Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2128095-the-seven-nomads-chapter-10
by jay
Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #2128095
the prayer
The Seven Nomads-Chapter 10
Mariah ran until her legs were numb. Her entire body ached, and she felt like she would faint at any moment. Charlie still clung to her back, gasping for air. "Me arms," he groaned, "I can't hold on for much longer." He squeezed tight to Mariah's shoulders. Finally, Mariah had to stop and rest. "I'm so tired," she said, dropping to her knees. She lay her head on a soft bed of grass and closed her eyes. Charlie stood to his feet and glanced about. He didn't see any trolls or beastsnagz anywhere on the horizon. Nor did he see any nomads.
He only saw the grassy plains stretched out before him as far as he could see. In the distance, he saw a few scattered trees here and there, but no sign of life. "So far from home," he whispered. He was not used to such open areas, prefering forested and wooded areas instead. He glanced down at Mariah, who was fast asleep. She looked so beautiful to him. He worried for her safety, fearing more attacks from trolls and other wild animals.
He dropped to his knees beside Mariah and placed a small hand on her shoulder. Then he lifted his other hand into the sky and closed his eyes. "By the power of the four winds," he cried, "I do call upon the powers of Manshee, our great elven father in the sky! The god of truth you are! I call upon thy devine protection. Not for me, but for she. Mariah. My friend. A hum of the white. I do call upon Manshee to encircle her with thine devine protection. Thine hand is true and strong. I do call upon thee now. Reach out thy hand and rest it upon her. Hide her from the enemies who wish to destroy her. I plead to thee, oh great father. Do so now, by the power of the Green Shadow!"
Then, Charlie opened his eyes, and he saw a golden light surrounding Mariah. She still lay sleeping, undisturbed. Charles reached out his hands and placed them on Mariah's arm. When he did, his body began to glow as well in a golden light. Then, they both vanished.

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