot of preparation in order to set these things in motion and hopefully we will be able to find some other people to help before next Monday. But let me make this very clear: despite the two distractions we are going to make, it is going to be extremely difficult to get into A.D.A. and even more difficult to get into the lower chamber. Our actions, if anything, are actually going to increase the security measures, as they will undoubtedly suspect the distractions. Though they do not know yet that we have discovered V.I.V.”
         “So, why do the distractions at all?” Asked Molly timidly, but politely, “Why not leave the security measures as they are and have everyone go in?”
         Bernie looked down at her kindly, “Because if the A.D.A security were to sound the alarm on our intrusion we would have every last authority figure in a 15 mile radius rushing to A.D.A to stop us. Making our entrance, and indeed our exit, a tad harder.” He finished and smiled.
         Molly blushed a little, but nodded. Ian let out another ‘huffing’ noise.
         “Now, the ones going down into the lower levels of A.D.A will be: Robert, Molly, Levi, myself, and, of course, Leon. Spencer, I suspect you know your role, yes?”
         Spencer smiled pleasantly, “I can guess.”
         Bernie nodded, “Well, good. Next it’s back to Leon for…”
         Leon held a hand up slightly to hush Bernie before turning to Molly and Levi “My apologies, If you two could step outside for a few moments, I must have a talk with the numerals. Just go along to the elevators and wait in the main hall. We will be along shortly.”
         Levi looked over at Molly, and she back at him. She nodded and they both got up to leave. Before they left the table Levi noticed Leon give Molly an encouraging nod and a little wink. Molly blushed and beamed at Leon, before following Levi towards the spiral staircase.
         “Oh.” He called over the heads of the others, “And if you would be so kind as to tell Eirian she may come back in now, I suspect she will be just outside the door, probably cursing my name.” Leon flicked his eyes up in their sockets and chuckled softly.
         Molly nodded and proceeded to the stairs, followed shortly afterwards by a reluctant Levi.


         The dark, small room that Levi had woken up in slowly came into view. It seemed to Levi altogether more inviting than it had previously done. He followed Molly straight through the room and into the corridor, where the sound of someone’s pacing footsteps could be heard.
         Molly turned the corner and out of sight and Levi quickened his step and followed after her. He did not want to lose sight of her. When they entered the corridor they indeed found Eirian, pacing up and down the hall, muttering harsh words quickly.
         When Molly approached her, Eirian turned and snapped at her, “What? Come to sulk with me little girl? Leon playing mind games with you too is he?” She didn’t seem at all happy.
         Even from his viewpoint, behind Molly, he could plainly see that she did not take well to being called ‘little girl’. Her face seemed to be turning red once more, but it was a very different kind of red this time.
         She composed herself, “Not at all” she said kindly, “I was simply to inform you that the meeting is over, and when you’ve stopped being a childish, whiney, little brat - my words - Leon wishes you could come back in and join them.” She finished and walked powerfully forwards, almost knocking Eirian off her feet as she went.
         Eirian simply stood there for a moment, clearly shocked. If she had suspected anything as a reply from Molly that certainly wasn’t it. Levi looked at her as he passed, following Molly down the hall who was now walking so fast that it was hard to keep up with her.
         They turned the corner together and entered a large silver elevator, as Levi made a mental note to himself: ‘Never, ever piss Molly off.’
         The elevator doors closed and the two of them were left alone. It seemed strange to be alone with her in the elevator. Levi thought for a moment that it was because she wasn’t staring at him for a change. But there seemed to be an uncomfortable sort of an air in the elevator which Levi chalked down to lack of ventilation. Although he could practically hear Molly’s heartbeat as she bobbed up and down on her toes, her hands clasped together, her eyes pointed to the ceiling.
         She stopped bouncing on her toes and looked down at the ground. She appeared to be contemplating something. Levi was pleased at this point that his peripheral vision was as good as it was, for he could watch her without being noticed. “I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t. Leon told me not to. But I just…” She turned to him and stared deep into his eyes, moving closer to him. Tears seemed to threaten her as she whispered, “It is you.” and she leapt and embraced him.
Levi was nearly knocked back as she clung to his shoulders, unsure of what to do.
         “I’m sorry. I’m sorry Karl. Leon said… but I couldn’t wait any longer, it’s so good to see you again.” She said this all very quickly, but was often interrupted by sniffs.
