Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2134201-Giantess-Sister
Rated: GC · Fiction · Fantasy · #2134201
You're little sister wants payback.
Part One

Your parents leave early this morning to go to Germany for 2 weeks, they leave you enough money and everything you and your sister need until they get back, they lock the door behind them and you go sit on the living room couch. Your name is Will, a 17 year old with a 16 year old sister named Kai. Our story begins here.

You picks up the tv remote and slowly flips through the channels with a bored look on your face. As you find a channel

you want to watch you hear your younger sister kai run down the stairs. "Hey Will! I'm gonna go to the movies with some friends today

so i'll see you later tonight" she says confidently. You mute the tv and turn around to see her wearing her classic outfit, basketball

shorts and a tank top. "You're not going anywhere" you say to her with a smile on your face. "What?! Why not?!" she asks angrily.

"Because I said so you dweeb!" "Idiot!" You and your little sister argue back and forth calling each other names until you say the one

she hates the most. "Short stuff!" "Ugh!" Kai's face turns red from anger and she storms upstairs and you hear her door slam. You

chuckle as you like to annoy her, it entertains you when there is nothing else to do. You lay down on the couch and begin to watch

boxing, your favorite channel. You begin to feel tired so you close your eyes and fall asleep.

Part Two

You awake hours later hungry, so you get up to get some chips. It seems oddly quiet but it doesn't bother you. When

you finish eating you go to the fridge to look for a drink, but see all that is left is some water. You decide to go upstairs to your sister's

room to see if she is hogging all the soda again. But as you open her door to your surprise she is not there. As you go downstairs you

see her reaching in the fridge. You go down the stairs to confront her and see she is holding the cup of water. "There you are! Have

you been hogging all the drinks again?" You ask her slightly annoyed. "Nah all we have left is this water and i'm gonna drink it" She

says happily knowing it will get on your nerves. Thirsty from eating the chips you grab the cup and say "Give me that!" you start to

chug the cup as your little sister says "Always so needy aren't you bro?" "shut up." you say knowing she probably did hide the drinks

from you. "Oh well. not like I wanted it anyways" she says with confidence in her voice. " Yeah right" you say as you jump back on the

couch. Kai then leans over the back of the couch and looks down at you, "Oh believe me bro, i wouldn't have drank it." You scoff and

close your eyes again and take another nap.

Part Three

You awake to a dark room. As you walk across the room it gets increasingly brighter and you realize where you are. You just

walked out of your shorts and what you thought was the carpet was the couch. You hear what sounds like thunder approaching you.

You look up in horror to see your little sister kai leaning over the couch with the biggest smile on her face. "Hey bro!" She says with a

loud booming voice. You try to wave frantically at her. "Oh? Whats that? Sorry short stuff I cant hear you" She laughs. To your horror,

she reaches her hand down to grab you. You try to run but with only the couch as your limit and your size to slow you down, she easily

wraps her hand around you. She lifts you into the air and lays on the couch on her back. She brings her hand up to her face and

unwraps her fingers so that you are standing in her palm. You stare in shock, you are looking at your little sister, now the size of a

building! "Now what were you so desperately trying to say to me?" She chuckles lightly. "What did you to to me Kai?!" You ask

confused. "Oh that! Why I shrunk you silly! Can't you see that? I slipped a dissolving tablet in your drink that shrinks whatever eats it."

"But why? Why would you do this?!" You ask afraid of your new big sister. "Why?" She grins, "Because I can and I want to have fun!"

She says to you. "W-what do you mean fun?!" You ask her now afraid of what she might do. "Hmm that's a good question bro. What

will I do to you. I could squish you like the bug that you are." You look up at her in horror. "But that would be too easy, no no I want to

do something more creative with you. Let me think." All of a sudden her stomach growls. "Oh hehe sorry about that i'm a little hungry

She lets a big smile go across her face. "Hey there's an idea. I think you're going to be my little snack bro." She says eagerly. You try

to back up but realize you will fall to your death off of her hand. "But i'm your brother, you can't do this Kai!!" You say trying to

convince her. "Oh but I can and will besides you're not a brother you're a snack for a goddess like me." She chuckles as she picks

you up by your right leg. Kai lifts you up above her head. "If anyone asks ill just say you ran away who's gonna know? Besides you're

definitely asking for it." Kai begins to lick your dangling body like a lolipop. "Mmmmm tasty." She says softly. " but I dont like to play

with my food so in you go!" You scream in horror as your little sister drops you in her mouth. It becomes dark as you her mouth closes

and her tongue begins to wrestle you. "Mmmmmm." She moans. She allows her tongue to calm and you begin to crawl up it to try and

escape. You manage to pull your upper body out of her lips, but her tongue slides out of her mouth and pulls you back in. She giggles

evilly. She swallows though you try your best to escape you wriggle down her throat. She presses her fingers against the lump of you

in her throat and traces it down, she thinks she can almost hear a tiny scream. "Ahh that was soooo good!" She says. " Very

refreshing." She giggles as a slight burp arises. She pats her belly and falls asleep on the couch.


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