Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2131544-Kingdom-of-Killers
Rated: GC · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2131544
What would happen if the terrifying legends everyone feared were actually more than real?
Red Sails

The Glistening Depths - the largest of nine seas that connects three of the biggest countries has seen wars, rebellions and countless bodies were floating on those waters for centuries. It's the most commonly used route in the world out of all seas in the world, but ships rarely run into each other during sailing, because that's how much these waters spread. Endless blue skies spreading across the horizon, sea breeze pushing the pale sails as the big rich merchant's ship slowly sailed it's route. Sailors ran across the deck, doing their regular job or just sitting and drinking with the soldiers, hired by the merchant to protect the goods from any possible pirates that would dare to raid the ship. They had very important delivery to make far towards the West.

Unlucky people cramped underneath the deck, chained as they were being looked after by a not so welcoming gentleman. Folded whip was in his hand as he leaned against the barrel, watching over the refugees that tried to escape from the capitol of Freysau from the South during the aggressive rebellion. Not only did these captured people lost their families, friends and homes, they were now being sailed to the city of Zarre, where slaves are bringing money to the rich. Of course the victims will suffer. Money wins every war and the people under the nobles are suffering greatly. Children in this day and age are becoming thieves so they can get themselves something to eat and maybe bring something to their mothers and siblings. This is the world they live in, the age of oppression has begun long before anyone even realized. It hits suddenly, but people lose everything slowly and when they realize it, it's too late.

William was messing with the chains, trying to somehow free himself. They were rusty from the salty water and so he was weak, after being poorly fed by the soldier. They were eating raw fish which was usually a week old and drinking warm rum or sea water. Everyone only prayed to die before they even arrive to Zarre, some would even starve themselves to death. The entire place smelled like piss and death. Nobody would speak, only children's crying would be heard if no one is wailing in pain. It was perhaps the worst silence of all.

It wasn't until the entire ship began to shake like there was some sort of impact. The man looking over them ran upstairs on the deck to see what was going on. Once the refugees were all alone under the deck, they could hear the screaming, sounds of pistols firing and clashing of steel swords coming from above. Everyone sat on the wooden floor quietly, until a strange man, dressed in black expensive looking clothes, a tricorn hat and a black eye mask looked around the place. He then pulled the first person with him, while the other people that were chained followed after them up on the decks. William narrowed his eyes to prepare himself for the brightness of the sun after being in darkness for so long. But once he was out, he realized he was in a shade. He looked up to see if it was cloudy, only to see the biggest red sails he has ever seen in his entire life. The merchant ship has encountered the biggest pirate monster of a ship he has ever seen, that it easily covered the smaller ship in it's belittling shade.

William has seen pirates before, rugged clothes, rough attitude, undisciplined, but these people were something different. They killed everyone, except the rich merchant who was the captain of the ship. He was on his knees, covered in blood and gagged with obvious fear on his face, trembling. These pirates were all dressed in black expensive clothes and all of them had eye masks. They were quiet and they looked disciplined, like they knew what they were doing and they had an objective.

Heavy footsteps were heard from the side, only for refugees' eyes to be met with a man that was big as a bear, he can tower over anyone easily. Black long beard and messy long black hair, with few grey strands. Insane look in his green eyes and crooked teeth, adding to his appearance and what's worse, he was smiling widely. Like this was exactly what he wanted. He was the only one who didn't wear a mask. He didn't need to, he'd be avoided by absolutely everyone by his size alone.

"A'ight, ya piles o' muck!" he spoke as he pulled out his cutlass, causing everyone to start shivering in fear once they were forced on their knees, with hands in front of them. "We're lookin' for this kind man, who's a biggest chicken I've ever met. His name is Ferdinand, ya know, mothafuckin' general o' the Zarre army."

He moved to the first person in the row, who happened to be an older man. He didn't seem to be scared, but he wasn't happy either. He was obviously an retired soldier, who was also struck by injustice. "So, ol' man. What's the route of Ferdinand's ship?" the big captain asked.

"All I know is that Ferdinand is the general from Zarre. His route, I don't." the old man replied, he was obviously honest and calm about it. Now, everyone expected for the captain to move on to the next person, but to everybody's terror, the old man was beheaded on spot, causing the refugees nearby to cry out in panic.

"Ya'll are useless to me. If ya don't have what I need, yer good as dead. Lady, what's the route of 'is ship?" he moved onto the next woman, who started to weep and hyperventilate.