         Levi didn’t know how to react. Here was a second person that had called him Karl and he had no idea why. He wished that Molly would let go soon, as he was loosing the feeling in his legs, and he very much wanted to look into her eyes at this moment. After a while Molly reluctantly let go of Levi and stood back up. She wiped the tears from her eyes but she was also smiling. She looked at Levi…
         She looked at Karl lovingly.
         Levi stared deep in to her eyes.
         She beamed.
         Karl looked deep into her eyes, utterly confused, but overjoyed. She laughed slightly and looked lovingly at Karl once more before turning back to face the elevator door and grasping his hand.
Karl stood and watched her for the rest of their time in the elevator. When the doors opened and Molly walked out Karl followed, his gaze still upon her back.
         Together they walked over to a line of seats by the door and Karl, following Molly’s example, sat down. For a moment they sat, Molly beaming, Karl feeling completely elated. His eyes darted about the new room quickly, taking in as much as he could, before going back to staring forward, so that he could see Molly out of the corner of his eyes.
         Then he heard a beeping noise coming from his person. He looked about but could not find the source of the noise. Molly giggled silently to herself before pointing to Karl’s wrist. Karl followed the finger to look at his wrist and found his silver watch sitting loosely upon it, bleeping madly.
         Levi’s heart stopped. The beeping continued but he no longer heard it, he simply stared, open mouthed at the watch. Karl swallowed hard on something in his throat and Levi grabbed his wrist and his watch in his left hand.
         Molly smiled affectionately at him, “Here, let me.” She began and moved her hands closer to the watch. Levi swung his hand away from her violently and jumped up from his seat. Molly’s expression was of complete astonishment and hurt as Levi quickly left the room and started walking quickly down another corridor. He came to another elevator, got in quickly and hit the top button. His heart was racing and his head swam with thoughts. Trying to calm himself he looked at the elevator buttons which read: Basement, H.Q, factory, roof. He looked to the dial above him and tried to catch his breath.

         The elevator doors chimed once more and the doors opened. Levi exited the elevator and stepped onto the roof. It was a dazzling day; one of the suns was out in full parade as it hovered majestically in the air. The roof was the picture of peacefulness.
         He walked forward slowly to the end of the roof as the elevator went back down. Leaning on the wall that caged the area off he peered down to the people below and instantly felt he could spend his whole life up here, in the sun, watching the world pass by.
         Below, everyone was going about his or her daily business, not a care in the world; each had a home; friends and family to take care of them; each had a story to tell; a life to lead and a name to go with it.
         What did he have? No home. No friends or family. No story, no name to go with it. Only his thoughts.
         Levi looked down at his watch and took it off. Turning it over and over in his hand he scrutinised ever part of it.
         When he’d arrived in the city this watch and his sword were the only two things he held. He’d been arrested less than a day after his arrival and given a choice: join the guard or be executed. They didn’t ask about his past and if they had he couldn’t answer. So he lived out his new life.
         This watch was a clue to his past life. A sign that he had once had something great; possible with someone: a friend, or even family. It was one of the only key’s, he knew, it must be true, to his past life.
         He looked up from the watch and thought back to Molly calling him Karl. He supposed that he could be called Karl. He even thought it kind of suited him…but the more he thought about it the more he like the name Levi. He didn’t want to lead Molly into thinking he was an old friend of hers when he had no recollection of her at all. Something just didn’t feel right about it at all. Levi always knew that somewhere, someone must know him; but to just accept Molly’s theory that he, Levi, was really Karl, without any real proof, seemed to him like he was betraying this other person, whoever it was.
         He heard the familiar chime from behind him and the sound of the elevator doors grinding open. A figure walked towards Levi and he awaited Molly’s voice.
         However when the person spoke it was not Molly, “I had a funny feeling you were going to be here.” Leon’s voice had returned to its former, fun-loving, tone. Levi was pleased to hear Leon’s voice, but did not turn around to meet him.
Leon appeared on Levi’s right side and looked out at the world. Levi was thankful that he had someone with him now. He thought that if he had been left with his thoughts for much longer he may have ended up jumping off the roof before long. Though the building was only two storey’s high so he might’ve had to jump a few times.
         “It’s quite odd that you would choose the roof, of all places, as your place to get away from things. It has often been a place that I have found great comfort at times.” Leon chuckled to himself, “Well, I just found it funny somehow. It seems we have quite a lot in common.”
