Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2129070-Chores
by Jacky
Rated: E · Fiction · Contest Entry · #2129070
Flash Fiction

Something woke me from a sound sleep. As I lay there, eyes closed in the dark, I didn’t hear anything more. My window was open though, I thought maybe something outside?

Thinking about the window brought back the dreaded screen project. I’d been intending to fix it for weeks. A tree branch outside the window needed serious trimming, then one windy night it had poked a hole in my screen. It was a clean three-corner tear, so I just pushed it back in place. It held pretty well, of course it wasn’t really fixed, but the bugs couldn’t get in so I’d put off the fixing. Now that thought brought to mind that I still hadn’t trimmed the stupid branch either. Then trimming brought up the hedges, but before I trimmed the hedges, of course I needed to mow that side yard I’d been skipping because nobody ever really went out there... did I hear another noise?

I reached up to snap on my light, but just as it went on, the bulb blew out. Curses! I have got to get my life in order! I lay back down listening in the dark. Nothing. Well, I wasn’t gonna get up and get a new bulb in the middle of the night. Promising myself would start fresh tomorrow I tried to clear my mind and go back to sleep.

It must have worked eventually, when I woke again, soft morning light was coming through the window. I felt good. I was all cuddled in my blankets with the cat snuggled up against my leg. I started making plans to do all those chores I’d been putting off. It was time to get my life in order, a fresh start! A brand-new day!

That’s when I remembered I didn’t have a cat.
© Copyright 2017 Jacky (cliffjack at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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