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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #2123811
Short story to explain worth of love to a workaholic
Unexpected Romance

“I am getting late for the office, Mom”
Sarah picked her bag and rushed towards the main door without noticing much about her mother; Mrs. Jones who had her breakfast in hand.
“This girl is always in a hurry”, Mrs. Jones murmured.
Mrs. Jones was a widow for a year and Sarah was their only daughter. Sarah was a bold, confident, smart and well educated girl with many dreams.
Her father, Mr. Jones was a retired Army officer and died a year back due to his poor health. After completing her education, Sarah joined a Multi-national company as an Assistant Manager and was extremely praised for her hard work and dedication.
Being the only child, Sarah was passionate to do something extra ordinary in life. Her work was not just a profession but her passion too. Mrs. Jones was proud of her beautiful daughter but was always worried for her health and diet; of course being a mom is not that easy, it makes you conscious.
Sarah was in the office with Amanda, her colleague as well as sisterly friend. Sarah never hid anything from Amanda. They both understood each other so well. Unlike Sarah, Amanda however was a little impatient and impulsive in nature. She was not very much keen to her work. She was more bubbly, chirpy and talkative than any of the other girl in the office.
“Did you think about Alex in the same way?” Amanda asked Sarah
Sarah shook her head and nodded negatively.
“Call him Alex Sir! He is our boss” Sarah replied.
“C’mon Sarah, Everybody here knows that you are his favourite person in the office and He thinks about you more than just a professional colleague”,
Amanda added.
“Alex is a friendly person and he doesn’t mind us calling him by his name and you know that”
“Ssshhh....He is coming this way, Now keep your mouth shut. Sarah giggled.
Within a few seconds, a tall, handsome gentleman of age no more than thirty years or some came near the desk of two young gals and handed over them an invitation card.
Alex Robbinson was the son of an industrialist and completed his masters degree from well reputed Canadian University. Now, he was running his father’s chain of textile and fabric in Vancouver successfully with a skilful team. He was interested in Sarah from the very beginning she joined the office and was always found to give her more priority over others. However, Sarah never showed her feelings for this matter.
“What is this invitation for? “Amanda inquired,
“Well, that’s an invite for the inauguration party of our new supply chain in Toronto. All the staff needs to be there on Saturday at 8. P.M.” Alex replied; “ I will look forward to see you all and You Sarah”
Alex left while Sarah and Amanda looked at each other with excitement for the party this weekend.
It was Saturday. Sarah wore long black gown and was looking stunning in her high heels. She asked Amanda to pick her up as Mrs. Jones took away the car to her club meeting that same day.
“Amanda, you are already late, we ought to reach by 8’o clock “ ; Sarah closed the door of the car and shouted at Amanda.
“Well, well, well....look Ms. Sarah is so much enthusiastic to reach the party to meet Alex.”; Amanda laughed.
“Oh God, Can you talk a little professional and forget about Alex and his love interests for a while, Amanda, I am more concerned about the inauguration party than anything else. Now let’s go” Sarah cleared her point
Amanda began to drove.
The party hall was full of hues, embellished with lights and colours. Everyone was wearing amazing attires though formal yet appealing.
“Hi, you guys are late”. Alex Asked. “By the way, you look gorgeous, Sarah; seemed like Alex was lost in the beauty of the young girl and the mesmerisation could be seen through his wide twinkling eyes. Sarah blushed while replying in gratitude.
A sweet melody was drifting through the busy atmosphere and seemed to come from the ballroom. Meanwhile, the call for dinner was made.
Sarah took a little of an unknown dish called curry, “Try a green chilli with it, Ms. Sarah” said Robert another mischievous colleague.
Robert was a sharp minded but cunning person who always used to flaunt girls and trap them into his love net for killing time. Sarah and Amanda were well aware of his nature, thus remained away from him.
“No, Thank You Robert. We are doing fine. Hope you enjoy the evening.” Amanda replied courteously.
“By the way, many congratulations to the whole team for this new achievement our business gained. It wasn’t easy to open up branch in such busy city like Toronto” Robert tried to extend the conversation.
“Well, this is what we call teamwork of a successful and dedicated staff.” Sarah said.
Alex weaved his way through the crowd of the champagne-baring waiters and came near to Sarah to offer her for dance.
“No, I am not interested.” Sarah refused without giving it a thought. Alex with broken heart left.
How rude was that, Sarah? Amanda tried to make her understand while Sarah ignored her.
Amanda was unable to comprehend why Sarah was always harsh towards a rich handsome guy who is owner of a multinational company. Little did she know that for Sarah being workaholic far more vital than being in love.

