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Rated: E · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2109672
Just a snippet of writing I wrote a while back...
"The time of humans is over. They had their era, spent waging war on one another and poisoning their own planet. But this era is at an end! We are the new mankind, stronger and better than before! After over a century of testing and genetic modification, here we stand: Earth's new top species. We are at the top of the food chain now. The world no longer has any need for Homo Sapiens- it has Homo Perfectis."
The crowd burst into hysteric cheering, many people clapping wildly. A number of them raised their wrists, all tattooed with a small scarlet crown, into the air in a bizarre sort of salute. The suited man nodded his head as he waited for the uproar to die down.
"All of us are tattooed with the symbol of the crown shortly after birth to symbolize our superiority. To show that we are the ruling species. Through the years, we are constantly reminded that we have evolved to become the greatest beings ever to walk this earth. Creatures that are better suited to an environment survive, while the ones that are less suited die out. That's simple evolution. And yet, my friends, our lesser counterparts live on. Humans live in the wastelands surrounding our cities, scrounging and hunting like animals. They pose a danger to us, and our children-imagine if a child somehow wandered outside of the walls!"
The crowd answered him with gasps and muttering. One man yelled, "Protect the children!"
The suited man acknowledged him and pointed in the man's direction.
"Yes, exactly. We must protect ourselves and our offspring. Humans have existed for far too long. It's time we finally take measures against them. I say we clear the forests, the wastelands-make it a safe place for our children. Once the humans are gone, everything is open to us- we can step outside the walls without fear. My friends, it is time for the humans to die."

© Copyright 2017 Terra Fairway (terraspirit at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2109672-Under-the-Red-Crown