"Please... I don't know! Have mercy on a poor woman and her child!" she begged, hugging the boy next to her. Captain looked at the child, giving him a big crooked smile, as the boy began crying out in fear. He then looked at the woman.

"Useless." beheading the boy's mother right in front of his eyes. "Take the kid. We need more o' our kind." he ordered, as the pirate woman, dressed also in black and had a mask, freed the boy. William looked at the woman, hoping that she would be emotionally rational, like usually women are. She wore expensive jewelry, beautiful velvet coat with dark red details and golden buttons, which was designed as a corset. Tricorn hat with black feathers matching the velvet coat, her raven black hair tucked into her hat. She even had make up on, obviously reminding him of most women William knew. Leather gloves and pants, armored boots and she didn't seem to be armed. The young man only guessed that she would free the boy. But suddenly, a dagger slipped from under her sleeve and held it at boy's throat and dragging him away as the boy wailed, looking at his mother's body. William's blood froze seeing such ruthless nature even towards children. Who are these people? How come they kill so easily?

The line of interrogation was getting shorter and shorter as it progressed. Nobody knew Ferdinand's ship route and they died because they didn't have the information that didn't concern them. William didn't want to die. He was a twenty year old man, who had a life ahead of him and dying because he didn't know something seemed ridiculous.

The captain looked at the young man with dark brown and curly hair, reaching the spot under his shoulders. He looked dirty and sickly, with messy and unkempt beard covering lower part of his face. He was dressed in dirty rags as the rest of the refugees and his pants were soaked in blood from the beheaded victims, as the pool of blood was spreading. "So?" the captain simply asked.

"Y-yes, I know." William closed his eyes, stuttering. His father worked on the docks in Freysau and he would usually help his father when they would stock the ships. William tried to remember one of the ship's routes, he didn't care what it was. He just wanted to remember something that made sense to him and hope to live this encounter.

"Oh?" the captain raised his thick dark eyebrows and crouched to get on William's level, getting his face closer to the young man's. "Where is the son o' a bitch?" William closed his eyes as he was shaking with fear.

So, Ferdinand is from Zarre. Zarre is in the West, Freysau is far in the South and Ferdinand is a general, while Freysau and Zarre are allied kingdoms. That must mean that he's been going to the Southern kingdom now that the Freysau has been suffering. He has only two or three stops until he gets there. You know this, William. You've done this plenty of times, you've seen these route lists! Please luck, be with me.

William thought to himself in the matter of seconds before he spoke. "Uh... From Zarre he makes two to three stops, depends on the weather. The first stop was at port city Vaven, then passes by San Jachea and the last stop is the trading city of Pruessia before arriving to the Freysau." William finished, as he tried not to make the face of disgust while he smelled captain's breath which was anything but tolerable. His breath kept brushing against his nose and William's eyes watered.

The captain let out a low chuckle and then gripped at William's throat. "Yer comin' with us, ya lucky bastard. If ya tricked us, yer gonna be food to the sharks!" he broke William's chains as the young man flinched and was pulled by his throat and tossed aside. "Kill the rest!" the towering man ordered, as the rest of the pirates pulled out the pistols and shot each and every remaining refugee and the merchant, except children. The children were taken along with William, cruelly dragged along to the enormous ship with majestic red sails.

The crying children were let go of once they were on the ship and some of the unmasked pirates, who were not stepping out of the big ship, were bringing food to children. He looked around to see, not only adults dressed in these black clothes, but children of all ages. They wore masks and matching outfits, they were even armed. William frowned in confusion and then looked over to the merchant's ship, seeing that they've been taking away the valuables from the raided ship, they even took books. This surprised William even more. Why would pirates need knowledge? With what are they dealing here?

As the enormous ship began sailing away from the abandoned one, she turned on her side and began shooting at the merchant's ship. William covered his ears as he watched the mainmast collapse and shortly after, the merchant's ship exploded, leaving nothing but burned out pieces and bodies floating.

After this, the pirates cheered, taking off their hats and masks, showing their true nature. They took bottles of rum, singing and the atmosphere completely changed. William turned to look at the woman that took the boy and she stood next to the captain's cabin and was eyeing William up and down. Unlike everyone, she still had her mask on and she didn't say a word. He saw distrust in her eyes. And some certain coldness. Her hazel eyes almost seemed inhuman. There was no good in them. The captain was loud, sudden and she was quiet, observant. She was the one who frightened William even more than the captain himself.