After a few minutes, Alex holding a mic came forward to make an announcement to grab everyone’s attention:
“Ladies & Gentlemen, we are here to celebrate a grand achievement for our business expansion and growth however I am going to introduce you all with someone special who will be joining us in our Vancouver office as my P.A.”
“Meet Ms. Ria Watson.”
Alex pointed out towards a skinny yet beautiful girl with alluring figure and height dressed in beige top and black jeans.
“She is probably going to be our next Mrs. Boss, She looks lovely and confident too.” Amanda teased Sarah
“I don’t care, people come and go. That’s what an enterprize operates on.” Sarah replied sarcastically. “Lets get back to home, this party is over. Mom must be waiting for me”
It was Monday and everyone was back to work. As usual Sarah and Amanda were busy in their new project for upcoming week that Ria came near to them
“Hi girls, I am new here but yes I have been knowing about you since long. Alex shares a lot with me.” Ria began the conversation.
“How do you know Boss so well?” Amanda tried to enquired.
“Well, we are not only connected professionally, Alex is my Aunt’s only son. Our families know each other very well and we have quite strong affinity.” Ria replied.
“Oh that was something new for us.” Sarah and Amanda looked at each other with amusement.
“Honestly speaking, our families wanted us to get married but Alex never agreed to it. I don’t know the reason but I am here not only to work for this company but to make him my lifetime companion”
Ria giggled while informing the girls about her secret plans but had to leave as soon as the clerk came to call her for the immediate Board meeting.
“Why don’t Alex agree to marry her? She seems to be a nice girl. At least she likes him unlike people who doesn’t give a damn to his feelings. “ Amanda ironically taunted Sarah.
“Don’t you feel jealous Sarah? Someone is trying to get closer to Alex. I know you feel for him whether you say it or not but it’s high time to confess your love. Work is important but love is beautiful. Life without love is like a flower without fragrance. Listen to your heart and accept Alex before it’s too late.” Amanda tried to explain. Sarah kept silence.
It was 2 a.m. and Sarah couldn’t sleep yet. She had so many questions to be asked whose answer was nowhere but within herself. She thought over why she doesn’t respond towards Alex love? Does she actually feel for him? Would Ria snatch him away from her? Could anyone love her more than Alex who doesn’t change even after being rejected so many times by her?
Sarah was baffled and overthinking made her go crazy. She couldn’t sleep that night. Even in the morning, she was not fresh for the office. To the top of it, her car wheel punctured and she decided to go by walk to let the cool breeze make her feel fresh. On the way, she was lost in the thoughts of last night, all of a sudden, few goons on motor bikes came forward and tried to harass her seeing the young lady alone. She felt scared because they looked like thieves with dagger in hands, dirty clothes and long beard. One of them stopped the bike and came towards Sarah. She trembled. He was about to come near her face that fortunately, a car stopped and a young handsome man came outside to rescue her. It was Alex. Sarah took a sigh of relief.
Seeing Alex coming towards them the goons ran off immediately.
“What are you doing here Sarah? This street is not safe at all. Why are you taking this way? I was just passing by and saw you in trouble “Alex asked her.
Sarah looked at him with teary eyes and couldn’t utter a single word. She dropped her bag down and hugged him like a small child hugging his mother.
“Yes, The man is important in my life. I say it or not, but i do need you in my life. You are my life saver and the love of my life. I couldn’t say it earlier coz i never realised. I took you for granted. I thought you are always there for me and no one could ever come between us but Ria.” Sarah broke down in tears.
Alex couldn’t believe his ears. The moment he had been waiting for was finally here. His dream girl, his princess was in his arms confessing the love for him. What else could be brighter than this morning. Alex was on cloud nine. He hugged her back and said nothing except, “Calm down Sarah, I love you too”
Both the love birds felt peaceful and finally Sarah was able to look him into his eyes and said, “Don’t marry Ria, she’ll take you away from me, She is here to snatch you”
To her surprize, Alex started to laugh out loudly. “O, my sweetheart, it’s high time to reveal the truth now. Ria is just my friend. She is deliberately here to make you jealous. It was all Amanda’s plan to make you realise your feelings but we never knew it ‘ll be so quick”
Sarah was shocked and happily surprized.
“If I had any idea, I would have killed Amanda” Sarah smiled. “She is a true friend” Alex complemented Amanda.
“Indeed.” Sarah Confirmed.
“Let’s get back to the work and inform our colleagues and friends about their Mrs. Boss, My Sarah and let our unexpected romance now begin” Alex took Sarah and drove to the office.

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