         Levi scoffed, though didn’t mean it as an insult to Leon. He quite liked the idea of being similar to such a strong, confident man, but he couldn’t help think about the other things that they had in common.
         Levi looked down at the people below, and so too did Leon, “Fools really.” He said.
         Levi looked at him in puzzlement.
         Leon didn’t seem to noticed Levi looking at him, “Pathetic, ignorant drones the lot of them …they know nothing of the lengths we go to for their freedom…” Leon trailed off.
         Levi looked back down at the people and agreed with him. Yes, they were ignorant.
         “…Molly told me what happened downstairs, although she wasn’t quite sure how or why it happened. Let me just say that I completely understand.”
         Levi laughed angrily under his breath. Not out of humour, or spite, or anything like that, but because it seemed like the thing to do.
         Leon looked at him, still smiling, before looking back at the people. “I know this can’t be easy for you. Having people talking about you like that, discussing things calmly that you know nothing about. It seems I have not gone about this whole situation in the correct way…” he paused, searching for the words. “…The truth is… we don’t really know anything…we don’t know anything about you, about the future, about the present, or even the past…hell…we’re not even sure of ourselves…” he trailed off again.
         “…Some of us may seem smart to you, more informed, but we’re really all in the same situation. We’re all just as clueless as you. But…Karl…” There was that damn name again. Why did everyone seem to think that that was his name? Leon had now turned to face him fully, and Levi did the same, “We’re all here to help each other; to find out the truth. We want to help you find out who you are, to discover your past, and your path. And if that path doesn’t involve us, then so be it, we will take you as far as you need to go and then leave you to it if you wish. But please, let us help you. Molly…she lost control a little bit back there…she says she’s sorry if she freaked you out…but…she’s…been through a lot you know. She’s a little emotional at the moment…” Leon trailed off once again, and started fighting with something in his back pocket. He took something out and handed it to Levi.
         Levi took it from his hand and looked at it. A short young boy stood next to a young girl, and in front of a beautiful young woman. He had bright green eyes and brown spiky hair. All his facial features looked familiar to Levi, and his hair too, despite it being the wrong colour. The boy’s right hand seemed to be attached to the young girls left hand. The girl, too, looked familiar. Her cheeks a vibrant red, and her smile wide and dazzling. Levi now looked at the woman standing at the back. She had her right hand on the boy’s shoulder and was staring at him lovingly. She was very beautiful indeed; a glow in her cheeks as bright as that in the little girls.
         Levi stared at the picture for a long time before Leon spoke to him, “The girl in the photo is Molly. This picture was taken when she was Seven years old. The boy in the photo was a good friend of hers. They met when she was three years old and he was four. They were the best of friends and were never seen without each other. The boys name was Karl.” He stated, matter-of-factly and went back to looking at the people below.
         Levi turned round swiftly to look at Leon, his eyes wide.
Leon did not look at him, but smiled, “The boy is you…Karl; at age 8…” he said and turned to him. Levi looked down at the photo, wonder in his eyes. Then his eyes fell on the woman and his heart fluttered. He looked up at Leon, who was smiling widely.
         “The woman in the photo…is your mother…” he said, smiling even more widely.
         Levi turned his head swiftly to look at the photo once more, his eyes darting about the picture. Here, in his very hands, was a picture of his mother, of Karl’s mother. Could he really be Karl? He wanted to be so much. He wanted to cry as he looked down at the picture, but he couldn’t. He just stared at it.
         Leon looked down at the floor, “You can keep that photo, Molly has her own copy.” Leon stated, moving away from he wall slightly. Levi looked at him, great fondness filling him.
         He looked back down at the photo as Leon started to leave. “If you want, I can tell you everything thing I know about the rebellion, and maybe answer some of the things you’ve been wondering about…” Leon was now in the elevator and had turned around.
         Levi looked down at the photo in his hand. His head and his heart were facing north and south. Carefully he folded the picture. His wrist still burned but he adjusted his watch so it fit tightly and he placed the folded photo underneath the watch face then turned to face Leon who was, as always, smiling.
         Levi walked forward and entered the elevator. As the doors closed and a soft ping was heard, Karl clasped his hand on his watch and smiled.


© Copyright 2016 M.R.Baxter (timmytomato at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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