Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2139674-How-To-Organize
Rated: E · Article · Career · #2139674
Organization and your writing.

Have you ever heard the saying "Organized mess"? Well, that's how I work. My desk is a small dinner tray with a second hand lap top. There are papers strewn over the top that don't all have to do with writing. It stands in my living room. For all this I do some of best work here. I can think here. I can create here.

We all organize differently. Some people cannot work or think unless everything is in its place. There are people who work very comfortably in a space that looks like its been hit by a tornado. Everyone is different.

We all differ when organizing our minds. I am starting to get into mind mapping. I sit and write whatever ideas come into my mind about a topic. All of my own thoughts go into this map. When this is done I do my research and find some facts about my topic. After this my piece starts to take shape and form. I am not one that works from a outline, not for fictional pieces, anyway. I do tend to outline non-fictional pieces, though. That's just the way I roll.

How do you organize? Tell us. Are you a stickler for the details? Do you let a story or essay just flow from your mind to your fingers?

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