Lucky bastard

William wasn't allowed to speak to anyone on the ship. He tried asking them who they are and what are they trying to accomplish, but he would only get a look by all those pirates and silence. He gave up looking for answers and sat back against the wooden wall and observed as the ship was going towards the costs of Pruessia. They want to catch up on Ferdinand in the 'familiar' area and wait for his ship to sail closer. William knew that Pruessia was a very neutral place, where both the international government and pirates were welcome, as long as they don't make any mess and they are the center of trading processes and business. They were undoubtedly successful and it was only a matter of time before both of the parties start a war to claim the city.

While William was leaning against the wall of the cabin which is more likely a weapon storage, he watched as some of the pirates came out of barrels. He frowned in confusion, only to see that there are secret passages on this enormous ship. William wondered how long did it take to create this ship, since there are some secret openings from the floor and through the doors, which is perfect for raids. How many cannons does it have? Around one hundred, at least. Undoubtedly, it was the biggest man-o-war he's ever seen and he's seen a lot of ships in his entire life. He wondered if they run into Ferdinand's ship if they'll be able to win. What was William most upset about was the question if they'll run into the general at all. There are three things that may happen: one; which is the least likely, that he was right about the route, second; they might run into him and third; that William was completely wrong. In case the third option is what happens, he needs to figure out an escape plan. At least he'll jump into the water and hope for the best.

The sea breeze has gotten colder and the waves were stronger as the night has arrived. The captain had it all planned, while William was starving. He's been badly fed for days. He looked towards the woman from earlier and she was still around the same spot, smoking from a pipe and looking at him while she was sitting on the barrel. Few of the pirates would approach her and whisper something and she would only nod. Her interest seemed very hard to get and William got it. But he doubts that it's the kind of attention he wants or any man would like from a woman like her. William's attention snapped to a man, the first man that has even spoke to him for the entirety of the time he's been on this ship. He gave William food and the young man widened his eyes in surprise, as he didn't expect anyone to think of him. "Ah, thank you." it wasn't a week old fish. It was cooked and to his surprise, there were even cooked potatoes.

Taking his food and a few hungry bites, William looked at the man and he wasn't like the rest on the ship. He was dressed in expensive attire of neutral colors, had short and recently trimmed light brown hair and round glasses that looked ridiculous on his wider, youthful face even though it was obvious he's much older than he looks. He wasn't fit, nor he was too old, but he most definitely seemed like a scholar or someone with respected job. "Enjoy it. It may be your last meal." he said.

"Wait sir, please!" William called out as the man with the glasses turned to him and raised his eyebrow. "Can you please tell me what this thing is? Who are you people?"

There was a smirk formed on the man's face, the one William didn't like. "You're on the Phantasm's ship, William Gendry Blaire. Behave yourself." the man turned his back to William and left the young man to absolute shock and horror.

Phantasms.... No, it can't be! He thought to himself. Phantasms are a legendary group of pirates that have been ruling over the seas for decades. They don't always do lowly things as raids, but killing off people with the heaviest of securities like kings, queens, generals and important nobles is what the history spoke of, although they were dismissed a legend. There was no other explanation to how could such important people be murdered without any suspects. They do it in such way and never was a Phantasm caught, but people feared this legend, because in the books it was said that they have eyes and ears in every wall of the city, they know everything about everyone and they're richer than three kingdoms combined. He wanted to think that the man was joking, but he didn't seem like the type who would joke about something so serious. William couldn't eat now. Turns out that legends weren't exaggerating at all. No, they went easy on the Phantasms. This man just said his full name and he didn't tell anyone anything. Worst of all, even his friends never knew his middle name, because he hated it.

His thoughts were broken off as he heard a scream from the mainmast, in the crow's nest, an observer called out. "General's ship is in the northwest! She's heading our way!"

William started to breathe heavily. He wasn't even sure if he should be glad that he was right or should he be even more worried. Maybe they'll kill him regardless. "Turn the lights off! We'll sneak up on 'im!" the Captain ordered, as all the candles were blown out and there was a complete silence on the ship and only the lights of the stars and the moon gave some light. And that woman's subtle flame from her pipe as she would smoke from her shadow, completely unfazed by the current situation.

They waited in complete silence as they were not in the way of the sailing route of the Ferdinand's ship. William watched as captain silently ordered everyone to prepare the cannons. The ship sailed next to the Phantasm's and nothing was happening. Nobody noticed a thing, they could clearly hear the sailors on the other ship talking. In the moment of general's ship passing by, the captain screamed: "FIRE!!" and exactly two hundred cannons shot at the general's ship. William covered his ears again, he was never used to so many sounds of explosions and the way ship would rock from the tensity of the cannons firing forced him to fall on the railing.

