Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2128017-the-seven-nomads
by jay
Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #2128017
trolls attack again

Mariah stood beside a large boulder with flowers and herbs laying around it. Charlie stood beside her. Mariah's head was lowered and her eyes were closed. Finally, she lifted her head and opened her eyes. "Hello, mother," she said, "It's me again. I'm sorry I haven't been to see you lately. I've been very busy."
She stopped for a moment and looked around at all the other grave stones. There were many. Great warriors, cheifs and prophets were amoung the people burried in this sacred graveyard. Even Sildhal, the greatest of all the prophets, was burried here. The nomads had a strong belief in honoring those who had died. It was a big part of their life.
Mariah looked somber. Charlie stood beside her, holding his cap. "Mother," said Mariah, "I miss you terribly. Even after all these years. She spotted a daisy growing nearby and picked it. She put it to her lips and kissed it. Then she lay it on the boulder. She was about to say more, when a loud roar filled the air. Mariah and Charlie jumped and spun around. Less than fifty feet from where they stood were several large trolls coming towards them! They roared angrily as they came.
"Run, Mariah!" shouted Charlie, jumping onto her back. She turned and run as fast as she could, with Charlie clinging to her. She ran through the graveyard with surprising speed. Nomads are known to run as fast as any beast. As Mariah ran, she could hear the trolls growling and snarling behind her.
"Run, Mariah! Run!" cried Charlie, clinging to her back. Mariah ran on. She did not want to die as her mother did, at the hands of trolls.

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