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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Romance/Love · #2125507
Addison and Jaymes: A Whirlwind
My brain was engulfed in one happy thought, as my eyes release drops of happiness. This was the moment I have waited for, ever since I can remember. I took in a deep breath, exhaled, and opened by eyes.

Peering through my veil, I can see my bridesmaids all a flutter. Their jitters getting the best of them and their joy pouring out of their hearts.

This was the day I join the man whose soul has found me once again. Life after life. Death after death. He knows exactly where I am and convinces me to fall in love with him for yet another time.

I discretely pull the sheer window curtain to the side and look for my love at the end of the aisle. There he was...waiting. He looks so handsome in his midnight blue suit. He even styled his hair the way that makes me melt, always. I can't help but to release a soft, anxious giggle as I see his face covered in a huge smile.

I really am the lucky one out of the pair of us.

I released the curtain as I look over to my girls starting to line up. All so beautiful in their red cocktail dresses. They all turn to the door opposite the entrance of the aisle and welcome the groomsmen. Their black tuxes and blue bow ties really do make them even more handsome then they were.

We do not have many people close to us, so it is very nice to know that the people in our wedding, as well as the ones attending, are our complete world.

His two brothers and his best friend remind me of him. They are all handsome, goofy, caring, kind-hearted, loving men. I like to think that pieces of each of them helped to encourage my love into the man he is today. I am very grateful for their relationships with him.

The wives check out their men and I can only hear great admiration and praise come from both sides.
My cousin, Jayde, walks towards me with such grace.

"Here, let me fix your make-up real quick. It is almost time," she said as she wiped away my tears of joy, "he really is your soulmate."

"More than you know my dear cousin. Thank you."

"Now, let's get you married so I can party!" she said in a loud tone as if to announce, not only to me, but the whole room.

I felt my cheeks starting to warm as I walked towards the wedding party. They all watched and smiled sweetly, except for Allister and Petro, who were both grinning like children opening Christmas presents.

I tilted my head down, closed my eyes, and took in a deep breath. As I hear the pianist and violinists start our song, I exhaled and opened my eyes. My gown, lace - white with a band of red trailing off into the train. A single, blue rose wrapped in white ribbon for my bouquet. Two silver bangles on my wrist, one which is holding my ruby engagement ring and the other a locket carrying a black and white photo of my parents.

I hear Avri say, "Look to your man when you walk; he will always guide you with his love."
I looked up just in time to see her turn to her husband and slowly walk through the aisle entrance as the doors closed behind them.

I am next through the only thing keeping me from seeing my soulmate. The butterflies are franticly flying in my stomach as I faintly hear, 'heart beats fast...'

The sunset appears to break the doors open as it is my time to walk.

I see all our friends and family stand and face me. Some with smiles and others with tears of love and support. That picture will always be burned into my heart and mind.

'One step closer...'

Halfway down the aisle, I finally set my eyes on him. We exchange smiles and I see a glimmer upon his cheek. He is as over joyed as I am. That's my man, my soulmate.

'Time stands still...'

I finally reach him and hand off my blue rose to Avri mouthing to her, thank you. I embrace his hands with mine and can't control my lips from smiling. As far as I know it, everyone else around us has disappeared.

'...what's standing in front of me.'

Our song quiets down enough for the officiant to start our ceremony. His words are faint in my ear as I stare into my love's dark brown eyes. His stare is intense and if I could actually melt, I would have been nothing but a puddle on the ground. He smiles at me and looks toward the officiant who had stirred our eye contact when he touched my very-soon-to-be husband's shoulder.

"The couple has written their own vows and I now ask the groom to share his with the bride."

"I was never good with speeches or saying what was on my mind, until I met Addison. Now, I can't debate politics or stand up here and share an embarrassing moment, but I can talk about how much I love and cherish this woman. She is my heart. She is my best side, sometimes my worst side, but at the end of the day I cannot live without her. I love her smile, her girlish giggle when I chase her, and most of all, knowing she loves me just as much as I love her. I will always be her rock and shoulder to cry on. And most importantly, I promise not to poke at her too much when she is in a bad mood. Remember, I said 'too much.'"

I poked his rib and, along with us, the whole crowd laughed.

"And now the bride," said the officiant.

"And he says he isn't good with words," she said smiling, "what can I promise you that I haven't already promised? I confide in you, I love you more than anyone can be loved...heck...I even clean your dirty socks."

The crowd chuckles and some wives nudge at their husbands.

"I have loved you ever since before our bodies met. Before time was time and Earth was Earth. I stand before you containing a piece of you and you a piece of me. My heart is yours, my soul, my body...everything," I said smiling a Cheshire grin.

"But I can promise that will never change as long as you find me and keep me during each and every new life."

"I would be a fool not to," he said kissing my forehead.

The crowd awes and the officiant can't help but to join in.

"Well I don't think I could possibly top that with what I have to say," the officiant chuckled.
"Do you, Addison, take Jaymes, to be your life mate?"

"Undoubtedly, yes!" I say taking his ring from Avri and placing it on his finger.
"Do you, Jaymes, take Addison, to be your life mate?"


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