After they seriously damaged the ship, Phantasm ship began turning and sailed towards the general's ship. The moment they were close enough, little of survivors began shooting at the pirates, only for the raven haired woman to climb on the mainmast. William watched as the bullets hit the mast after her, but none she took. She then grabbed a rope, waited for a while when she was high enough. When Phantasm's ship got closer, she swung from the rope and jumped on the Ferdinand's ship. While the soldiers were surprised by her impressive jump from such height, the Phantasms began shooting at the soldiers. William widened his eyes the woman murdered the three of the soldiers with ease all by herself. He saw a grin on her face and bloodstains bellow her mask, clearly it was not her blood. William hid behind one of the barrels and breathed heavily. It was official, he was fucking terrified of everyone in this goddamn ship. He now, even though he was an atheist, began praying to whatever higher force there is that they get the general and that nobody kills him.

The woman was looking through the ship, killing the wounded or whoever hid to attack her, not giving any care about anything, but one simple thing - Ferdinand. The rest of the Phantasm were scavenging for books, documents and anything valuable from gold to jewelry or antiques and bellow the deck, underneath the rubble, she saw the mighty Ferdinand. She approached him, seeing the lower part of his body completely burned out and his face bloody. She crouched next to him and tilted her head as he looked up to the strange woman. "Y-you..." he frowned, trying to reach for her, but she simply took her dagger and impaled his hand to the wooden floor as he screamed out in pain.

She gripped onto his jaw, forcing him to look at her, as she got close, whispering. "Do you remember your sweet little brother? Daniel, was it? He was such a precious memory to you, I can imagine. When you were children, you would play in the gardens back home in Zarre and you'd always spend time in the tree house during the summer. You called it.. High Fortitude."

Ferdinand frowned in absolute confusion, with obvious pain written all over his face, not because he was lethally wounded, because she poked on his weak spot. "H-how...do you know this?" he asked.

The woman smirked, her face inches away from his. "I love to learn about my victims. To know what they think about in their last moments. And Elizabeth, your wife. Charles and Davidson, your two sons. The training you had with your father in Freysau to be accepted as the next general, following his work. I know you better than your wife. Even about Lenora, the mistress.."

Ferdinand wanted to grip her pretty pale neck and strangle her to death, only to be frightened by her deep chuckle. "Do you remember the legendary man called The Wraith who killed your brother and two hundred other important people? The people you were supposed to protect?" she asked as Ferdinand said nothing. Of course he knew about the greatest murderer of all time. He scowled as he felt the woman's lips on his, unable to move away. When she parted her lips from his, she whispered "It was no man. It was all me." Just as he widened his eyes, he felt a quick slash across his throat, letting out gurgle noises as blood flowed from the cut, his body twitching in the final moments, trying to move his impaled hand to grab the woman by her throat, while she didn't even flinch at his attempts. She stared into his eyes, watching the light go out, until he finally stopped moving and his body went limp. The female assassin felt this strange satisfaction as she let out a deep sigh and proceeded to cut the man's head off. Since she cannot pull the body of the rubble, she at least has the head as the evidence enough.

Back in the Phantasm ship, William was still on the floor, fearing for his life at this point, waiting to see what will escalate, only to be approached by the same man who brought him food. "Did you really know Ferdinand's route?"

William looked at him and swallowed heavily. Something about this man's attitude told William that he already knew the truth and he wouldn't want to get into any more trouble.

"No, I had no idea." he said as the man scoffed.

"I guessed so. But Florian needed any lead, its not like he cared if you were wrong. He'd kill you, as if your life would cost him anything." as the man said, the pirates began cheering when they saw the female assassin showing the general's head as trophy, only for the woman to approach and look at William.

"Lucky bastard." she said to William as she tossed the head right next to him. William scowled and moved away in disgust, looking at Ferdinand's face. A mixture of fear and anger were on his face and William could only imagine what caused it.

"I didn't doubt in you, Julienne. I bet you enjoyed him as much as you did killing his brother." the man said as Julienne scoffed.

