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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Dark · #2099151
He Simply Wanted More.

"I wanted more."

The words tumbled from my lips and I, standing on the bridge beside her, wished I could eat them up and savor them, but instead I watched them as they fell with a glittering leap to splinter on the rocks below. And as they shattered against the ground, I basked in the shattering of her heart, a crisp clear sound heard well above the crashing waves below.

Up until this point, I had been calm; relaxed even. I hadn't said so much as a word to the few people that walked along the damp and foggy path beside me. An impending storm loomed above and I knew few would risk a trip out in this weather.

The world was still - So terribly still - and coated with a silence that, as she and I texted in muted torrents of "I'm sorry" and "I love you," I yearned to fill.

I had restrained myself, though. I only climbed up onto the railing when I saw her car, not wanting to make a scene until she got here. After all, this was all for her. My sweet, sweet Angeline. She needed this more than I did.

She needed to see what she was doing to me.

Within the three years of our relationship, this year felt the most like love.

I loved the way my name sounded on her lips, I loved the way she cowered when we touched, and I loved the way she cringed when I told her so.

I loved her and I hated it and she needed to know.

She saw me and she screamed.

My knees went weak from the shot of pleasure that the delicious sound caused and she let out another shriek as my foot slipped briefly off of the wet metal.

I suppressed a groan, wanting to keep up this stoney facade of a man on the edge... literally.

She ran from her car, tears streaming down her rosy cheeks and soaking into the scarf around her neck.  The wet fabric started to freeze in the February cold, Snaking along her throat like an icy hand.

As silly as it sounds, I was jealous of that piece of cloth and the way it got to gently caress the soft flesh of her throat. In short, I wanted to choke her; to force a rasping shout from her lungs. I wanted to hold her close and whisper every punishment she deserved into her ear as I crushed her dainty frame against me.

But I didn't.

I didn't say anything.

I didn't move.

I simply stared at her, making my face as vacant as possible, hoping that she wouldn't see the lust-filled glint in my eye.

She didn't.

Instead she cried out for me, shouting for me to come down, reaching up to tug gently at the hem of my coat.

In response, I closed my eyes and extended my arms to the sides, letting her words and the wind wash across my face and dipping my knees to feign a fall that I miraculously caught myself from.

She shouted again and I couldn't help but smile.

She snivelled and let out a little laugh of her own, thinking that her words had had some effect on me instead of the delectable taste of her scream.

My eyes shot open as I felt the railing shake below my feet and a warmth paint itself across my side.

"Damon, I love you," she whispered shakily, "I need you."

Angeline's small face gazed up at mine, her eyes pleading.

But I wanted more.

I wanted her to beg for me. I wanted to hear the screeching pleas leave her throat, quickly and all at once; that beautiful, garbled symphony that made my very being ache with need.

So I told her to beg for me, as I had so many times before.

And she complied.

The screams and cries of her tortured little mind splashed across me like the waves along the rocks below us.

But it wasn't enough.

I needed to hear her scream.

Before I could convince myself otherwise, my hand struck her cheek, the sharp smack  stopping the empty, pleading flow from her lips. Her eyes widened and tears began to flood them once more as she lunged to catch herself on my coat, barely stopping herself from plummeting from the rickety iron below her.

She shouted my name in pain rather than pleasure, and I was shocked.

Not at the pain in her voice, but at the way my body reacted to it.

My heart was pounding and the dark ache of desire set itself in my belly. It felt as though I had been shot through the stomach. A deep ripping pain lay there, as something inside me released itself.

The throbbing pain didn't dull as she clung to me, it only increased its intensity.

I loved it,I hated it, I cherished it, I would do anything to get rid of it, and, above all, I knew its cause.

I picked up the small, quivering girl and pulled her into my crushing embrace. She whimpered as I kissed her face and looked down at the rushing waters below us as I bent my head to bite at the small area of flesh above her scarf.

"Damon," She whimpered softly, not sure whether to push me off or pull me closer to her, "Can we get down now?"

I ignored her question and pulled her away from me slightly, just enough so I could look deep into those caramel-colored eyes.

"I wanted more."

Her brows furrowed. "Wha- what?"

"I wanted more from you, but I couldn't get it. You stopped satisfying me, and for a while I was actually worried."

The little cherub looked up at me with innocent terror and confusion as I continued to explain myself.

"I was worried that there was something wrong with me. I was worried that I'd never be satisfied ever again," I crushed her against me and let out a soft chuckle. "But then I heard you scream."

Angeline wriggled for a moment, but froze quickly when I dipped her backwards over the rapids below.

"Oh Angel, it was the most delicious sound I had ever heard and I was happy for a little while," I pulled her up and squeezed her so firmly that I was sure I was bruising the skin beneath her coat. "But then you just stopped screaming. Do you have any idea how that made me feel?"

I was shaking and I tried calm myself before I slipped off the railing and sent us both into the water. "It killed me Angel." She had gone limp in my arms so I adjusted my grip and held her up higher to look her in the eye. "Until I realized that there was nothing wrong with me. There was something wrong with you."

This last fact shook her from her trance and she began to sob loudly, trying to wrap her arms around me and pull me close.

I only pulled her further away from me; away from safety and over the rushing waves.

"I just have one last question, Angeline." Her eyes were wide with panic as I my own bore into them. "Do you love me?"

"Of course Damon, of course." She screeched. "I love you, just get down."

I smiled at her, and took a layer of her scarf in my fist.

"If you love me then you'll scream."

And scream she did.

With one swift motion I had shoved her away from me, my grip on her scarf causing her to spin slightly as she fell from my grasp and tumbled down into the water.

The scream was long and sharp and clear. I was hoping it would never end, but those hopes were dashed as her beautiful shriek was cut short by the deafening crunch of her body smacking the surface of a barely covered rock.

I threw my head back and groaned at the sound, letting myself fall backwards onto the gravel path behind me with the release of the tension that had burned inside me for so very long.  I lay there, panting for a moment, trying to catch my breath while I let the scarf rest on my face, inhaling Angeline's rose scented perfume.

All too soon the euphoric high passed, and I slowly lifted myself off the ground.

As I brushed the bits of gravel from my back and tucked the scarf into my coat pocket one thought blistered and branded my mind.

I wanted more.

© Copyright 2016 Everyday Demon (wolfbreeds56 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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