"Not the first and most certainly not the last." she said as she turned away and left William still on the floor, completely confused. SHE killed Daniel McCarthy, Ferdinand's brother? That was seven years ago, how old would that make her? But before William could think an further, he was summoned in captain's cabin, who he only assumed was Florian of which the man spoke. He arrived to the captain's cabin and looked around. The cabin was nice and spacious, it had well placed windows behind Florian's desk and they were nicely decorated and had color stained details. Expensive red rug, everything was made of dark wood like the entire ship. A nice chandelier, bookshelves filled with old books, maps set on the big table in the middle of the cabin and plenty of notes.

"I ain't a fool." Florian said as he sat into his chair and placed his feet on his desk, while drinking from the rum bottle. His attention returned to Florian after William looked around. "You 'ad no fucken idea what ye were doin', eh?"

"No, I really didn't know Ferdinand's route." William confessed, because he knows as well what the truth is. He wouldn't risk getting himself killed now.

"Then how did ya know he'd be 'ere?" Florian asked before taking a big chug from the bottle.

William scoffed at himself and looked at the floor, remembering his father. "Well... I remember the same route was taken from Zarre years ago. So I said he took two to three stops. That was Daniel McCarthy's route seven years ago, when he somehow died, found dead in his own room back in Pruessia. I connected the dots."

Florian tilted his head as he looked at William, but the young man was getting anxious. He swallowed heavily, expecting the worst, but Florian began laughing loudly. William furrowed his brows as the captain took heavy steps towards him. "Yer a smart son o' a bitch. I could get some use of ya. Whaddya say ya join the Phantasms? If ya reject, ya die. Because William Gendry Blaire's seen too fucken much and we 'ave low tolerance for that bullshit."

William looked at Florian in absolute shock, he did not believe that he would ever get a chance like this. He was just a coward who wanted to live. And it seemed that cowards had to be smarter than most if they were to survive. Without home to return to, without his family and without any goal, William accepted. Becoming a part of the legend. The sea is now his, too.


Don't trust the Princess

To William's disappointment, he wasn't allowed to know all the secrets, be a part of everything they did or wear their fancy clothes. William was doing what every rookie and taken child does in Phantasm. Cleaning the toilets or as they call it, spit bowls, the deck of puke and bird shit. He was later promoted to take care of the sails and all the ropes on the masts, which was even worse. That job was extremely dangerous, especially on Crimson Raider, the Phantasm's ship which William came to love. Whenever he would survive the climbs on the extremely high mainmast, he would stand on the crow's nest and look at the horizons or the islands if they're nearby. He felt like the king of the world when he was up there. The breeze was even more refreshing and stronger, the songs and laughter of the pirates bellow would die out, but the waves would still be heard. Not only was William falling in love with the ship, he was falling in love with the sea. Not once was he allowed to leave the ship, but he didn't mind it. He felt like he could sail forever and feel so free. That's when he found out that the Phantasms didn't have any hideouts in cities. They lived on the sea and only would go to the land if there was a storm coming. No wonder they were never caught, they were always on the move. Phantasms on top of all owned each and every pirate city and they were controlling every single pirate crew. William began doubting that the Phantasms were just an assassin group, but that they have a bigger part in this world.

It has been a few weeks when he was finally promoted to be an apprentice and began his first training. William learned to fight with a sword and the pistols, also learning to reload them with gunpowder as fast as possible. He still didn't get to do all the things he was looking forward to, but still he got to be at the steering wheel and control the Crimson Raider, which was an honor. And of course, the Phantasm uniform. Florian was still getting his trust in William and because the young man was so cunning, it took him longer to give him his trust, because there's a reason why Phantasm were so successful. Nothing regarding the Phantasm has ever left the Crimson Raider. Their secret was stored in a big chest, the trust was the key with which they lock it and the key was supposed to be swallowed by each member. Figuratively speaking.

He would during the mornings sit with Florian in the cabin to have a friendly chat with him, although he would usually be made fun off by the captain for his still lowly position, because what William was doing was actually done by children in the crew. And he was given a title which William had no other choice but to accept it: Fool. He was a fool that was fooling everyone and he was being picked on in a friendly manner by the other Phantasms, with whom he came to good terms. Nobody hated him. Well, except Julienne. He doubted she liked anyone at all, but she was greatly respected. She's the fierce man of legends that killed more than two hundred important individuals around the world. William learned that she killed her very first person when she was twelve and killed a bishop who was being merciful towards her when she was fifteen, which was the beginning of her career known as 'The Wraith'. He was right about one thing, there's no good in that woman.People could spill their heart out to her, while others would sympathize, she'd offer a knife in the throat and leave with that smirk on her face.

During their usual meeting in the morning, Julienne came in her same uniform. "Good, yer here. Did ya speak with Shade?" Florian asked as William frowned in confusion. He has never heard of anyone called Shade.

"Yes. I was given the money to take down Queen Genevieve." she said as she sat down with the two and spoke as if it was the most boring topic in the world.

"Queen of Freysau? Who paid you?" William asked frowning as Julienne, although he has never seen her without a mask, obviously frowned back at him underneath it.

"You're asking too many questions, Fool. Requests are anonymous, only Shade knows who pays with the bloodstained money. And yes, Genevieve Barnabas of Freysau." she answered as she grabbed William's cup of coffee and drank it, but he didn't even dare to speak against her.

"But we first gotta go to Libkin for yer special part o' the mission." Florian said as Julienne simply nodded, without even looking at him.

"All the way to the north? It's fucking freezing there!" William protested, he has been there only once as a kid when he brought deliveries with his father. No good memories of that day and just shivers thinking about the terrible cold.

"Shut up. This is a very important mission." Julienne said as she glared at Florian. "As my father would say, we Phantasms don't just kill, we make revolution, so a bit of cold means nothing for us."

William just found out how little he knows about everyone here. Julienne is Florian's daughter... The more he knew about everything here, the more confused he was getting. And he thought that the Phantasm are not supposed to have any lovers, at least outside a brothel in Pruessia. But he said nothing and sat there quietly, trying his best to deal with this and bit his tongue.

A cold dawn has arrived in the snowy city of Libkin, the colorful, yet oddly strict structures of the city were pale from the merciless frost, yet the people here don't mind it. They were rough as the weather itself, which didn't fit Julienne that much. She was constantly held on her toes, gripping onto her dagger that's underneath her velvet coat, they were so unpredictable and sudden. Not to mention their language, they have a rough accent and swear a lot, even more than pirates, who would say that this was a kingdom and the capitol of Tozyl, the northern nation.

The young assassin didn't sleep much that night, after the meeting with her father and the crew in their little headquarters they set up after arriving, she's been informed that the courier should be arriving very early in the morning. So she did stay up, since they were sheltered near the entrance of the city gates, it wouldn't take long for her to run out and capture the unlucky bastard. She put her black eye mask on with lace and a velvet tricorn hat. Her trusty and favorite black velvet and well decorated coat kept her warm on this cruel weather, as she was on the roof, just waiting for gates to open. The guards looked stiff, but she could just see on their faces that they're dead tired. As soon as they heard the observers from the wall shouting to open the gates, Julienne prepared herself, seeing the courier in thick fur coat, getting off his horse and walking hastily toward the castle.

Julienne took her opportunity and jumped down from the roof and followed him in the shadows, until she finally got her hands on the man and before he knew it, his throat was neatly cut from one side to the other, crimson splattering on the white and soft surface, melting the snow. Julienne took the pile of letters, looking for what she needs, until she found the invitation for princess Tatiana, daughter of the King of the northern nation, to the ball that is the following week, just as Julienne was expecting. She can finally get closer to her target, Queen of her homeland Freysau – Genevieve Barnabas. Julienne returned all of the letters to it's place, so no one would suspect that a letter is missing, at least not until it's too late, but her work is done here. She disappeared from the bloody scene, hearing the town slowly waking up and the markets opening, someone will eventually pass the alleyway and get alarmed.

As Julienne returned to the headquarters, waking up her father that snored like a bear, empty bottles of rum on the floor and beside him on the sheets, who would say that this is the fierce and most famous pirate and leader of Phantasm assassin crew. Julienne had most of his features, like raven black hair, hazel eyes and arched eyebrows, making her look serious all the time, but the subtle lines of the rest of her face she got from her mother, which is an unknown person to her. Though her facial features are not really familiar to anyone, because she wears masks at all times. But the way Julienne was raised by the famous pirate, emotional connections are not something she relies on, not even with her father, especially because killing is her life's work. She was only twenty four and she never experienced what was it like to be loved by anyone. Florian and her were extremely professional, though it would be a lie if someone said that these two would fight against one another at times.

The snore from her father was interrupted abruptly, almost chocking on his black beard and sitting up violently. He wanted to yell at whoever woke him up, but the letter appeared in front of his face. All he saw was a royal stamp of the Barnabas royal family and Queen's signature. A devilish grin stretched on captain's face and looked at his daughter. „Well, princess Tatiana... We betta' get ya a dress for the ball.“

© Copyright 2017 P. K. Arianne (the_red_woman at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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